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Forum Post: OWS is a waste of time unless...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 11:58 p.m. EST by jjpatrick (195)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What's the point of protesting against the Wall Street bankers? They're not going to collectively make any policy changes that''ll effect their customers or 99% of Americans. They're not going to turn themselves in.

If you want change, you need to go to your contact person in Washington... Goldman Sach's very own representative in Washington named Obama.

Picture 1000's of 1000's of OWS protesters in Washington. Please at least make it your final destination to get there and please don't aim to settle with some sort of 0.03% Robin Hood tax that some in Congress are planning for.

You would make headlines across America in a good way if the people in Washington took it to Obama. It would capture the world's attention. And when ppl ask, what you want... just say, we want the voices of the 99/100 Americans back in Washington...we want our Republic Democracy back.



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[-] 1 points by itsbeentriedandfailed (29) 13 years ago

This Tea Party Patriot is with you!

[-] 1 points by jjpatrick (195) 13 years ago

I thought OWS's originally goal, well at least with Adbusters and the hacktiviist group Anonymous was to expose the politicians and the banksters and implement some real policy changes.

[-] 1 points by FixTheHouse (11) 13 years ago

Robinhood is a communist and the Sherriff of Nottingham is a job creator. Is that what you are telling us. I'll be in the forest.

[-] 1 points by 2012shockingtruth (29) 13 years ago

The occupation of city parks was a great starting point, marches that allow more people to participate are a logic next step and today's activities were successful in continuing to raise awareness.

The subsequent steps are unclear, but thinking strategically it makes sense to find the weakness of the opponent and make that a focal point.

Politicians like public support in order to get elected so making it clear what we want with strong backing from the general public is one approach to get political support for change. I'm sure others will come up with more ideas. We need lots of good ideas in order to create the necessary changes.

[-] 1 points by itsbeentriedandfailed (29) 13 years ago

We are the public in republic. Occupy congress. Form coalitions. Don't let the private interests (labor,corp.,whatever) take your power.