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Forum Post: OWS: Get a Life!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:35 p.m. EST by longlivecapitalism (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I want OWS whiners to turn to go home and find a job. Disgusting, arrogant, entitled wanna-be-thieves with no sense of decency, and no basic knowledge of economics or history. Wealth is earned, assholes!! It took me years to get to where I am today - because I worked my ass off geting a college degree and a masters. OWS has no flippin' clue!!



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[-] 2 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

do you think what has happened to america in the last few years is good?

do you think demanding accountability for the economic crisis is whining?

or wanting a government that is not influenced by big money at the expense of the majority is whining?

i'm sorry but demanding justice and accountability is hardly whining.

[-] 1 points by Poplicola (125) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

This isn't an attack on the rich. There is nothing wrong with being rich. There is a problem with being rich and stealing from the poor. There is a problem with few people controlling the wealth, and to that end there is a problem when those who control the wealth are not helping their country and society progress.

David Walker, former US Comptroller General and chief of the GAO, warned before the 2004 election that if large economic changes were not made, by 2009 the United States and its taxpayers would not be able to afford the interest payments on the national debt. A study authorized by the US Treasury in 2001 found that in order to keep servicing the debt at its current rate of growth, by 2013 income taxes would need to be raised to 65%.

If the United States cannot afford to pay the interest on its debts, that would be the final stage of economic collapse and hence result in a total textbook bankruptcy. The systematic crisis would in turn spread to the rest of the world.

How did this happen? Why is the US national debt $14,819,350,000+? Of the 203 countries in the world today, only four (!) do not owe others money. The collective external debt of all the governments in the world is now above 40 trillion dollars and this number doesn’t include the massive about of household debt in each country.

The whole world is basically bankrupt. But how? How can the world as a whole owe money to itself? Obviously, it’s all nonsense. There is no such thing as ‘money’. There are only planetary resources, human labor and human ingenuity. The monetary system regulated by Federal Reserve is nothing more than a game… and an outdated and dysfunctional one at that. Those in positions of social power alter the rules of the game, at will. The nature of those rules is guided by the same competitive, distorted mentalities that are used in everyday “monetary” life, only this time the game is rigged at its root to favor those who run the show. For example, if you have 1 million dollars and put it into a CD at 5% interest, you are going to generate $50,000 a year simply for that deposit. You are making money off of money itself… paper being made from other paper … nothing more - no invention - no contribution to society – no nothing.

That being denoted, if you are a lower to middle class person, who is limited in funds, and must get interest based loans to buy your home or use credit cards, then you are paying interest to the bank, which the bank is then using, in theory, to pay the person’s return with the 5% CD! Not only is this equation outrageously offensive due to the use of usury (interest) to ‘steal from the poor and give to the rich’, but it also perpetuates class stratification by its very design, keeping the lower classes poor, under the constant burden of debt, while keeping the upper classes rich, with the means to turn excess money into more money, with no labor.

That reality aside, there are other games in the system which have worked for decades, but are just now starting to bloom into the inevitable mathematic disasters that should have been anticipated 100 years ago. The point is, our system is broken. Simple policy change will not solve our debt problem. We need to alter the governmental paradigm if we wish to repay our debt. First step: our government must fire the Federal Reserve Board.

[-] 1 points by DanielPawlak (23) 13 years ago

trolling is a fun hobby isn't it longlivecapitalism?

[-] 1 points by windrider (5) 13 years ago

First, my congratulations on your degree's and admiration for your hard work that has gotten you to where you are. That said, perhap's your not aware, that the average for finding a job in this nation is around 40 weeks according the BLS. One other thing worth mentioning here is this, U.S. companies have let go in the last few year's 2.9 million Americans, and of those 2.9 million jobs 2.4 million of them were hired offshore. So given that sort of atmosphere, earning wealth is becoming more and more difficult unless you have that wealth already. No one will deny that wealth is earned, but in many cases it is inherithed, won, or transffered. so it is not always earned as in your case. As to history I will ask you the same question that I ask everyone of the people that tend to see the young and old people alike of OWS as bums, etc. where exactly is the word "capitalism" in the constitution, and further is it there more time's than the word people ? A person with an education such as your's I'm sure already know's the answer to that, so given that, these people of OWS are doing EXACTLY what our founding father's provided in the constitution that they do, to express themselves. Perhaps, the many companies, wealthy, and individuals that have bleed this nation dry for their own personal gain rather than the nation take some que's from that and begin to respect the nation they live in a little and the people within it, rather than see them as number's on a balance sheet, your success notwithstanding.

[-] 1 points by helpusall (2) 13 years ago

let's take a look at some more facts from the BLS. The majority of people with a bachelors degree have a job --- yes that's an unemployment rate among those with bachelors degree or higher of 5%; significantly below the 9.1% (true 16%+ if you include those not looking for a job). You know who doesn't have a job? those without a high school education. This has nothing to do with a recession, this has to do with something pretty simple. It's called --- the JOBS of the uneducated are moving overseas. Look, in an ideal world, we all have jobs, everyone is happy and people get massively overpaid. Yes, overpaid. If a Chinese worker is willing to do your job for 1/10th the price, then you are no longer needed and are just a big whiner. That's it, the world has moved on. Otherwise, why don't I point to the starving citizens in emerging markets that don't even get food stamps. Compared to them, you jobless bunch with free medicare and food stamps and homeless shelters are a bunch whiny children that they'd switch place with. The fact is, your jobs are no longer needed. No one is going to purposefully put their company at a disadvantage to create a job for you. Maybe you should have studied in school. I was in high school not too long ago, there were a bunch of students who were too lazy to do work. They could have studied, they could have gone to college, they decided not to. That is not my fault, that is theirs. If you're talking about supporting people in rundown neighborhoods who can't afford education, I am all for it. I will donate as much as I can to help them tomorrow, but unfortunately the VAST VAST majority of people without jobs come from the same backgrounds as us, had the same chances. They did not take them.

[-] 1 points by windrider (5) 13 years ago

Forrester Research Inc. predicts U.S. employers will move 3.4 million white-collar jobs and $136 billion in wages overseas by 2015. The outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas estimates the number of service-sector jobs moving overseas each year will hit 588,000 . A University of California at Berkeley report finds 14 million jobs are at risk of being sent offshore, and predicts job losses will exceed the Forrester study’s projections. One more thing to consider here to that 5.1% you cite, thats the highest it's been since 1970. As to the jobs for those without degree's that points to a problem with companies moving US manufacturing offshore. I find it somewhat ironic that US companies, that have no problem sending US jobs oversea's have no problem asking those same US citizens for money to save them from a failed business model. I also submit that while some choose to call the people of OWS whinney and lazy, etc. I chose to call them " American's " as they refuse to accept a nation that is run for the benefit of by and for the corporation. Let me ask you as I ask everyone who looks down upon these young people, where exactly in the constitution of this nation is the word "capitalism" or for that matter " free market" because I can point out the word " people" pretty quickly.

[-] 1 points by mindhawk (175) from Jefferson City, MO 13 years ago

So glad about you geting(sic) a college degree.

Sounds like you know everybody's innermost thoughts and despise your fellow citizens, you must be some kind of superhero to jerks everywhere.

There aren't enough jobs for everyone, I suggest you go review some of your college mathematics.

Maybe you could start your own jerk movement? Oh wait, that's already been done(the Republican party)

[-] 1 points by LetThemEatCake2011 (43) 13 years ago

@longlivecapitalism - I'd like to reply to your comment "Wealth is earned, assholes!"

If you are living the American Dream, and are doing what you love, making good money, and happy with the system, why do you sound so angry?

Something is off-balance here. You are essentially preaching "I'm miserable and so I want others to be equally miserable." What you should realize is that you are not happy because you are one of the obedient slaves who makes the 1% wealthier by skimping off your hard-earned dollars. Direct your anger at the right people. At the 1% that are perpetuating this flawed system. Don't lash out at the 99% that are fighting for the greater good. After all, you're one of us.

[-] 1 points by windrider (5) 13 years ago

Funny you should metion this, the WSJ did a poll of 1500 wealthy Americans back in 2008. 69% of those polled said they earned their wealth through work and investments. The last past is not earning wealth my friend, it's a dividend. 5% of those polled got their's the old fashioned way, they inherited it. The rest was a combination of the 2. So to make a blanked statement that wealth is earned, is a bitt off the mark. Perhaps for some yes, Personally, I think wealth is a good thing, however, that said, when one becomes wealthy and they lose a sense of the nation and the community they belong too, then it becomes an issue. Let me give you an example, a corporation that expects tax breaks and bailouts from the american tax payer and yet lay's off americans to employ those offshore. I will happily count myself with the 99% as I suspect most of those opposed to OWS are but are just not informed enough to know it.

[-] 1 points by LetThemEatCake2011 (43) 13 years ago

windrider - I support the 99%. Re-read my comment. It was a reply to @longlivecapitalism who is obviously misguided.

[-] 1 points by windrider (5) 13 years ago

Laugh's sorry about that chalk it up to newness, I read it after I hit the save.

[-] 1 points by redteddy (263) from New York, NY 13 years ago


I think you're missing something. No one is 'preaching' anything, this is a rebellion against corporate fraud, illegal foreclosures, banking crooks being rewarded with tax payer's money for destroying their own companies, unemployment, and declining social services. Obviously the numbers are showing that less and less people are living the 'american dream'. The NYTimes reported that 2.6 million more americans have slipped into poverty and and "the number of Americans living below the official poverty line, 46.2 million people, was the highest number in the 52 years." Where is your american dream in those statistics?

CBS news reported in 'Homeless Children: the hard times generation' that

"American families have been falling out of the middle class in record numbers. The combination of lost jobs and millions of foreclosures means a lot of folks are homeless and hungry for the first time in their lives."


"Based on that standard, and government projections of unemployment, it is estimated the poverty rate for kids in this country will soon hit 25 percent."

Is that your american dream? A failing middle-class and homeless children? Sounds more like the american nightmare than the american dream. Meanwhile the US throws billions down the drain in Afghanistan fighting an unwinnable war. Ten years of fighting foreign wars and still going strong, money that could have been used towards the public good right here at home. This is a call towards fairness and a just economic system.

[-] 1 points by LetThemEatCake2011 (43) 13 years ago

redteddy - I apologize for my miscommunication.

I 100% agree with what you are saying. Re-read what I wrote. I was criticizing the poster who said "Wealth is earned, assholes!" I support OWS. I am asking those who criticize the OWS movement why they are so angry if they are "happy" with the system.

[-] 1 points by redteddy (263) from New York, NY 13 years ago


I apologize. I didn't understand your comment.

You know, the OP betrays fear. On the one hand it dismisses the movement, but you don't take the time to ostracize and even comment on something you believe has no power. He's afraid of criticism against a system he still believes in. To admit the system isn't working is very frightening to many americans. You will find more people frightened as the movement grows and incorporates more and more citizens from all sections of society. His criticism is written here because he fears us. And he fears us because he thinks we can win.

[-] 1 points by LetThemEatCake2011 (43) 13 years ago

Here is a great read that you can send to all the haters:
