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Forum Post: OWS Goal - "Fairness for all" ???

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 2:33 p.m. EST by glenn1984 (57)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What do you all think of this uniting message/motto?

OWS Goal - "Fairness for all"

And I'm thinking of crystallizing the message around OWS key goals into three key points. See/Add more in this part of OWS' web site: http://occupycommunity.org/propose-a-goal/

Key Reforms to support THE Goal:

1) Election Reform

- funding (public only?)
- parties / electoral college (2+ party system?)
- ...

2) Tax Reform

- simplify tax code?
- Buffet rule? etc.
- ...

3) Corporate Personhood Reform

- Eliminate or Modify to include company/shareholder $$$ panelties

Other (more contentious issues to consider): a) Affordable Healthcare b) Unions and exempt worker pay c) ... please add more key goals



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[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

just as it applies to the right, it applies to all. you cannot legislate morality. but you can create agreeable boundaries and expectations.

[-] 0 points by glenn1984 (57) 13 years ago

yes ... "Fairness for all" could be the key message (I think that's what this movement is about), but the boundaries would be created by the particular reforms. Of course you can't legislate "fairness" in general terms.

Other ideas on how to describe the movement in a short slogan? and I mean short like 1-4 words.

[-] 1 points by resistance (4) 13 years ago

For fundamental goals I suggest the following -

Freedom of speech and expression Freedom of worship Freedom from want Freedom from fear


These are achievable goals. They also have the advantage of already being mainstream and time-tested. Two of the goals are in the U. S. Constitution.

The methods to achieve these goals would need to be defined, but the goals would be easy to remember, easy to list, easy to defend, and provide a framework for the other issues to be categorized into.

[-] 1 points by glenn1984 (57) 13 years ago

ok ... my self comment :-)

Do you think it's time to clarify the message here before we loose some steam? Or do you think wait and grow further with the risk of chaos if not able to pull everyone together in common direction?

Do you think we need one broad yet descriptive goal, supported by 2-3 "What needs to be done", each described by 2-3 "How's"?