Forum Post: OWS for Ron Paul 2012
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:22 a.m. EST by freedomwatch2012
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ron Paul needs to become president. he will restore america, he will bring our troops home, he will end the fed, he will fix our problems! He is the truth...research him and spread the support for him! the media is blocking him out because they know he is a threat to the governments tyranny and corruption. He follows the constitution not fraud bills and bailouts. he is the answer to the 99%.....the 1% are doing everything they can to prevent him from becoming president. lets change that. revolution is here. Ron Paul 2012. OWS...lets support him 100% he is the voice of the 99%!!
ron paul and the 99% movement have that in common, the media is totally shutting both down. i couldn't agree more with you about supporting him as he is the only candidate that has stood up to the federal reserve and, unlike obama, i do believe that he means it when he says that he will bring our troops home. god bless you all!
Oh look more arm-chair libertarians that don't know shit! Cool!
no one person is going to fix this countries problems. Decisions are made by congress, if you want decisions that will benefit the most people, we need to take local elections more seriously. No president, no matter how awesome he sounds on the tele, can do crap with the congress we have and the idiots in the supreme court
We all need to vote for this man...There is nothing bad about him. He voted against every bailout...and continues to vote against every unconstitutional bill passed. he is the truth and the voice of the OWS. he is the voice of the 99%. Ron Paul 2012
I like Ron Paul but I keep hearing he's bad. I haven't heard reasons yet though. I did lose some of my excitement when I learned he's pro-life though, but still, he wants it to be decided on the state level, so that eases my mind somewhat.
Go through this thread, maybe: