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Forum Post: OWS HUBRIS: America is a nation of 'interest' by definition of Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers (birth of america), trouble is today that 'interest' is held by courts and prisons.

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 30, 2012, 1:31 a.m. EST by owsleader2038 (-10)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I truly wish, ... to sweet talk you, and tell you that there is hope, as OBAMA has shown there has been NO CHANGE, so all HOPE has been lost.

OBAMA came to power by getting money from WALL-ST bankers ( 1% ), and promising more public money to the public-employee-unions ( prison industry ).

The little people have no power, the entire world is NOW voting the USA down with its wallet, the entire world knows the USA paper dollar is worthless and only 'legal-tender' because the USA keeps the NUKE-GUN to the worlds head.

The world is sick and tired of USA aggression and murder, its game-over for the USA parasitic nation. The majority of all of you have no idea of what your government did in your name during the past 50+ years, but it don't matter, you remained silent, because 56% of the USA public feeds at the government PIG-TROUGH ( phony USA dollars ), now that the money will collapse in value nothing will keep the USA integrated. All hell will break loose.

The system is collapsing from its own HUBRIS, so don't blame the messenger.

It's too late to fix the USA, all must be abolished, and out of the ashes good men & women must come forward to build anew.

America is a nation of 'interest' by definition of Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers (birth of america), trouble is today that 'interest' is held by courts and prisons.

No power of any of us can change the path of the USA-SYSTEM, its going down and hard. Fleeing to a free nation is the only safe bet, if you bother to study the history of civil wars.



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[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Ah, convince the spirited to leave the contest -- clever, clever.

Please tell your bosses that you are incompetent and should be fired. FAIL.

[-] 0 points by owsleader2038 (-10) 13 years ago

The first order of the day is survival.

Nobody survives a 'civil war', by standing around in the fire.

Once the war is over say, .. 5-10 years the USA will have flushed its own toilet and cleaned up the mess, in humility it will have to borrow from the world to rebuild, and like today's post Nazi Germany the children of tomorrows USA will NEVER AGAIN allow the greedy criminals to control their nation.

But in the short term a 'smart anarchist' will weather out the civil-war far from the USA.