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Forum Post: OWS is making history - The headline will read MASSIVE PROTESTS without a CAUSE

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 1:36 p.m. EST by devilsadvocate (67)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The lost generation continues it's juvenile antics by staggering around aimlessly, demanding that their feelers are no longer hurt. The generation entered the workplace to find that they wouldn't be promoted to CEO within 6 months, the company wasn't going to implement their mindless ideas, and texting, facebooking, and other waste of company time wasn't going to be tolerated. But the lost generation retaliated by not working at all, that's right...if corporate america won't meet their demands then they will march right down to wallstreet and jump up and down and screm until someone listens. And once they have the countires ear? uhm, wait, let me text you later.



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[-] 2 points by ms3000 (253) 13 years ago

I agree but it is time to form a concrete action plan so that the momentum of this movement is preserved. To see an action plan to vote on and present a petition of grievances to the government and platform before the 2012 elections, please go to webpage below and repost if you agree. The platform and list of grievances is only a sample and the actual issues that would be voted upon and adopted by the shadow congress of 870 delegates elected from all 435 districts. This congress will convene on July 4, 2012 in Philadelphia. This plan will keep these issues in focus in the media over the winter:


[-] 2 points by Veritas (3) 13 years ago

yeah, i too am a little disappointed in the reasons given by the protesters for why they are protesting. i'd like to see more emphasis on ending our debt-money system and fractional reserve banking. the federal reserve central bank creates money out of thin air and then loans it to our gov't at interest. the federal reserve is the largest holder of u.s. debt. instead, congress should control the issuance of currency, not a private central bank. for if congress controlled it, there would be no central bank to pay back at interest, and hence no income taxes (there's a great study that shows that our income taxes merely go towards paying the interest on our debt to the federal reserve). every dollar (federal reserve note) in circulation represents debt to the federal reserve. i recommend watching bill still's documentary "secret of oz."

[-] 1 points by kazoo55 (195) from Rijs, FR 13 years ago

Agreed, there's still a lot of ignorance about the issues that really need to be addressed; the points you name are essential but require some education to be fully understood. Secret of Oz is an excellent starting point, but also the documentary 'The Money Masters'. Watch them, educate yourself, spread the word... it's important everyone understands...

[-] 2 points by Idaltu (662) 13 years ago

I suspect the riddle of the post is in the OP's user name. He is right about the 'me' generation. But these young people are starting to wake up. They are writing the message across the planet.....and it is waking up others.


[-] 1 points by devilsadvocate (67) 13 years ago

I have to agree that it's waking up others...I just hope it goes somewhere! Graphity fades with time

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

I'm starting to think that is our message: wake up!

[-] 1 points by Croatoan (2) 13 years ago

This is a sign of the 1%'s frustration. Having no cause they have no leverage for an attack. Don't give them a cause, we know what the cause is and it needs no words because it is a cause that is fundamental to all of humanity!

The news is that we do not want to be CEO's! We want to be humans, not bosses! We do not want to be the gods and masters, we wan NO gods and NO masters!

[-] 0 points by devilsadvocate (67) 13 years ago

Without a captain the boat will sink. Be realistic, nobody here wants to attack, the opposite is true. We want to help but what do we help with?

[-] 1 points by Croatoan (2) 13 years ago

Being on the Puget sound, I can tell you that a Captain who is a master is quickly thrown overboard by his crew. Just like what is happening now to the oligarchs..

[-] 1 points by BrainySmurf (3) 13 years ago

Once they have the nation's ears they will "smurfin" cry like the "smurfin" little "smurf" heads that they are! Get out of our country you worthelss XBox playing "Smurfs"!

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

This guy is misinformed and angry - we are demanding changes from lawmakers (not corporate america), because corporations will only serve themselves.

[-] 1 points by devilsadvocate (67) 13 years ago

Obviously, you are misinformed the movement is occupy wall street not DC And I'm not angry, just the devils advocate trying to help the adhd generation find some direction

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

The movement is doing something. People are actually taking it seriously. Even if there is no list of demands to be met or even a coherent message, a lot of people have come together, connected, and learned to question things. I've been on these forums for weeks and I have found this to be the most exciting, resilient group of people I've encountered.

[-] 1 points by devilsadvocate (67) 13 years ago

I admire the persistence and the cooperation. It just seems like a waste to me. Here you have gathered all these people, all these demonstrations. You had the country listening and you lost them because you have no idea what you want or what you have to say.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

Yeah, it is a bit like that, especially when the news coverage the movement gets is purposefully dumbed down. The forums don't give a much better picture (especially with freedom of retarded speech). The IRC is incomprehensible for most people. All I can say is, it always seems like the movement is falling apart, yet every day it gets bigger and the message gets a little clearer.

[-] 1 points by devilsadvocate (67) 13 years ago

I hope your right, cause we do need change!

[-] 1 points by WhyIsTheCouchAlwaysWet (316) from Lexington, KY 13 years ago

I'm here to protest the amount of corporate influence (the financial epicenter of which is Wall Street) over MY American government. I have a vote which has been eroded down to nothing. A choice between Corruption version A and Corruption version B is not a choice. Different kinds of poison will both make you ill. I'm sick of looking at the polls and trying to decide which candidate is the lesser evil.

I'm here to do something about it.

Stay positive everyone. Don't let anyone tell us what we are about, speak for yourselves and make your voices heard.

[-] 1 points by devilsadvocate (67) 13 years ago

MauDib, you are absolutely correct! If you want to change something it isn't enough to jump up and down, stomp your feet, and cry becuase you want more. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago

My point is that the movement is still growing. It's not like in the sixties where you would go to a rally against this or that and then go home. This is bigger, it's a cultural uprising. Specific demands will come in time.

All that said, there are some things everyone wants, namely getting corporate money out of our gov't so it can truly represent the people. How do we do that? Ask any occupier and you can get some great, insightful ideas.

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago

Don't listen to this weak ass hippie turned cubicle prisoner.

I'll put it in terms he can understand:

"Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don’t criticize What you can’t understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agin’ Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand For the times they are a-changin’"

[-] 1 points by gracie (16) 13 years ago

Well said MuadDib