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Forum Post: OWS - Lying ABout Politcal Connections

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 1:02 p.m. EST by madness (12)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's time to know what insiders are running secretly OWS. Why are left only speakers invited to the public forums?

Wall Street has given billions to the Arts - to University Buildings / Research - Education. Are you prepared to give back what was given freely to you?

Propose: All ownership / bank holdings revert to public after 100 years. Propose: End the Fed - rule of the USA by private foreign banks. Propose: End the Democrat / Republican Party system. Propose: Election of Benevolent Dictator for Life.

A few days ago I saw these groups listed on the OWS Frontpage. Some are political groups. Others (MoveOn.org and Common Cause - are backed and controlled by convicted felklon George Soros - recently convicted of insider trading in France - also known for breaking the British pound with Insider Info and cashing in on the falling US housing market - both case making Billions from suffering hardwroking families and individuals.

List of Political Unions now With OWS -

•AFL-CIO (AFSCME) •United NY •Strong Economy for All Coalition •Working Families Party •TWU Local 100 •SEIU 1199 •CWA 1109 •RWDSU •Communications Workers of America •CWA Local 1180 •United Auto Workers •United Federation of Teachers •Professional Staff Congress - CUNY •National Nurses United •Writers Guild East


•VOCAL-NY •Community Voices Heard •Alliance for Quality Education •New York Communities for Change •Coalition for the Homeless •Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project (NEDAP) •The Job Party •NYC Coalition for Educational Justice •The Mirabal Sisters Cultural and Community Center •The New Deal for New York Campaign •National People's Action


•Human Services Council •Labor-Religion Coalition of New York State •Citizen Action of NY •MoveOn.org •Common Cause NY •New Bottom Line •350.org •Tenants & Neighbors •Democracy for NYC •Resource Generation •Tenants PAC •Teachers Unite



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