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Forum Post: OWS - Merge with the Obama in 2012 Campaign

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 5:40 p.m. EST by Mike122333 (102)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Parties are the most effective way. But, this movement sooner or later is going to have to face the fact that change is incremental; politics and government is a very difficult business; there isn't time or strength in the movement to stand up a party in time; get over its self; get over the idea that there is a silver bullet that can bring about utopia; roll up its sleeves; merge with the Obama campaign; and work like hell to get he and as many democrats elected as possible who advocate its values (get planks in the platform). Learn and work very hard with the tools at hand (people/knowledge/technology/constitution of the U.S.) to make the repairs the Government needs. And remember it is ludicrous to imagine a bloody revolution scenario on so many levels so drop that foolish rhetoric (fyi: there is no such thing as "off the grid" anymore). Power is in the numbers in our system. Do as much issue advocacy as you can in addition to that. Don't wander the wilderness of irrelevancy.

I'm not the enemy -- I've been all support all the way, I a marching participant in my city. I've read a great deal of contributions to this and other blog sites. If there is a faster/better way to getting these changes done, I'm listening.

I am suggesting OWS co-opt the (D) party not the other way around.

I challenge you to find something you disagree with in the (D) party positions here: http://2012.democratic-candidates.org/ (ripped excerpt below).

"A movement that begun in the late 1780's, brought into being by a faction led by Thomas Jefferson to combat the rise of the Federalist agenda, the Democratic Party was officially formed in 1830 after breaking up from its earlier incarnation known as the United States Democratic-Republican Party. This center left party currently has the largest number of registered voters in the country at 72 million. Barack Obama became the 15th Democrat to hold the office of president, the second highest, serving a collective total of 85 years."

"The Democratic Party advocates social liberalism grounded in modern progressivism."

Former Democratic Presidents: Jackson (1829-1837), Van Buren (1837-1841), Polk (1845-1849), Pierce (1853-1857), Buchanan (1857-1861), Johnson(1865-1869), Cleveland (1885-1889/1893-1897), Wilson (1913-1921), F.D. Roosevelt (1933-1945), Truman (1945-1953), Kennedy (1961-1963), Johnson (1963-1969), Carter (1977-1981), Clinton (1993-2001), Obama (2009-present)"



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[-] 2 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

Does everyone here know that a politician who is a member of the council on foreign relations is a puppet for the bankers?

[-] 2 points by FamilyFoodGardens (240) 13 years ago

When ever politicians talk about money or jobs we should say, Sorry Mr politician, we need to keep the focus on things people actually need, like fresh food, pure water, a living envionment and healthy food.

There is no need to reinvent wheel! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IbODJiEM5A

Take control of your Local government! http://www.spaceoflovemagazine.com/images/SOL_10_pages40_41.pdf

Support our petiton: http://www.petitiononline.com/SoLMag/petition.html

Plant gardens and elect only people with a family food garden.

Occupy your Motherland!

[-] 2 points by Skippy2 (485) 13 years ago

Obama has had 3 years, 2 of which with Dem controlled house/senate, and done nothing that has worked. His 1st election he was the #1 recipiant of Wall Street money. He is bought and paid for.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 13 years ago

I'm going to be blunt. Very blunt. Roll up a blunt and smoke it, cause you can't handle my blunt otherwise.

DO NOT tell me to vote for a no credibility politician who's openly sold out. DO NOT think of hijacking this movement. This isn't teabag 2.0, and it's not going to be. Take your propaganda and stuff it, talk to the hand, STFU, cause these ears ain't buying it, these eyes don't watch Faux News, and this brain has already weighed all the evidence. I'm not the sheeple you want me to be, 'nuff said.

I hope that's clear for you. Have a nice day.

[-] 1 points by sevenx (2) from Ferndale, CA 13 years ago

stupid americans and their need for a quick easy fix. trying to repair/reform a broken system that worked in the past will leave us unable to develop a system(or something else) that will be required for survival in the future. obama is my enemy and unless youre typing this from a limo or a mansion, he's also yours.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Really? Are you seriously proposing this??

What a joke.

[-] 1 points by anonrez (237) 13 years ago

F. No.

Obama is a corporate shill, he appointed the very people who engineered this crisis as his advisers and has done nothing to prosecute those responsible for destroying the economy or to enact safeguards against it happening again.

Oh, and he voted for the bailout as a Senator.

Oh, and he wants to force Americans to buy health insurance at a time when most of us can barely afford to keep a roof over our heads as it is.

Oh, and he supports torture and murder without trial, just like his predecessor.

Obama is part of the problem.

[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

There have been hundreds of posters of both political parties who are trying to tap into the OWS power and energy to promote this or that candidate. Nice try, but OWS is strictly non-partisan.

[-] 1 points by Mike122333 (102) 13 years ago

Understood -- I get it.

I'm pointing out OWS' place in the real world. Loose in 2012 to the hard right and you'll multiply our problems 100 fold. When you're ready to get real, http://2012.democratic-candidates.org/.