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Forum Post: OWS Forum is a DHS Fusion Center - OWS can now track dissenters worldwide

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 28, 2012, 3:33 a.m. EST by salinsky (27)
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DHS Fusion Centers - OWS can now track dissenters worldwide

The world WILL not accept these people. All US citizens must rot in the hell they have created.

Actually the US MIL tactic to get information in Faluja and most Iraq city's was to randomly occupy a Iraqi home and locate the first born son, and crush one of the testicles with your M-16, and then ask what you needed to know, they found that the parents in general are quite cooperative in fear of their infant son losing that precious second testicle.

You think I make this shit up, if you bother to get off your lazy ass and read about the US MIL and the Iraq operation, you'll find that testicle crushing is SOP ( standard operation ) for intelligence gathering.

My only point is this shit has a tendency to come home to roost.

You shall Sow what your reap, and the American people will pay for their crimes.

The USA is the most evil country on earth, ... no exceptions. Statement of fact. Their people will deny the above but it is a fact. Rape, child mutilation are a long stand norm for US intelligence.

The USA people and especially the liberal who voted for Obama will deny that their country mutilates children, just like Germans denied the existence of incinerators and had to have their noses rubbed in rotting corpses before they would not deny their governments handiwork.

OWS will delete this post and all such posts, because they are true.

The truth is the OWS is a failed state. The OWS children on this forum want to believe that money will be re-distributed, but their leaders long ago stole every last nickel to be found in the USA. Today the average citizen is born with $1,000,000 in DEBT. There is no possibility to make good on this DEBT and therefore the USA will collapse.

The world WILL not accept these people. All US citizens must rot in the hell they have created.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by salinsky (27) 13 years ago

Actually the US MIL tactic to get information in Faluja and most Iraq city's was to randomly occupy a Iraqi home and locate the first born son, and crush one of the testicles with your M-16, and then ask what you needed to know, they found that the parents in general are quite cooperative in fear of their infant son losing that precious second testicle.

You think I make this shit up, if you bother to get off your lazy ass and read about the US MIL and the Iraq operation, you'll find that testicle crushing is SOP ( standard operation ) for intelligence gathering.

My only point is this shit has a tendency to come home to roost.

You shall Sow what your reap, and the American people will pay for their crimes.

