Forum Post: OWS must separate from the Global Revolution brand
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 7:06 a.m. EST by RichardGates
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I spent a few nights on their chat, watching the stream. the entire time i watched a level of censorship far beyond anything the FCC would ever consider. furthermore, the only thing you are allowed to post and comments you are allowed to make must be in support, without question, of everything done by any protester. i will be writing an article about this as well as a post on my blog. i suggest anyone that doesn't want this movement hijacked to spend 1 hour on their chat. bump this thread.
and soon this post will be deleted. In just a short time, ows will lose support everywhere because of the direction they have taken. So much promise and now all washed away
go to citicommons. i have no intention of letting go of the momentum because of some ass hats. from there you can find a link to independent wiki run by an ows outsider with more resources. there is a network in place that doesn't require global or ows.
that you, if notice my name change ? i need to change it every few minutes because i get booted here for expressing my sadness over what direction owsnyc has taken
Global revolution. Big mistake. Very scary, and likely to result in power concentrated into even fewer hands.
but this direction is what will turn 98% of the peole away. the violent confrontations that is happening to police is not peacful civil disobedeance. The image that is needed to bring the majority of the people to support ows is one that is not what is happening. In just a week or two you will se the polls change to less support.