Forum Post: OWS is not failing!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 4:08 p.m. EST by moediggity
from Houston, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The movement is making some serious headway with the lawyers and other anti-fraud prosecutors in our financial sector. Our movement is gaining momentum and can influence the outcome of the 2012 elections. Our movement is already a month old,and we have already done so much as far as getting the word out and starting amendments toward accomplishing our goals. The fact that the trolls and the spammers are working so hard to undermine and demoralize us is a hoot. Even with the albatross hanging around our neck,we have accomplished now getting William Black and most likely his team on board towards prosecuting these bastards! I also find it funny that the trolls refuse to understand what wallstreet has done to this country. These idiots just go "YOU'RE LYING! LALALALALA AMERICAN IS NUMBER ONE YOU ANTI-CAPITALIST! LALALALAL!" It's quite amusing. If we keep this up, we will accomplish our goals and we will force the Obama administration to adhere to our demands.
Oh yeah, heres the William Black vid I was referencing.
Awesome Video!!!!
very nice to hear William Black's name mentioned. another name OWS should be associating with is Brooksley Born. she fought for regualting big banks, and the stuff they were creating, and Greenspan, Rubin and Summers all opposed her. when obama brought Larry Summers into the fold as a top economic advisor, he lost a lot of credibility.
Google search Broksley Born. she is a hero of sorts...
Thank you!
You are correct, Brooksley Born was right. She DESERVES A MEDAL for her fight against the Derivatives Crooks!!!
You may want to check out the following "Earth-Shattering" Video (Earth-Shattering in that A. Greenspan is said to have not wanted Fraudsters held accountable in court!!!) Take an 83 year old grandma to court, in order to foreclose on her home, but let the market deal with fraudsters---give me a freaking break!!! :
When will this movement affect average americans in a positive way? 99% still broke as ever
Give it time. Nothing good just happens overnight. You have to work long and hard for it.
Prepare to be tea bagged, open wide.
Do not believe the 1% and their media. how can it hold weight if these are the people we are fighting and are divided against? please, research the topic of the elites in the American system, try to deprive the theory. We cannot be herded into the same old thought of believing the words uttered from our government and media. But, above all else, question. Question me telling you this and question everything. If we can actually disembark from the darkness we have all been consumed in, America can still have the liberties they deserve and that are written in the constition
I do not disagree with you at all.
You need to put more updates out so everyoe knows whats going on
I've been trying to but the mods aren't doing their jobs,moderating this forum. I have called them out on them just letting the trolls run rampant but they don't seem to give a damn. Every update tends to be buried under "what I want" and "you have failed and I hope violence happens to all of you" types of posts.
The only ones who say its failing are the ones who want it to fail
No it is not failing.
Wow that sounded mature
I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or if you are actually agreeing with me.
Sarcasm. Anyone someone puts "YOU'RE LYING! LALALALALA AMERICAN IS NUMBER ONE YOU ANTI-CAPITALIST! LALALALAL!" in the middle of a paragraph I assume that they have the mentality of a five year old.
That was supposed to be satire. Jesus, do you even know how to spot a funny joke?
I've never seen trolling so hard. Its crazy.
Yeah they really want to paint this as a failure when its failure on their part to realize that this movement isn't failing at all. Its humorous to be quite honest.
I agree with moediggity, in fact I applaud his words of wisdom.
And the current PANIC IN TROLLDOM is a very, very good sign of the panic their masters are in...
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." ~ Mahatma Gandhi
I sense that little by little we are winning over the hearts and minds of Americans in ALL walks of life - even many of the rich are beginning to realize that they will have to start paying more taxes - and, as Moe puts it, "If we keep this up, we will accomplish our goals and we will force the Obama administration to adhere to our demands."
If OWS manages to stay cool, centered and "keeps the moral high ground", as Dr. King used to say, we will win this.
In fact, I see Zuccotti Park becoming one day a HISTORICAL SITE, with monuments, a museum, etc., for what Thomas Jefferson had envisioned 200 years ago : "The Second American Revolution".
yeah thats exactly what I was thinking this morning. They are trying to fight us with this crazy amount of distracted troll posts. To the point where it is so laughable, where are these people coming from? are they paid?
Some of them are just doing it for kicks, but most are paid:
As "MadAsHellInTX" put it this morning:
"As a Linux user, I'm familiar with the term 'astroturfer'. Astroturfers are trolls paid to infect forums and blab the views of their employer. In the Linux world, astroturfers act on orders from Microsoft, who hate the existence of Linux. Some have been IP traced right to Microsoft itself.
Now folks, it's entirely possible we're being trolled by astroturfers; we're a threat to the moneyscum, and much of the trolling here has sounded like the worse propaganda from Fox News, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh. And who signs the paychecks of those media whores? Follow the money."
It also doesn't help their cause when Brietbart and other right wing orgs have openly admitted that their goal is to discredit the movement. Do you know how to beat the people that are trying to beat you? Pay attention to their arrogance. The old saying "Loose lips sink ships" has never been more applicable than today imo.
yes, it is failing. it is failing 3 weeks in to get up a wiki. it is failing 3 weeks in to get up a good batch of sub forums. it is failing in almost every occupy to actually have consensus and is instead accidentally using delphi process and pack psychology. It is failing. completely. It is failing to get to the work that make sevolution happen, it is failing to listen to the people who have been working for evolutionary solutions for twenty years, it is failing and failing across the board. the only place its succeeding is in its geometric growth curve. until it gets its head out of its ass, that will hit a cieling at around 2 percent of the population.
And yet,here you are not even contributing. If you are going to bitch about it,then do something about it. Until then, you are just becoming part of the problem.
i have contributed far more than most people and 8 hour days for three weeks. I have posted lengthy solutions and these have more or less been ignored.
I have done everything that i can do about it. The movement has failed to bother to use my work and has failed to listen to my voice.
Well dude, I mean, you can't just call a movement a failure just because it hasn't adopted your standards. Things like this, they take time. Anything worth having takes work and sacrifice and most of all,patience. You don't honestly expect everything to work out over night do you? As far as the wiki page,whats stopping you from making one yourself for the movement?
i most certainly can call it a failure- not because it has not adopted my standards. Things like this take a very short amount of time as soon as people get their heads out of their asses. It should take a few hours to put up 1001 sub forums, not a promise and lick and then in essence lies about how things are going. It should take an hour or so to put up a wiki. It should take very small amounts of time to take critical actions. those actions are not being taken. Thats not "over night." I am not a techie.
In short, epic fails across the board are on the movements head. not mine. I will continue to point this out because the only hope of success is getting to such details.
we were promised sub forums 3 weeks ago. Should take two hours. No response has ever come about a wiki.
This site almost certainly exists as a con scam, to limit AND CONTROL THE CONVERSATION. not facilitate it.
Your union pawns
No we aren't. If unions want to join us and not the other way around, then ok thats cool. Deal with it.
They buy the politicians just like the corps your a fool for spilling your blood for em.
No ones spilling any blood for them you dingbat! Furthermore, "buying politicians" is what we are against, what with the whole it being corrupt and all.
So why union hats in zucotti why have I been threatened with mace for speaking against them why is 300k in a union bank why are your supplies in a union building why?
who is paying you and how much are you earning?
I live in poverty am being paid nothing.
who is paying you and how much are you earning?
First off, your grammar is terrible. Secondly do you have any proof of any of your claims? Thirdly, I'm not going to tell unionists to not wear union hats,thats their choice and I don't have a right to tell them not to wear them.
Go down and see for yourself they threatened to mace me today.
who is paying you and how much are you earning?
I live in poverty am being paid nothing
Sure they did. You got any proof of this?
Look at my threads
I've been thier dude check out where the unions put thier money watch the news the hats are displayed on a table under gaurd
"monahan" has a vivid imagination! Only yesterday he was SCREAMING that he had been expelled from this site... Ah well, I guess TROLLS WILL BE TROLLS, and not too many of them DROLL...
Unions had about 9% as much money to use for political donations before Citizens United. Don't know the stats now, but it has to be less.
What unions do have is people who have been fight financial inequality on many fronts. Decent pay, health care, middle class retirement security, educational opportunity, and more.
So there are issues where union members and unions with work with OWS to improve. Choose the issues and choose your allies, and work to make this country better.
Unions buy politicians you look like hipocrites
who is paying you and how much are you earning?
I live in poverty and get paid nothing