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Forum Post: Inc. OWS now and list on NYSE; Hostile Takeover of Basic Needs Industries

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 10:32 p.m. EST by infonomics (393)
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Incorporate OWS now and list on NYSE.

One share per supporter.

Begin Fund raising.

Begin OWS news organization.

Hostile takeover of corporations who provide our basic needs (Maslow's list).



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[-] 1 points by LogTax (71) from Swifton, AR 13 years ago

I'd really like to see some discussion of this by someone knowledgeable. It sounds like such a good idea that I need to know why it isn't.

[-] 1 points by infonomics (393) 13 years ago

As a CPA, I have some knowledge in this direction but, in truth, IPO's are beyond my scope. Why shouldn't Americans control there own basic needs? Because no one has dared to be so brazen. Also, can you imagine the power of the movement if we had our own AP-like or Reuter-like news service, completely manned by supporters, many who might be unemployed today.

I have more surprises (or one big surprise) to unveil very soon. I would give the link (or links) now but I need to tidy up a bit. The work has been in the making for some time. It's massive. That the OWS movement dovetails with this work is somewhat of a miracle. I'll keep you in touch.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 13 years ago

Good idea.

[-] 1 points by LogTax (71) from Swifton, AR 13 years ago

I really can't even evaluate this idea, but it's so poetically funny it'd be great to see it happen. Infonomics, you're either a genius, or hilarious. Or both.

  • Why couldn't this work? ...

  • What would be the consequences? Suppose you succeeded in creating a single corporation capable of providing for our basic needs - now suppose the board of that corporation deciding to use their 'leverage' to achieve their goals. That is, withholding basic needs, or placing arbitrarily large prices on them; as would be their right, as a corporation. Any organization that large, controlling that many resources, would be capable of gaining considerable power - and potentially coercive power, in the sense of withholding basic needs from the noncompliant. What does government do about this situation?

I think it would be a bright spot in history, a chuckle for the ages, if this idea could and did work. But it's a big enough idea - if it is even plausible at all - to warrant sober thought about where it might go, including the case in which it falls into the wrong hands.

[-] 1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

That might be a great idea!