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Forum Post: OWS joining forces with tea party

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 10:53 a.m. EST by belltor (60)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The biggest fear the establishment has is that OWS and real tea party members (those not manufactured by Koch brothers Dick Armey etc etc) will at some point realize they have more issues they agree on than not. This is why Faux news is constantly painting OWS occupiers as dirty hippies lazy bums etc etc. They have got to give tea party members reasons to hate and dismiss OWS. There should be a serious attempt by OWS to unite with tea party members.



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[-] 4 points by Argentina (178) from Puerto Madryn, Chubut 13 years ago

Agree , any OWS should take care on any movement that can help to solve some of the troubles. OWS +TeaPArty against FED demostration could be a real thing. Keep the diferences away fight together win the common.

[-] 4 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

Division is the establishments tried and true tactic.

"Divide and Conquer" has been working very well for them.

[-] -1 points by proudamerican26 (-1) 13 years ago

Do you know the leaders and influencers behind OWS? There are people behind these protests who want nothing more than the collapse of our government and economy because they hate America and the American way. There have been people (radicals, socialists, Marxists, and several organizations) wanting and planning this for years. If OWS succeeds in their goal to collapse the economy, all the reasons you think you are protesting will become reality. There will truly be months, years, or decades of real economic depression, social chaos, food shortages, civil unrest, starvation, homelessness, job loss, etc. The banks will surely control the money by order of the government which will not go away. We will see Military on the streets, marshal law will be imposed, the rights you currently have will be suspended, and in fact we will have given the government more power. This is not just rhetoric or me ranting. There is a ton of history and evidence to support this. Just look it up. Checkout "The revolution business" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P7uuPCWXng and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpXbA6yZY-8 and "OWS Exposed" and 10 great financial collapses in history http://listverse.com/2010/08/10/10-great-financial-collapses-in-history/

[-] 1 points by JPHOENIX (124) 13 years ago

You may have a point proudamerican26. The only difference between you and the people on the other side of your debate is that you still feel that you have enough in your life to tolerate the current level of corruption, oppression, and hypocrisy, where the people on the other side are at the point where they feel they have nothing else to lose. And so they stand up for what they want.

Every political system works in cycles. It is formed by a group of people who think it will serve the greatest good ideally. It is slowly exploited and deteriorated. And eventually it crumbles. And a new one is put into place. We are at the end of a cycle, and this is going to happen. The people who have gotten wealthy skimming off the top will not give away their money without a fight, and the people who have lost their homes, jobs, pensions and health insurance certainly will not go away quietly. So the clash is inevitable. Things are going to get much worse before they get better.

[-] 0 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

bankers did a good job of collapsing the economy in 2008 How soon we Americans forget our own history and the very roots of our own beginnings.

All that we pride ourselves on has already been corrupted and breached by the absolute powers of the monied interests.

OWS is grass roots The Koch brothers and Dick Armey are behind the tea party

[-] 1 points by FattyFatty2x4 (13) from Anchorage, AK 13 years ago

the original Tea Party was grass roots but then coopted, much like what will happen to OWS, I know there is no 'leader' to OWS but if the public (nonOWS) is looking for a leader then some special interest group is going to try to step into some shoes that are not rightfully theirs.

[-] 3 points by Geno52 (12) 13 years ago

If OWS and the TP were to form an alliance wouldn't that pull the pants off of Dems and Repubs alike and show that they really don't represent anyone who isn't filling their pockets?

[-] 2 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

Box them right into a corner without being able to divide and conquer as they have been doing for a long while.

Matt Taiibbi has written extensively about how both parties put on a dog and pony show of differences for the media but when the cameras stop rolling they go into the corners and screw like weasels in heat

[-] 2 points by xaztec (3) from Detroit, MI 13 years ago

This is the whole premise of the two party system and why they fight so hard to preserve it. It doesn't matter who's in power, they never seem to really get anything done that benefits anyone other than corporations and the wealthy yet they have the social issues divided between them in such a way as to polarize the vast majority of people one way or the other and they always seem to have some sort of "end of the world" issue that drives people to vote against the other guy instead of using one's common sense and voting against both parties. "I don't really like [democrat] but I can't let [Republican] get elected and vice versa. We need to climb above the social issues and elect government representatives who actually represent those who elect them.

[-] 1 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

Ever since the Election Commission was made law of the land. Both major parties have representatives on the commission that keep all seekers of office at bay. They set the rules and do it in such a fashion that only those establishment candidates make it to the party. Better to box these fools in by uniting ourselves against both of them Don't give them the wedge issues to use against us all. This has to be the message. This has to be war that is waged for this countries soul.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

In my experience, there is a difference.

Republican teabaggers just raised my taxes 100%, after a Democrat kept them low for 8 years.

Taxed enough already. What a crock of s*.

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

Just because some GOP a-hole says they are in the TEA Party to get elected, doesn't mean that they actually are a member or support their positions.

[-] 2 points by Chupacabra (55) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

If The People, as a whole, could get together in a bi-partisan, mutually beneficial manner there would be no stopping us.

Watch as the media attempt to manufacture an unbreachable left/right division between these groups because they know if we join up - we could "do things" - like vote a third party candidate into office!

[-] 1 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

Exactly! I like that the OWS movement does not have a leader per se. But in order to reach out to Tpers that can see the possibilities of united movements, someone has to make the overtures. These things could and should happen over time. This movement is so very young and it is critical to remain non violent and media savy. Of course the media rushes to cover if there is physical violence or the promise of physical violence. The establishment probably is infiltrating with troublemakers to make sure that does happen.


[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

Teabaggers in my state are raising my taxes 100%, and cutting corporate taxes.

Teabaggers are a FAIL!

Throw the bums out!

[-] 0 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

Shouldn't dismiss those that could be converts. Remember , the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

[-] 1 points by dalton (111) 13 years ago

Funny thing about that saying. The enemy of our enemy was Afganistan, when Russia invaded.

Funny how that turns out, most of the time. Just because you have the same enemies does not make you friends.

[-] 0 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

It's okay if we can be friends over this epic change we seek to achieve.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago


Let them raise your taxes then.

Vote the lying teabagger bums out!

[-] 1 points by JPHOENIX (124) 13 years ago

Very true! We could create the occupied tea party page on facebook and take it from there!

[-] 1 points by clazy8 (2) 13 years ago

You've had two years to participate in the Tea Party movement, but you were too busy reassuring yourself that they were Koch astroturf, racists, gun nuts or right-wing wackos from flyover country, fools who made you look smart. Now that OWS is a flop, you want to keep it alive by latching onto these same people. I'm not surprised. Beneath the layers of incoherent rhetoric that give OWS its exotic motley appearance is a simple parasite.

[-] 1 points by jd603 (11) 13 years ago

EXACTLY, and the OWS movement (not those that are a product of George Soros and the democrat establishment) teaming up with the real tea party (The Ron P aul types that started it, not the Newt Gingrich wannabes.) if you want to phrase it the opposite way.

[-] 1 points by Alexman8711 (23) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Well...TP members are supporters of Ron Lawl...who wants the Fed to end. But they were also the product of the republican party...and believe Fox News. I seriously am not sure how that would workout. Not to mention that the messages that TP sends and OWS sends are different, also personally I feel that messages that OWS sends are more mature. As I am aware, OWS members do not hold up signs that mock any specific person or use internet slang/memes in their signs, and both of these things are on the signs of the TP and are ridiculous. So I personally feel that if the OWS movement were to join the TP movement, it would alienate existing members.

[-] 2 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

Not all Tpers are created equal. Not all OWS agree on every issue Not all Tpers are knuckleheads that can't be appealed to. All I am saying is to make the appeal and argument that we have some very basic issues in common. After all our own fore fathers differed on many issues but came togeher on those issues they held in common.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

I try all the time. Just speak out against the patriot act and the deficit and add gun rights. Problem solved.

[-] 1 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

if this movement strengthens and grows we will all get to see the reality of the Patriot Act.

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

Let's ALL join forces and use our power as consumers to change the face of corporate America!

Follow the shopping guidelines at http://bit.ly/vof9WH and help defeat them ! No ads, no profit, no motive but to help employ Americans and defeat the banksters !

Spread the word ! Spread the link!

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

With our powers combined................. ............


...............We Are Captain Planet!!

Captain Planet, he's a hero, gonna bring pollution down to zero!!!

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by seeker (242) 13 years ago

I agree.

[-] 1 points by divineright (664) 13 years ago

It's worth some discussions. We are all Americans. Why not focus on what we can agree on and accomplish together rather than what divides us? Showing cooperation would send a clear message to the Democrats and Republicans that can't seem to play together nicely in the sandbox.

[-] 1 points by iwantmygoldback1933 (64) 13 years ago

I totally agree

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Name a time period that state rights has not meant the loss of freedom for a group of individuals?!

People bandy about the term states rights. Rarely do they go further than a propaganda talking point.

[-] 1 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

Well, seeing how we have had states rights since the Constitution was signed under the 10th Amendment, I guess you are saying that people have been oppressed by this Amendment for a couple of hundred years. What folks mean by states rights is what the Constitution says, all powers not given specifically to the federal government are reserved for the states. That doesn't sound too oppressive as each state has its own republican form of representation at the state legislatures and state courts to ensure that Constitutionally protected rights remain protected. The 10th Amendment is a mechanism to ensure that the federal government doesn't over reach in its attempt to control the people. If states didn't have the right to govern themselves, then many laws, that I would hazard to guess you favor, would be illegal such as Illinois' concealed carry ban on firearms. Without the 10th Amendment, Illinois wouldn't have a leg to stand on in its ban as there is no federal law banning concealed carry of legal gun owners.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

What happened to the rights of the people under the 9th?

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

Hell yes, the 9th is important. That is why Prop 8 in Cali should die a well deserved death as the voters clearly violated the rights of the LGBT community. The 10th should allow gay marriage and the 9th should prevent its denial. That is the beauty of our Constitution, each section, article and amendment are designed to strengthen the others and the overall goal is to ensure that the people of the USA are free, not only in our pursuit of a life we choose, but also free of a tyrannical government.

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

I agree. I have studied constitutional law. However, when someone mentions state rights, they want the right to destroy other rights and there is a historical pattern that pretty much shows that. For instance, we hear about states rights in relation to abortions, prayer in schools, all kinds of crap.

Another cute little trick behind State Rights is about accountability. When the Federal government says: you have to do this then the federal government usually assumes in part the cost. If you do this, then you get the money. But, what we see is that the states want the check but don't want to say where it went. I say---like hell.

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

I'll agree that many people who call for states rights have no real idea what it means. Many see it as a way of getting around federal laws and regulations that they don't like, when it is about local matters and in no way is meant to support denying rights to others.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

We are on a pretty good start here. :D.

We may actually solve the world's problems.

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

World's problems? Eh, I rather load up on supplies and ammo and get ready for the zombie apocalypse. The world can keep to itself and I will keep to myself. I just like looking for stimulating conversation so I hit up this sight, HuffPo, Fox Nation, Politico and The Blaze to see what folks are saying these days. Let me tell you, both sides have about 3/4 of a tank of crazy online, but I know that those people in no way reflect the majority and I can take solace in that.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

I wish the world would keep to itself. It doesn't. Most people are 3/4 of a tank of crazy in person. They just spend their time pointing to someone else hoping to deflect it.

[-] -1 points by Pimpson (-60) 13 years ago

Misery loves company. You could form a giant network of idiots who know nothing about government and are completely ignorant about economics. Oh, wait, you've already done that.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

You are a fool if you think Wall Street, the government, and the federal reserve have nothing to do with economics.

If you want groups that don't know shit about economics, then look no further than the GOP and the DNP


OWS is not anticorporation and anti-banks. It is against corporations that abuse their power and are infiltrating our government. It is against the abuse of the monetary system that the federal reserve is responsible for. We have a debt based privatized monetary system that is not in the constitution. The abuse of Wall Street, the federal reserve, and the government has caused our US dollar to decrease in value drastically over the past 14 years.

Propose a bill to end the patriot act.

Propose a bill to end massive contributions from lobbyists, unions, and corporate influences. The "supreme" court ruled McCain-Feingold unconstitutional. Obviously the supreme court is corrupt. They claimed that "McCain-Feingold" denied "free speech" even though 1: Money isn't free and 2: 100% of US citizens still would have had freedom of speech and the ability to contribute to campaigns. So how was the supreme court able to say it suppresses free speech? Another fact, a lot of corporations are owned through many investors. Sometimes these investors are foreigners. I didn't know foreigners in other countries were allowed to participate in our government. The government is supposed to be governed by it's people. I feel like most members of the government have never read the constitution.

I'd say propose a bill to nationalize the federal reserve but that bill has already been created and is being reviewed by the Financial Institutions and Credit Committee. Look up The National Emergency Employment Defense Act of 2011.

All these rich people keep telling us that our country is in massive debt... all the while they keep making more money. These rich people are members of congress and the president.

"Both parties are rotten - how could they not be, given the complete infestation of the political system by corporate money on a scale that now requires a presidential candidate to raise upwards of a billion dollars to be competitive in the general election?"

THE WAR IN IRAQ IS BASED ON LIES from Bush to Obama it's still the same war monger.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

The TEA party and ows? NEVER gonna happen.

[-] 2 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

Hey we are all in this together. I don't like many of the right wing positions of some TP members but just as OWS members are different and diverse so are Tp members. I think if both groups can align on basic issues this would send chills up the spines of the establishment.

[-] 1 points by Edgewaters (912) 13 years ago

They are not trustworthy - seems like many of their supporters are trying to turn OWS into the Tea Party, and aren't satisfied with cooperation on specific issues.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

I hope not.

[-] -2 points by KahnII (170) 13 years ago

Won't happen till you purge the commies and those who want to destroy America and the Constitution.

[-] 3 points by ssassy (83) 13 years ago

That makes no sense. It is the same as OWS saying the TP needs to purge all of their radical fundamentalists who want to see the return of states' rights and Jim Crow.

There are intelligent and forward thinking people on both sides, and we need all great minds at the table. The original Constitution was drafted amidst disagreement, opposing ideologies and dissent. In a truly free society, it could be done under no other conditions and in no other way.

[-] -1 points by KahnII (170) 13 years ago

Many people want states rights, I don't know of anyone who supports Jim Crow, but I see many people around here who want to shred the Constitution in favor of a more oppressive government and even fewer rights.

[-] 1 points by ssassy (83) 13 years ago

In what way? I see people calling for an end to corporate money in politics, a repeal of Citizens' United, for protection of basic social safety nets, and a push for opportunity in America.

Don't believe me about Jim Crow? Take a look at the election laws passed in Florida recently.

[-] 1 points by clazy8 (2) 13 years ago

Yes, it's horrifying that anyone should be required to provide identification before casting a vote. Just like Jim Crow.

[-] 1 points by ssassy (83) 13 years ago

Actually, I was referring to the re-set laws for criminals. After five years, criminals' voting rights are restored. Under the new laws, if a former criminal is even arrested, not charged or convicted, his/her five years re-sets and he/she is further disenfranchised.

And which population will be affected most by this?

[-] 1 points by HarryCrew07 (433) 13 years ago

He must be talking about the big businesses and members of congress

[-] 2 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

How is this communism it is actually a capitalist movement. Get an education about what communism / Socialism is before you start spewing off information you heard of On tv. Know what you are talking about. Fighting against corporate welfare, corruption that allows advantages to sum isn't communism. Capitalism isn't about helping weak businesses survive it's about survival of the fittest. And how is OWS against constitutional rights I'm completly lost by that comment

[-] 2 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

Exactly. I have been trying to push this idea since it started, but the radicals at OWS don't want it.

[-] 2 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

differences have to be set aside that is my point when a house is on fire and someone is helping you get out you don't worry if the person helping you to safety is a commie do you?

[-] 1 points by aeturnus (231) from Robbinsville, NC 13 years ago

I think you need to start reading alternative economic sources on cooperative economics, syndicalist economics, the use of fair trade versus free trade, the use of credit unions versus traditional banks, whatever it might be. There may be commies among us, but there are lots of others. From what I have seen, most media sources that refer to a hatred of socialism or communism, coupled with a jingoist American attitude, is often full of hidden references to support the nature of the business culture. They say OWS has been hijacked by anarchists, communists and leftists of the extreme variety. I say that Fox News has been hijacked by the business culture, by rugged individualists who think they ought to have the right to change the oil in their car and simply let it drain into the water table and then get all pissed off when someone says they can't, etc.. It has come to the point where you can't really argue with some of these people sensibly, because if you show them reports from groups like Human Rights Watch or Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, they're led to believe that it's all some sort of "liberal conspiracy." They are too busy worried that George Soros is funding such stuff and that makes such reports invalid. And they get this stuff heavily from Fox News, apparently the nation's most #1 watched news channel. It's pretty bad when a station that breeds mostly paranoia is the nation's #1 watched news channel. Stop worrying about who's trying to destroy America. Nobody here is really trying to do that. And if you're really worried about it, maybe you need to look into how the IMF and the World Bank function. Maybe you need to look into how the drug war functions. Fox News doesn't tell you about any of that, because they're too busy listening to their supporters tell you it's all a good thing, we help other nations. Structural adjustments do not help other nations.