Forum Post: OWS makes top slot article of MSN, but is being summed up as left tea party
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 4:31 p.m. EST by theOnlineGovernmentDotcom
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Good that it's making the top slot of msn, but bad that we're being herded into one one of the existing corrupt parties. Both parties are corrupt - they get paid by the same donors. For instance the banks were the biggest donors to both parties in the last pres - no matter which party won they had the bailout deals sealed already. THAT is what I have a problem with. By the way November 5th - move your money to the credit union. 'Our' government won't spank the banks, but the account holders CAN.
I no longer pay any attention to ANY MSM. I do not have cabal teevee. I do not follow MSN online, Yahoo or any major corporate backed disinformation. When I was in China I was afraid I was going to be in a news blackout where the media is tightly controlled. Much to my surprise it was no more controlled there than it is here. So let MSN sum up any way they like. I think we should stop paying any attention to them at all. We are our own media now. WE sum up and say how it is. Their opinion pieces, actors, and propaganda are passe and meaningless.
Credit union is the answer
Washington will just give them taxpayer money. Many of the big corporations that everybody hates would no longer exist if Washington did not have the power to give them money that the taxpayers will have to foot the bill for - for generations to come.
And keep as little cash in the fractional reserve banking system as possible. Credit Unions are better, but they are part of the Money=Debt system.
If people pull their money out of the banking system, the machine that rules everything grinds to a halt.