Forum Post: OWS ignored Libya's victory today!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 5:46 p.m. EST by Oolith
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I was pretty shocked when OWS did not even say diddles in solidarity for another, Libya had a great victory today. The whole world spoke about it. OWS voice was noticeably missing.
After month of NATO air raids domestic rebells kill their dictator, hurray. Now the French corporations take over.
Correction: 8 months and government fighters lost a suicidal perp.
Mainstream media lies about Gaddafi and Libya - RT rocks the truth once again.
They tweeted it.
I was actually disappointed because they DID tweet it, OWS shouldn't support the rebels.
Gadaffi was "bad", sure, but not awful. Oil was nationalized and collectively owned by all the people. In exchange libyans enjoyed free healthcare, free education, monthly checks for every libyan and free housing. The money was used to better society. Now who owns the oil? Big companies. The libyans got screwed over.
Do you read any news source that is regional to the actual topics? Politely put, indeed it does seem that you have little research into your subject.
"...virtually none of the information needed to make that assessment is known yet, including: how many civilians have died, how much more bloodshed will there be, what will be needed to stabilize that country and, most of all, what type of regime will replace Gadaffi? Does anyone know how many civilians have died in the NATO bombing of Tripoli and the ensuing battle? Does anyone know who will dominate the subsequent regime? Does it matter? To understand how irrational and premature these celebrations are in the absence of that information, I urge everyone to read this brief though amazing compilation of U.S. media commentary from 2003 after U.S. forces entered Baghdad: in which The Liberal Media lavished Bush with intense praise for vanquishing Saddam, complained that Democrats were not giving the President the credit he deserved, and demanded that all those loser-war-opponents shamefully confess their error."
We shall see. I have been involved with the Libya movement from almost the beginning. I saw how the Libya people worked together. NATO was not there in the beginning. The Libyan youth had to practically beg for help from the international community.
You have been involved? Reading your comments here evidently your involvement consists of watching your television specifically, CNN
I do not understand, could you rephrase your question, please?. :)
I don't think it is wise for OWS to mention in their mission statement that they were inspired by the Arab Spring protests. These protest were very violent. It lead to a civil war breaking out in Libya. Look how Gadaffi was taken out in the end. There was no trial, no nothing. He was just beaten half-to-death and bullets to the head to finish him off.
Now you have the opponents of OSW stating that we will turn to violence, especially since the movement was inspired by the Arab Spring protests. We need to disassociate with that movement and keep emphasizing that this is a non-voilent movement. Don't give our enemies any ammo to use against us.
I dunno, I don't support the USA's involvement in the rebellion. It remains to be seen if the situation now will be better or worse. Lots of people died.
"In this case, America spent $2 billion total and didn't lose a single life.
Economical at the price then. Nevertheless, rebellions, except in certain sorts of teenage songs, will bring armed conflict that is the nature of rebellion. People die during armed conflicts. Rebellions are difficult on the living.
What? You mean where we sent in weapons and trained the rebels? Do you mean where we sent in predator drones to bomb targets? Do you mean where we are going to make sure the people get in charge that we want in charge? Do you mean that we paid for all of this by borrowing the money from China? yeah I know what happened.
What do you think will happen here in USAmerica that all government will go away and we will live in a John Lennon song? No, you work with what you have. Moreover, i was France that assisted Libya. :D
I agree with you, I'm glad for there people. Its us I worry about. We should not police the world.
If I could I would ask just half of the military budget be spent at home. There are a lot of other things too like making the CB's the major part of the "war machine". Plus a good solid battalion of CFEs would do nicely. With the military being so large a battalion would be necessary. .
You should watch this
Thank you, do you have the transcript? :)
The guy was a scum bag, the situation should have been handled differently.
No, doubt. Inexperience was at hand there. But how does one go about getting a hated (polite word) out of a tired, adrenalin packed, angry mob that each just wants their small hit. Then the kid that "shoots" his load. Tough command even for the best of commanders.
I don't know what the answer is, but you can't go around deciding which head of state needs to go. The people there will not be free, they did not earn their freedom.
Perhaps you confuse people for persons. The lynching was bad. It was those persons sin. It is not the sin of all people. I love to collar corruption, but some people commit suicide. What Gadaffi did was suicidal. He committed death by incitement. Mobs are deadly, one should not taunt them indeed!
"TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Rebel forces and armed civilians are rounding up thousands of black Libyans and migrants from sub-Sahara Africa, accusing them of fighting for ousted strongman Moammar Gadhafi and holding them in makeshift jails across the capital."
Yahoo news reports any news source. They also reported that Michael Jackson was thought to be alive. And we all know that is not true. Source your work or limp on through. Cheers
It was the Associated Press that reported the story. That's what AP stands for. Yahoo is just the aggregating site.
Here is the same story carried by Salon. You can find any number of news outlets using that exact same story.
From your article... here have been little credible evidence of rebels killing or systematically abusing captives during the six-month conflict. ...
Justice Minister Mohammed al-Alagi told reporters this week that he’d visited several detention centers and found conditions “up to international standards.”
If they were white African soldiers recruited the poppers journals would be exploiting that. It is their job to make you emotional. But really did they are all Africans. Just like if Cheny hired Mexico workers for his legion.
Victory over banks giving fault loans to countries they know can not pay back and essentially giving a reason for the US to storm in. yes. And what is victory? if people are not happy about their government, is it truly justifiable that we go to other countries? WE DONT EVEN LIKE OUR GOVT., let alone other countries!!!
Victory? More research less kardashians. Please and thank you
I do not understand your comparison.
I am part of the 99%. I stand in solidarity with the people of Libya!
However, taking of a life is always horrible- even if that life was a violent and wasted one. At least their country can make changes for the people now.
I also amd part of the 99%. I cried when I saw the mob take control. It brought back some scary moments. Mobs are a scary and dangerous entity. I so wish he could have been brought in. I wish he had just surrendered... long time ago.
I am a firm believer in the notion that one must clean up their own house first before criticizing another about how messy their home is. We need to focus on our own problems here in America and leave the other countries to their own issues.
Not put the Libya's people down, but a nod to thier hard work of getting rid of a tyrant. One they choose to remove.
Maybe that's because some of us are smart enough to realize that the Libyan revolution is not an American Revolution but rather a French revolution which in a few months, or years, will likely be relabed as a "Terror." .
Oh, then OWS is only OWS if it looks good and is labeled correctly? Or is OWS pro-Gadaffi?
I will not support Sharia law. This is about freedom.
Oh, I see you are a troll. Democratization is not good enough for you.
It's not, no. Because I could wake up tomorrow and start an Internet wave that would ultimately propose some fantastic evil, and then with a majority vote, implement that evil. I prefer a Constitutional Republic with enumerated rights.
But neither of these applies in the Middle East - you are being duped. True, there is much to say for religious law... it's much simpler, there is little room for individualism or diversity of opinion... but it will also incur tremendous suffering.
These people are intent on instituting Sharia Law.
However, if you really are not a troll I invite you to come to better groomed sites and state your beliefs with wholesomeness. Cheers!
Ok, and where would you suggest I park it? (And please don't suggest another troll site.)
You can begin on my Culling Corruption Facebook page. But any small well groomed site would do. There are four in south georgia and florida. You can find the various occupations and their sites on
Da, yes, you are a troll. I can see much time would be wasted enjoying OWS forums and chitters. It is cool that you do not like democratic governments.
Any government that actively impedes corruption is better than a government that pretends they are above corruption. - Julia Clark
Democracy alone will not impede corruption. You're barking up the wrong tree on that one.
tootles, read my statement. Cheers.
Cheers? Are you buying?
Are you flying? :D
Well, duh...
How was that a victory?
It was not a victory if you backed Gadaffi. However, the people Of Libya wanted his corruption and greed gone.
People? You mean CIA trained rebels and NATO operatives hired by Banks with "special interest" after taking note to Gaddafi’s plan for instituting a currency for Africa that could potentially undermine the dollar and the euro. There were men and women with property, cars, and attending college. Now Libya will end up just like Iraq. They are going to try institute sharia law while western influences force democracy down their throats.
Oh, you are a f'loon. Moreover Gadaffi was your master's boy.... Well, your master's boy is dead. Good day ~`~
Poor excuse for a rebuttal. Guess corruption is cool with you. Good day.
It is your master that is corrupt. In addition, you know this. Accepting Gadaffii as non-corrupt is double speak. Cheers! Let the love boat Sail! :angel:
Why are you making preconceptions about what I believe? I’m on your side. Torture is wrong. Gadaffi was a terrible person, but this wasn’t what the people wanted. He was installed and taken out by the same influence we’re against. They're going to suffer through civil war. Don't you care?!
You are very good at double speak nevertheless, your attempt at social engineering is not effective. Libya's people did well. There is not some magical secrecy to corruption. Gadaffi was corrupt. The mob lynching was sad, but not part of some installed plan. Culling corruption is like weeding a garden, you start somewhere and begin. Cheers!
I will check the news section again. But I am pretty sure there was not even a nod of solidarity from OWS
What the hell are you talking about? I've been here since 9:30 this morning and the first several posts were "OWS STANDS WITH LIBYA!" Maybe you need to pay more attention to what is going on?
I came here to write in solidarity with OWS and Libya. Clearly there is no news of any solidarity in the news section. I do not hang out here. from 9am. I think OWS wants solidarity, but is not giving solidarity in return
omg theres plenty of libyan/ows solidarity on here. you are just complaining just to complain!
Sharia law is not something I intend to support.
Oh shut up
ok, moediggity
Where is the solidarity of OWS? I think they want, but maybe do not give. :(
Huh? Are you talking about the news feed on this website? Who speaks for OWS anyway? I've seen some threads on this forum praising the Libyan people for their victory.
It says news I came write and amplify solidarity and not a word of solidarity for Libya. While on the tweetdeck- Not a word.