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Forum Post: OWS is important because .................

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 3:12 a.m. EST by debndan (1145)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Yesterday I started a discussion on what I, as a conservative can support from OWS, and why OWS needs conservatives too.

We had a lively debate, and alot of thoughts were exchanged.

To further that debate I'd like to see what other people hope to see from this movement, and why.

I personally see OWS as vital, how 'bout you?



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[-] 1 points by peacescientist (169) 13 years ago

the government will be able to compile a list of people who actiely oppose the government....just saying....

[-] 1 points by levelthefield (7) 13 years ago

I do too-- I'm a libertarian--but I keep coming back here because I think we all share a desire to change the status quo and create equal opportunities for everyone. I'm just not convinced that ows isn't an instrument of the unions and political strategists....

[-] 1 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

I have said this before so forgive me for being repetitious:

If they accomplish NOTHING else, they have reclaimed the right of American citizens to assemble, speak & otherwise express themselves for political purposes WITHOUT permission, WITHOUT permits and WITHOUT being penned in to an Orwellian "free speech" zone.

They are showing me and the world that us common people can still be a force to be reckoned with.

They are making the powers-that-be (1%ers if you want) sit up, take notice and get a little bit fearful and I think that's a good thing.

Now for what I hope to see - well, if we can get people of good will like yourself & me, from all over the political spectrum to work together on the issues we have in common - after this country being so deeply divided for so long - that would be excellent.

If we can get some serious changes made to bring back honesty & root out corruption in government and end the unholy govt/finance/bigcorp alliance - spectacular.