Forum Post: OWS is less than .001% (combined) of the 99%ers. The rest of us 98.999% have better ideas, far more likely to succeed.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:21 p.m. EST by Royksopp
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The people who are actually at the protests aren't the majority of the movement they're just the most vocal and get the most media attention. Of the "99%ers" less than .001% are at all the Occupy demonstrations combined. So unless the Occupy movement is trying to say that ".001%ers" should determine the fate of the other 98.999% (which is what got us into this whole damn problem in the first place) that leaves a heck of a lot of us out here with other ideas.
If it comes down to it, and the "Occupy" people and the majority of the 99% who disagree with them split, I think you'll find the majority of rational Americans will go the route of "other" and will start building the real solutions that the Occupy movement would rather simply play games and have shout alongs about.
I'm glad that a bunch of people fixate on a way to get their message across as being more important than the message. That's a sure fire recipie for success there.
There is a GREAT thread for "The rest of us" (I'll be generous and call us the 98.5%ers lol) called "Forum Post: So much of what's here is contrary to the actual movement...sigh* " Take a look at it and contribute, some of of the .001%'ers got butt-hurt and keep voting down all the posts (good or bad) to keep it from getting reads but check it out anyway.
There are of a lot of out there not being counted. We should all be supporting this for our own good. Fascism has taken over our country. We better do something NOW.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Something new needs to come out of this, something that is reasonable to the majority of US citizens.
Yes, a new movement of "We the people" who will establish a true non-violent approach with reasonable expectations for change, guided by core ideas, based on universal needs grounded in America (not needy Canadians) who embrace reality.
This is a silly reply, but in order to represent yourself, you need to be 900,000 people. That is how many people 1 congressman represents. How can they represent that many people? George Washington supported 1 congressman for every 30,000 people. That way, you might even know your congressman and you could tell them your opinion.
Don't forget that some of us don't live near Wall street. We aren't out there. But, we support those that are. Nobody ever said that the 99% all have the same ideas or message. What is being said is the same thing that the Tea party was saying when they first started. "Something is wrong in our government. It doesn't represent us any more." Does the current government represent you?
That's kind of the problem,..The Tea party set out and said "hey here's some things that are important that we should look at this, this is what our group believes and we think america will agree" and they were right, Then they got bought out, taken over, bastardized and now the Tea party says "We speak for America!"
OWS is the post bastardized version of the Tea Party. Saying hey we speak for the 99%'ers. No, they don't. They can only say for a fact that they speak for the less than .001%ers who have actually attended all the Occupy events combined.
No. But OWS doesn't represent us either. How about you allow us to represent ourselves?
Because OWS (to their credit) DID draw a lot of attention to the issues,...the problem is that all that attention went "Oh wow, sure made a big impact, must be the spokespeople for this 99% thing right?" and OWS went "Yep that's us,..we speak for all those people,'s how the 99% want things done, here are our tennants, demands, structures, goals, dreams etc..." False representation by my fellow citizen is just as bad as false representation by my government.