Forum Post: OWS Must Officially Renounce Anti-Semitism And ALL Hatred Or The Battle Will Be Lost
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 1:46 p.m. EST by Spankysmojo
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OWS is about to go under. Don't let that happen. If the anti-semitic thugs are permitted to march side-by-side with OWS then the movement has already lost. Hatred is the demise of every organization. To blame a tiny minority for anything as big as the fleecing of America is tantamount to blaming all African Americans for an act commited by one African American. We must stand together. If not with a solution to America's problems then in the very least we must unite to remove those that hijack the movement and spread hate and violence. We must unite so that the divisive trolls and hate mongers are extricated. I implore the leaders of OWS, the caretakers of donations and the spokespeople and ALL the people to REMOVE the hatred or fall victim to it. People, this is so old, why can't you see it?
There's a sector of our society who is nothing but hate and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Including all manner of attempts to hijack this whole OWS sentiment and try to create resentful divisions wherever and whenever possible, overtly or more insidiously. The openly anti-semitic are but one tiny, immediately-obvious manifestation of it in force. We'll see more and more and more hate-spewing in many guises, and we just simply have to be ever-aware of it. They've got a specific agenda, so we have to be even firmer in our convictions than they are.
I like that and agree completely. Let's turn the Nazi tables and point the finger at the Nazis for a change...all forms of them! We got rid of one batch of haters but there is still a lot of work to be done.
Anti-Semitism and anti-Semites have no place in OWS.
The Taxed Enough Already 'party' was somewhat tainted when they started, but were thoroughly hijacked by the far right wing, sowing hate and fear. To incite the simplest minds. They will follow and join this OWS activity, they thrive on a means to foment their mean spirited manner. Just do not get sucked into their derisive manner. Ignore them and stay focused.
OWH on Sunday was overrun by a protest group against the pipeline from Canada to Texas.. Support for this coertion of the movement"Occupy the White House" was sanctioned in secret by the General assemblyOWS!! It has now become more than speculation that the DNC progressive wing has infiltrated the entire movement and the General Assembly,and that the President may be in the loop. Demand transparency!! You are being taken over in secret. Demand answers for what happened in DC Sunday!
With any luck, I'm be working on the pipeline if it ever gets going. It'll be good money while it lasts.
Your point?
Pink Floyd - Waiting for the Worms
If almost every person that is in power, behind the power or pulling the strings was not a jew, then I most likely wound not think jews were the problem
Weird how the Jews got in that position. How'd it happen? Was that a Jesus decree?
Thanks. I am not sure why you say Israel isn't a democracy. It surely is the only one in the Mideast. Just ask the Israeli Arabs, especially the ones in the Knesset and those that voted them in. There are Arabs in Israel's government. The 3 billion is worth it when you consider Israel's support for the US policies all over the world and the incredible amount of intelligence pertaining to terrorism etc. The up side is that no American ever fought a war for Israel. Not a drop of American blood. Remember also that Israel can only spend that money on American military supplies. Money that America gives to other countries like Egypt for example doesn't do much for America. In any case this is all moot. OWS is not about that and anti-semitism has no place anywhere. Just like hatred to any group has no place here or anywhere. It's about respect and voicing opinions even if they come from someone your parents taught you to hate. Thanks for showing intelligence in conversation.
No to point 1. That was Bush's administration. Absolutely NOTHING to do with Israel. Point 2? No such thing as 'jewish only' anything in Israel. Totally fabricated...totally. I don't know Finkelstein but there must be more to it because they have a free internet so everyone can read what he says anyway. So much for the freedom of speech issue.Point 3.- I feel for the Palestinians but please look at all the facts. No one was evicted until after they were paid for the land. There are recorded deeds. (funny thing about Jews, they write everything down) They were evicted when they didn't leave after taking the money. Point 4. Killing who? Terrorists and stone throwers, what would you do with that rock in your skull or your child's skull? Point 5. Absolutely democracy calls for mandatory military service. Especially when you are 5 million holocaust survivors and 100 million Arabs want you dead. No one talks of the thousand of missiles landing on Israelis even today. You are off on all counts. Not your fault. Obvious propaganda. easy to propagandize against Jews, especially to Americans, most of whom are Christian and see Jews as Christkillers. Iraq was never to protect Israel. Ever. Israel could never sustain such a war and so it would have ended quicker if Israelis fought it. They had no problem bombing Iraq's nukes years ago. Nonsense. AIPAC supported it of course but that's because of rhetoric like Ajmadinajad who speaks of nothing but Israel's destruction and denial of the holocaust. Israel would take care of Iran much more efficiently than you think. Even though 40,000 Iranian missiles are in Lebanon, pointing at....who? WW II? Don't invoke that. You can really blunder there. You think AMerica went to war for the Jews? Then why did Roosevelt say 'F the Jews' and wait until most were burned despite being begged early on to bomb the railways to the camps? As far as origins? If you heard the word 'diaspora' you know it originated when conquering nations dispersed Jews throughout the world. All Jews...and many Christians and Arabs are Semites. They are the Semites. A strain that originated form Shem, one of the sons of Noah. All of the Jews are Semites! Lastly, Israel has never and will never be a welfare state. No handouts! The intelligence gathered is one service. The other is to do America's dirty work by testing American armaments and jets in real time. We might never know how much better Phantoms are than Migs if not for Israeli air superiority. Is there dishonesty on Israel? Sure, Those Jews are human too. I never tried to silence anyone. There is no need. Any one can look up the facts.
OWS is built on hate.
No. Not hate anger toward the perpetrators of crimes against the American people. All of the American people...Jews too. I have no problem sending Jews to prison if they are guilty of crimes.
What about say, a secretary working at Goldman Sachs? Would he/she be sent to prison?
For what? Child abuse? If she's a criminal, by all means. Working for Goldman Sachs is not a crime, it's a job.
OK, I thought you were going somewhere else with this. My bad.
Ok. Keep me in check. I am for justice.