Forum Post: OWS logistics
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 2:30 a.m. EST by unclebg
from Seattle, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just want to throw this out for discussion: It seems to me that 24/7 Occupations needlessly strain the resources and the stamina/health of participants. The 24/7 Occupations have great symbolic value of "holding our ground". But as any good insurgency has shown, "holding ground" isn't near so important as the ability to wear out the Evil Empire of Mammon so our country is free of the economic shackles that Empire imposes on U.S.
Might OWS and other Occupations be just as effective if participants had a good nite's sleep in a warm place with hot food toilets and showers? So what if the police barricade yesterday's OWS site? Show up at any public site and you protest the same things as yesterday or maybe something new and fresh. Satire and ridicule are potent weapons.
TX for listening, er, reading. unclebg
Hmm, yes I think so. I have been arguing elsewhere that even if the OWS did pack up their tents and go, it wouldn't be the end of the movement. However, I am wondering if the 1% will see this as a 'victory', then ramp up their Police state.
I know that with the cold weather coming, only a few of us will be braving the cold to Occupy. That is, if we can manage not to get evicted from the parks.
Regardless of what happens, there is no way to put the genie back in the bottle. It's not as though we are going to pull the wool back over our eyes.
In Europe, I think the Occupiers are sitting on the floor in banks, wherever. That strategy works as well.