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Forum Post: OWS Epitaph: It Failed Before it Began

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 9:08 a.m. EST by avernus (-22)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I’ve written many posts over the last weeks sarcastically attacking the OWSers under various names. I called them many names and I take back none of them. But as nasty and warranted was my name calling I was trying to shame these young people into taking stock in themselves and abandoning this trainwreck called OWS.

I warned the OWSers that their days were numbered and their whole approach to whatever they were trying to accomplish was grounded in lawlessness, mob rule and criminality. Society would not stand for it nor should it and it never will stand for it. If OWS was attacking Wall Street or others for criminality then they were just as guilty with their criminal behavior. Two wrongs don’t make a right and lawlessness is never revered or respected.

The OWS phenom was just another fringe, extremely radical group of people who just wanted to take, take, take, not give back to society and disrespect society and complain when they didn't get their way. This is not new--America sees this every day in every household with spoiled brat children. OWS was simply a collection of spoiled, brat children.

More coaching to OWS in addition to the above OP.

  1. Of course it goes unsaid that any movement needs a well-thought out, coherent, reasonable, principled, unselfish message to society. OWS had no message at all, and even if one could try to fashion one based on the placards attacking Wall Street the OWS message was borne out of selfishness, envy, jealously and laziness.

  2. Virtue: The OWS movement was devoid of virtue. Look to the four Cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Restraint/Temperance and Courage/Fortitude as your guideposts for future movements.

  3. Respect for society and yourself is paramount

  4. Tyrannical political philosophy’s promoted by OWS such as anarchism, Marxism, socialism, collectivism, fascism, Nazism, anti-semitism, white supremacist are evil. If this is what you believe in—some or all or some combination—you believe in philosophies that are not only patently evil, but historically failed. Your allegiances to these beliefs contributed to your downfall.

  5. Venerate and study the wisdom of your ancestors moving forward. Your ancestors have seen it all and will tell you what the best form of society is to live in. The easy way is to get away from the OWS crowd for a day and look around since you are living in the most virtuous society, but it’s corruption has come from unscrupulous govt officials who are touting and supporting your tyrannical beliefs. But American society, permitted to work as designed by our providential forefathers, is beautiful, but it will not tolerate selfishness and handouts, which was the foundation for your movement.

  6. You are known by your friends. Having Nazis, Marxists, white supremacists, anti-Semites, criminals, disrespecting the police and business merchants, thieves, rapists, disgusting public defecators to be part of your movement defined OWS. Lesson learned are that any movement must be judicious as to they type of people to be included in their group. Movements are about specifics, not generalities. Regardless, these types of people should not be permitted in any society due to their evil beliefs. If you believed in any shape or form as to what they espoused then OWS deserved to fail.

  7. A need for Order and justice. Allowing people to be raped or vandalized and threatening OWSers with violence if they went to the police is a disgrace. Maybe refusing to utilize the police is all part of your ‘movement’, but that decision was another indication showing how your whole approach is doomed to fail. Putting people’s lives in danger will not advance any self-serving cause.

Mob rule, anarchy, lawlessness, disrespect, no order, no justice, greed, selfishness, arrogance amongst others are OWS’ sins. Lessons learned? Maybe not, but if you continue to try your tactics again you will meet, also again, with the same hard, harsh truth for your demise.



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[-] 12 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

What happens when an idiot offers their ill-informed opinion? You get a post like the one from the OP.

Take this uninformed part of the idiots post;

"Venerate and study the wisdom of your ancestors moving forward. Your ancestors have seen it all and will tell you what the best form of society is to live in. The easy way is to get away from the OWS crowd for a day and look around since you are living in the most virtuous society, but it’s corruption has come from unscrupulous govt officials who are touting and supporting your tyrannical beliefs. But American society, permitted to work as designed by our providential forefathers, is beautiful, but it will not tolerate selfishness and handouts, which was the foundation for your movement."

Here is what the Founding Fathers actually said and thought you pathetic twit.

The FOUNDING FATHERS made their meaning clear when they drafted the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES and the AMENDMENTS.

Thomas Jefferson - "I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." 

Thomas Jefferson - "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

"Thomas Jefferson - "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."

John Adams - "Banks have done more injury to the religion, morality, tranquility, prosperity, and even wealth of the nation than they can have done or will ever do good."

John Adams - "Liberty can not be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.  Let us dare to read, think, speak and write."

James Madison - "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it’s issuance."

How about Einstein?

Albert Einstein - "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure.”

Albert Einstein - "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

Albert Einstein - "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."

Here is an Amendment to set things right and remove all groups influence of the Political process.

Instead of fixing our country, that is just lazy.


[-] -3 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

First off your screen name is very appropriate. Without responding to every single disingenuous quote that you cut and pasted from some hate-America, socialist website that supports your lame and failed cause I will simply make some general statements.

Even in the face of abject failure of OWS you’re such a thick head. You’re obviously one of the lost cause, zombie brain washed and I always find it amusing when mush heads such as you quote icons to support their personal, self-aggrandizing agenda. I remember when I lived in Manhattan there would be these hateful anti-Semite, anti-white clowns wearing spaceman uniforms standing on soap boxes in Times Square preaching quotes from the Bible to justify their hatred. This is exactly the same as your comically lame, uninspiring, moronic drivel.

I was disappointed though. I was waiting for you to come up with a quote from Jefferson, Adams or Einstein to support public defecation, rape and lawless mobs. Perhaps do some research on Benedict Arnold, you may find a quote from him for that, and I hear he was cut from your cloth and none too hygienic either.

Jefferson, Adams and Einstein, huh. Well a mighty fine cutty/pasty job son, but I’m still hard pressed to find where any of them advocated violating the rule of law, mob rule, disrespect for other’s property, criminality, rape, public nuisance and health hazards, inciting violence (and don’t throw the American Revolution in as a parallel to OWS for God’s sake) and disdain for the First Principles of the Declaration. I’m sure you weren't taught them while you were listening to some OWS zombie chant Marx, but America’s First Principles are respect for divinely inspired natural rights of life, liberty and property.

Now given your hate-America feelings, were fostered by shitty parenting and hate-America, socialist, shitty public school union teachers, you were spoiled to believe that the world ‘owes’ you something. No, YOU owe the world something. So when you finally GET THAT you will be fine. Until then continue knocking your head against some street wall in filth or have it knocked by a police baton.

Either way nobody cares.

[-] 4 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

Refusal to accept facts is self-imposed ignorance, i.e. stupidity. Your stupidity is noted.

Everything I quoted from Jefferson Adams and Madison is accurate and Einstein felt the same way.
The City Council just voted to protect the rights of the occupy movement there and to move the city's money from a bank into a credit union; the moving of the money will of course depend on what a task force finds and further pressure from the public.

The Christian Science Monitor reported that in the last month 650,000 people or more moved 4.5 billion dollars from banks into credit unions.

Rant way and please don't let the facts dissuade you running off at the mouth.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

yep-- Im sure Thomas, John and Albert would be right there with you in a sleeping bag ,but I don't think they would rape anyone do you? Son, I tried with you--you fall into the taxonomy of 'lost cause'. Good bye and keep chanting.

P.S. why isn't Mikey Moore sleeping with you guys? Oh, he's in his $3M mansion on the lake.

[-] 4 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

English son, English.....

History is full of facts kid. It is good to see that when confronted with the facts and reality that you slink away.

Does a patriot allow his country to be in such economic and social disrepair that it becomes dysfunctional or does a patriot get off his backside and put forth the effort to fix what is broken so his country is what it was always meant to be?

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

Hey Jr. and you deserve to be called that sonny because you think and I'm sure act like a spoiled brat. Sonny you couldn't find any evidence to support any founder agreeing with the mob, lawless, hate-America OWSers. Not one and I shut you down Jr.

You are no patriot son--you're a spoiled, selfish, entitled brat who had shitty lib hate-America parents and shitty, lib, hate-America public school union thug teachers who ingrained in you that you are OWED something.

Jr, Society owes YOU nothing but the same opportunities as everyone else and no special treatment. YOU owe society.I'm sure Tom, John and Al would agree with me.

Now grow up, grow a pair, get a job, be a productive person in society, stop whining like a spoiled little brat, be a man and maybe then you'll be treated like an adult. You are pathetic.

[-] 4 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

Ah, the ole Jr. ploy.....

When you have nothing else, like facts, to rely on use the ole, Jr., I shut you down ploy. Now stop drooling on your mother's keyboard and pick those knuckles up off the floor and put your can of paint chips away so I can explain facts to you once more.

Facts are those things that are incontrovertible; they don't change to suit our needs. You may fight only for your little self son, but I fight for those that have less than I do. It is a novel concept; others are considering the merits as I speak and you drool on your moms keyboard.

The problem with our country is twits like you that think they know everything but are too stupid to see how stupid they truly are. Corporations were never meant to have a place at the table of politics. Currently they are the only ones at the table except the politicians.

Since they were never meant to have this power and it is this power that has effectively ruined this country it might be time to take it away. Unless you can demonstrate that our founding fathers felt differently.

Should I wait for you to post that proof???? Probably not.

Where you post nothing but rants and accusations I post proof.

Just so we are clear Junior, we own multiple houses :-) We are upper middle income :-) We are smarter than you :-)

Now go have a beer dumbass.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

Love the ad hom attacks from libs when I corner them--I can set my watch by it. I think it's all that emotion they run on vs. facts and then get real excited and start calling you names when cornered--y'know the old chestnuts like racist, homophobe, etc. It’s the old truth in their face thing that knocks them out of their made-up realities—really angers them and gets them all the time.

Son I 'm still waiting from you for documents on how the OWS behavior is justified by our founders and any city laws for that matter--it's broken all of them, but I don't think you'll find any justification for them. I won't ask again nor hold my breath--I'm busy. You started with all your handy dandy cut/paste of quotes not me. So finish what you started and send me documentation on how the founders would support such lawless behavior. I don’t have to present anything since I know it doesn’t exist. Y’see idiot I can’t present something that doesn’t exist—you’re the one who claims it does so SHOW ME YOUR DOCUMENTS.

I think, just think, that the founders exemplified order and the rule of law--gee, don't think son that your hate-America, socialist, rapist, criminal OWS buds represent that founders sentiment. Keep looking though--surprise me with some document that says Tommy J. or Jimmy M. or Johnny A. support mob rule, chaos, criminality, rape, confiscation of property, etc. etc. that typifies hate-Americans like you and OWS.

Heartening to to know that mature geniuses and benevolent, altruistic kids like YOU are fighting for all of us. Yes, so comforting that to know a child’s mind such as yours that believes society owes them something is going to look out for everyone. That is so white of you son—such a nice boy you are. Cute. So after you fix the world and tell everyone how much money they will make, what their job is, what house they live in, etc, etc. can you then please, please go to your room and pick up your things. What will I do with these kids today-whew. Yep what a guy.

I think you hit a trifecta little guy. First you post quotes from founders and try to apply them to somehow support OWS criminal activity, then you try to prove that you’re not a loser and say you have multiple houses (ROFL) and then you say your smarter than me. Man, who care about your houses? ROFL!! And OK, OK you’re smarter than me and everyone else. OK cowboy? Settle down Jr. Before you know it you’ll be showing how good you are with cutting and pasting that you’ll cut/paste your resume to me. Don’t waste your time I’m not hiring and don’t hire unstable, psycho, loser, parasitic OWSers on meds.

Have a beer! ROFL—what the hell are you talking about? Houses, you’re so smart, founding fathers are just like OWS, have a beer? You’re just chock full of non-sequiturs aren’t you sonny?

Get a grip, crawl out from under the 60s sonny and the Nazi Germany. This is America in 2011. Take a pill—get some sleep sonny and don’t forget your homework assignment from me on your documentation and, again, please clean up your room after you save the world.

Grow up and act like a man for God’s sake.

[-] 2 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

No proof of your accusation that the founding father never said what I quoted. Seems you never even addressed why people are in the streets....

When you accuse somebody of making things up, men, er, real men, post proof or get called idiots, morons, dip shits and so forth. Which are you?

Should I continue to wait or are you another waste breath?

As I said, I am smarter than you because I actually post proof of what I say.


[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

I always go through this with you socialist, hate-America idiots (you're all so stupid)--you traipse on out some founding father’s quote and then claim that it is applicable to the OWS criminal behavior. I don't have to prove it doesn't apply by the mere fact that there is NO existence that those quotes have any applicability to OWS criminal mob rule whatsoever. Hey, why don’t you say that George Washington liked to sleep out in the woods and hunt and, see, that proves that OWS sleeps outside is aligned with the founders; that’s about your sense of logic.

Like I said you’re like the crazy people using Biblical quotes to justify their illegal, criminal behavior. You’re insane.

YOU HAVE THE BRUDEN OF PROOF TO PROVE AND FIND DEFINTITEVE PROOF FROM THE FOUNDERS THAT THEY SUPPORTED CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR OF THE OWS KIND. I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ANYTHING OTHER THAN STATING THAT IT DOESN'T EXIST BECAUSE IT DOESN’T- I CAN'T SHOW YOU SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST YOU IDIOT LOSER!!! I’m waiting for you to back up your statement sonny. Show me the proof where the founders supported anarchy and criminal behavior. You brought this up and you finish it. I don’t have to prove anything.

OK, I know you can’t support your ridiculous claim at all because you’re an OWS moron, but I do know where you will find vast historical evidence, pictures, quotes to support your OWS criminal behavior. Look in the annals of the beginning of Hitler Nazism and Stalin/Lenin communism. Those are your icons and heroes and trust me son you’ll find tons of evidence to support your criminal, sick, depraved OWS behavior.

I think I’ve educated you and took care of you enough today Jr. Now go clean your room.

[-] 3 points by unimportant (716) 13 years ago

SCREAMING doesn't work dumbass. Step away from the paint chips bud. You are pretty much stupid as a post bud. You made the accusation, you get to prove I faked the quotes. Failure to do so is an admission that you can't and I am right :-)

I enjoy discussions with intelligent people, this is one I can't say I am enjoying. A child screaming and yelling refusing to back up what they say, unable to stay on point, drifting off into la la land, you are dumber than a pile of dirt.

Can you say "on topic" little man? Can you prove that my quotes are false little man?

BTW, it is not a criminal act until the individual is actually tried and convicted. It is called procedural Due Process. Something all Americans have a Constitutional Right to.

And to claim that everybody in all the Occupy Movement has raped anybody, stolen anything or assaulted anybody makes you a real piece of work kid. But as I said you are dumber than a pile of dirt and about as stupid as a post.

"OK, I know you can’t support your ridiculous claim at all"

What claim is that? Read what you posted dipshit.

"quotes to support your OWS criminal behavior" and "your criminal, sick, depraved OWS behavior"

What is my criminal behavior and please respond without your usual vagaries and use at least some specificity. How long do I have to wait? Does bullying work on your parents when they get tired of you sucking them dry? Do you pay any of your own bills or rely totally on mom and dad?


[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

You don't even know what socialism is. So you calling us that means nothing.

Also, you don't understand the history of America by a vast amount when it comes to economics.

Taxes on the top earners used to be much higher. Even Ronald Regan, the 'godfather' of the modern right-wing movement had taxes set at 50%!

Nixon had them at 70%!

Eisenhower had them at just over 90%!

Now they are 35%. The only time they were lower in recent history, was in 1928, when taxes were 28%. That was right before the great depression. The people of OWS learn from history. People like you do not, and are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over, and gloss over and cover up the problems causing them each and every time. And then you make excuses. Always with the excuses. Always blaming the poor.

You are vastly uninformed and miss-understand much. Faux News has lied to you. Understanding that is the first step to learning about these issues, my friend.

This country used to be far more socialist by the definition you use for the word. And let's be straight, the right-wing and their cronies don't know what socialism really is. It's obvious in the way they use the words socialist, communist, fascist & nazi all in place of each other. As if they all mean the same thing.

Let's be very clear here. We've already won. You wouldn't be here if you weren't scared out of your wits.

Well guess what? We've already won, now all we need to do is a 2012 victory lap. Scott Walker is the first domino.


[-] 7 points by Argentina (178) from Puerto Madryn, Chubut 13 years ago

At least they try to DO something about the real troubles. At least they get the attention of public, and USA citizen thay are waking up. What you sugest instead??


[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, Hitler, Mussolini , Castro, the Penn State tragedy also got attention my friend and OWS was that kind of attention. If you're happy with that then good for you. Stop slapping yourself on the back with tribute. People have seen your OWS type before--you kids act like you invented that nonsense. And evil,criminal behavior like it has been put down before like it should. Putting down the evil anarchy and behavior of OWS is just another example of how wonderful a society the USA is in that it will not tolerate lawless mobs indulging in selfish, criminal behavior.

As far as suggest I 'suggest' you re-read my OP and start thinking in terms of what you want to accomplish based on my advice. My advice requires character and the OWS movement is devoid of that. If it continues to be based on selfishness and irresponsibility you will have the same fate as OWS has now--it will end quickly and ugly.

[-] 2 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by Argentina (178) from Puerto Madryn, Chubut 13 years ago

I do undestand what you mean, but how you make these "kids" understand when they dont have any hopes on their future, the only see homeless, they see jobless, they see educationless... how you might consider them to acomplish a better life if not just trying to scream and demostrated themselfs? What is the criminal of just stand by on a place??? of course their are some minoritys that might mess up things, but also there are some minoritys (the 1%) that make a lot of mess on real Capitalism on real industrys....

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

Amazing-the whining, crying, weeping, 'help me, help me", I'm helpless do for me entitlement attitude you have. Step back and read over and over again what you wrote. Do it. Cannot you see how you are so blinded by entitlement? NO ONE IS GUARANTEED ANYTHING IN LIFE.

The whole OWS phenom is a wonderful metaphor for your pathetic attitude. The city 'enables' and 'entitles' the OWSers to squat illegally and now when it is time to leave they riot, fight, resist and while they were squatting they were the worse of the worse criminals disrespecting society. There was no ‘thank you city for letting us do this’, there was no respect for other’s property or the merchants or residents in the area. This is what happens when you spoil and entitle society—they are never grateful, take advantage and just want more. There is never enough.

What you want is the quickest and shortest way to ruin of society and people. Neither society nor the people will have any virtue or character; just a bunch of lazy, zombie, worthless bums asking for handouts. That has happened in societies in the past—Athens, Rome but it will not be permitted in America since those Americans who have character will not permit it.

This is exactly the metaphor for American society--socialist libs like Obama, Pelosi, Reid have promised some terrestrial utopia and it doesn't exist, entitlements are not sustainable, and surprise, surprise you riot because no handouts.

You unfortunately were weaned on believing lies, and your generation through poor parenting and horrible socialist, teacher unions spoiled you to think you are ‘owed’ something. You wrote it and said it all yourself.

Society owes YOU nothing; YOU owe society!!

[-] 1 points by Argentina (178) from Puerto Madryn, Chubut 13 years ago

1)Im Capitalist, so I do agree no one is guaranteed anything in life, that whats democracy for, to take care that capitalism gives the best of it, and to take control of the worste of it, capitalism by itself is more like the animals that survival of the best.... 2)Im live in Argentina, we frequently had this type of demostration than cut streets, cuts evrething, I will like to also here to see that was is out of law to bee finish, I agrre tha police must make what is out of law to be acomplish.... but what was out of law??? 3) You are mixing things, the take of the place and the takeout , both sides made wrongs things, and the real trouble .

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

we should be guaranteed respect, and not earned respect, but unconditional respect.

[-] 1 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

Do you REALIZE how much automation and technology is replacing human labor?

[-] 1 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

How much OUTSOURCING is replacing jobs? How many things do you buy that are not made by cheap labor overseas...or created by technology that replaces human beings? I truly am concerned about this next generation. I don't have any children because my salary as a journalist did not support raising a family. I am not saying that the occupiers have an entitlement to stay in the park. It's only symbolic. But I know their generation is endangered of not living as I have for the past 50 years of my life, and it's because the world has changed technologically, but the social paradigm needs to change.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

Who gives a shit? Adapt. That's what the great Americans who built this country did!!! They didn't sit around and whine, bitch and moan in some public park defecating, committing crimes, raping, stealing and breaking every law in the book and asking for handouts from society and proposing that they’ll tell everyone what to do and how much money they should have—that’s what losers who always will be losers do--OWS. The people who built this country were too busy BUILDING THE COUNTRY to complain.

You see socialists are parasites—they create nothing but want to confiscate and take from others. That is OWS precisely—sit on their fat asses and take and destroy. Parasites in the park is the OWS motto.

You make my point every time you post back to me. You're part of the problem--an enabler!!

Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Ford, Edison, Bell, Eli Whitney, Gates, Jobs and on and on didn't sit on their fat asses and whine--they used their ingenuity that America permits and fosters and changed the world for the better. Oh, I know you'll come back with some rant or some lazy, selfish, stupid OWSer will rant and complain about them because they were or are rich, but without these men the lazy, shiftless OWSers wouldn’t have the park they’re illegally squatting in and committing crimes in.

OWSers want failed ideological socialism and if this country had that we wouldn’t have those men and their great inventions and the wonderful society we have. We’d all be loser, zombies like the OWSers and this society would be dead before it got started—just like the OWS movement is—dead before it got started and rightfully so,

The OWSers are the pure and true greedy ones- the ones with avarice. They build nothing, take everything and destroy and leave carnage in their wake. Their ilk are blights on society—useless and destructive.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

well then take an adult class in 'automation' or 'technology' and get a damn job, but stop your whining, complaining and pansy ass little girl asking for handouts. Grow a pair you whining little girl. Society owes YOU nothing--YOU owe society. What a generation of entitled, lazy slobs. All this OWS garbage just a front because you're all too lazy to get off your lazy asses and work.

You're the greedy ones, not the WS executives.

I do not indict an entire generation- I know too many young people in their 20s the same age as the OWS losers. They are proud, productive, upstanding members of society.

I have concluded that the OWSers are a very, very, very small minority were all raised by shitty hate-America, atheist, loser, socialist, lib parents and educated in school by the same. Thank God they are NOT the future, but the past.

[-] 6 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

1) Occupy Wall Streeters are right about skewed economic rewards in the United States, by the Economic Policy Institute http://www.epi.org/publication/bp331-occupy-wall-street/

2) It's the Inequality, Stupid, by Mother Jones http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-inequality-in-america-chart-graph

[+] -4 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

inequality--hey, my neighbor has a really cool Corvette--when you OWS geniuses solve all this equality stuff will I get a Corvette just like his? ROFL!!!!

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

A corvette is a poor mans Ferrari. Lolz@you.


[-] 6 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

What they are showing is simply that there are great numbers of principled people who are willing to take a nonviolent stand against against the criminality, the raping and pillaging of the poor and middle class in a broken economic and political system -- 30 years of financial deregulation in Wall Street; "trickle down" economics; military spending that's half our federal budget; technology and outsourcing that are replacing human labor while the corporations pocket that money that used to circulate many times over in communities, while lobbying for more tax loopholes and buying off politicians who continue the vote against campaign finance reform and taking money out of politics. These Occupations are ONLY symbolic and show us how many sad and sorry, awful people like the above poster there are who have absolutely no clue what an imbalanced and unsustainable system exists here, and side with the criminals and bullies.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

you are the sad one my friend. Bullies, criminals, greed, disrespect, mobs, lawlessness, rape, jealous and envy never succeed and never will, but people like you will never get it and will go on to live, again sadly, wasteful lives.

[-] 1 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

if these people were the TRUE bullies, they would already be part of the military and prison industrial complex at the highest levels of funding. The Occupiers are completely unarmed people and they are not criminals, they are using nonviolent civil disobedience to make a statement when nothing else makes a difference.

[-] 1 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

Yes, I have been sad that there are so many people still thinking we need to live in a millennia-old scarcity, military might mindset and economy when a better world is at hand. I believe that we can have sustainable lives free of worries from job layoffs and bankruptcy from health care bills if the criminals controlling the economy were not taking so much. Too bad there are people like you who are misdirected. Do you make $20,000 a week? That's what a millionaire makes. Who needs $20,000 a week for their own use, unless you are in a hospital on life support!! I know people need a million dollars to retire, but not every single year of my life. The Occupy sites and protests all over the world are organized by tens of thousands who are good, compassionate people and the very few mentally ill that have been put out on the streets and are homeless have found their way into their camps. HOWEVER, there are many more criminals in the upper 1%. The ones who want us to lead lives in a war economy rather than a peace economy, half our U.S. budget is military spending (http://www.warresisters.org/node/1132), the ones who think that they actually need tens of millions of dollars to sit on, rather than let it circulate to let others buy food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, education and be able to raise a family. Instead of creating real jobs by investing in say, a renewable energy industry, they want us to continue subsidizing the fossil fuel industry and send young people who can't get manufacturing jobs (because the jobs have at outsourced at $2/hour) to sign up for the military and fight in their wars. Now THAT's what I call economic bullying.

[-] -1 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

OWS has no compassion whatsoever. It has supported and endorsed tyrannical, oppressive organizations that are communist, socialist, fascist, dictatorial, anti-Semites, Nazism, white supremacist and greed. It is a tyrannical organization, which is why it has supported and allowed those hateful, oppressive, tyrannical organizations to be at its sites and encampments. It is why it failed and movements such as it have failed throughout history. Read my OP on venerating history.

You are a tyrant since you are aligned with OWS and your dictate as to ‘how much someone should earn or have in wealth’ shows how you are yourself a hateful, oppressive creature aligned with such a hateful, oppressive organization. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. Is that your philosophy? Will you determine my need or ability? Huh, are you the Angel and your stupid OWS loser, socialist, tyrant scum going to determine how much the world should have? ROFL- such arrogance.

Get off your fat lazy ass and get a job, be productive and get a life. Worrying about banks, Wall Street is such BS—they’re not stopping you from doing anything. This is all just a bunch of grand BS distraction so you don’t have to get off your fat, lazy ass and do something for yourself. You just want handouts—well, like the bums on the street, keep your hand out but nobody’s giving you anything for free and that includes your hate-America socialist union thugs, your “Michael Moores” and Obama and the dum party, especially them.

OWS was put down like a rabid animal and good riddance. Another tyrannical movement extinguished in the annals of history.


[-] 5 points by unarmed (213) 13 years ago

LOL, I couldn't even make it through this tripe. If you think that removing a few tents in a park is going to quail the pent up anger millions of Americans feel towards the unabashed pummeling that Wall St, has subjected this country to, you are delusional.


[-] -1 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

some people never learn an you are one of the thick heads. Keep it up and you'll just end up in the hospital and wasting your life

[-] 4 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

I'd like to know if the above poster needs some education about how imbalanced the system is in today's 21st century. Where does he think jobs are going to come from for the masses when technology and outsourcing has been steadily replacing human labor for the past 30 years? The occupations are only symbolic---we need more educating of the rest of the 99% who have no clue that what is eventually really needed is altruism and mutual helping of one another to create self-sustaining societies. It think it's time for the Occupiers all over the world to educate. The Occupiers are showing we are resilient but there is another creative caring side of the people that has been demonstrated by our will to stand up to the injustices of ridicule, rubber bullets and ruin. I am proud of them, I am glad to see that there are so many who feel as I do but what we need to show now that the Occupations are only a symbol -- the real work is to create more a SUSTAINABLE world that is loving, not polarized, but that is altruistic and shows the best of our human ingenuity that has sustained our collective ancestry in times where there was no technology that could allow us to communicate instantly all over the world and send resources wherever needed in order to avert the need for military conflict to solve the calamities of scarcity, famine or natural disaster. You can do it! These young people are the future that our collective ancestors never had...please don't abuse and ridicule them, lead them by working to change the status quo based on scarcity and sociopathological greed.

[-] -2 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

A word of advice: stop conflating the validity of their complaints with the validity of their approach.

Their cause is just, but their solution - or lack thereof - is fucking broken.

You don't need to take my word for it. Just look around for the swelling of support that Occupy is not receiving from the general public after last night's actions. This is what we in the modern world call "empirical evidence."

As long as you all continue to huddle in your little thought enclaves congratulating each other and never looking critically at where you've gone wrong, you guarantee these protesters nothing but continued losses. It's getting well past time to grow up, stop pandering to insecurities, and look critically at what has gone wrong with the protests.

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

Last time I checked we're in 1,400 cities nationwide. And have had MILLIONS of people participate. 30,000 people marching earlier this week was nothing compared to the rest of us who didn't!

Let's be very clear. The fact that you are here means we are winning. If we didn't matter, you wouldn't be here. Our message is reaching every corner of this nation. 40% of America supports our cause. 70% supports our idea to not only remove the bush tax cuts, but RAISE taxes on the rich, back to where they were under Reagan (50%).

The fact that you are here means people are listening to us. Even if they don't want to! We've already won my friend. Scott Walker is just the first domino. All we need to do is drive for home... and then a 2012 victory lap!

Expect us. Because we expect you!

[-] 0 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

The occupation sites have been very successful at letting other people who have been silently incensed by what we see in the news know how much other people are just as outraged... enough to withstand the elements for weeks on end, public derision and police brutality. But they do need to start educating people with other tactics now. Some Occupy groups have good relations with their host city--ie., port-o-potties paid for, and nonviolent civil disobedience arrests that do not involve physical assault by the police. Witness the civil rights movement and the sit-ins at the lunch counters where blacks could never eat until people protested nonviolently.

[-] 1 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

actually, what's little known is that some of the Occupy sites NOT in the media have sustainability committees. They need to build model, sustainable communities...actually lots of activists in the environmental movement who know the importance of sustainable local economies should be coming to the fore, but the corporate driven media looks for the most sensational news unfortunately.

[-] 1 points by hairlessOrphan (522) 13 years ago

"But they do need to start educating people with other tactics now."

This, a million times.

[-] 0 points by JohnnyGuy01 (36) 13 years ago

Exactly. This is the thing OWS just can't seem to grasp...

EVERYONE knows things are fucked up. We all agree on that.

That was never a question. How do they think the Tea Party came about? The Tea Party was ALSO against bailouts of Wall Street Banks.

The issue has always been, what are your solutions, OWS!?

Yelling at buildings and playing drums all day long is NOT a solution!

[-] 0 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

yes, I hope they can move in this direction of giving answers, and actually Jeffrey D. Sachs, an economist described it in this article: "The New Progressive Movement" http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/13/opinion/sunday/the-new-progressive-movement.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=The%20New%20Progressive%20Movement&st=cse

The first one they ought to be focusing on is the supercommittee deficit spending...Why focus on the deficit when we need job stimulus?

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

It's not our job to give answers or think of solutions. Thats what congress gets paid to do. Maybe those G.O.P senators who are always preaching about responsibility can finally take some responsibility, and do their job for a change! Instead of trying to make us do it for them! And then after, they can resign from office!

That's better than our solution. Because our solution is to kick them out of office.

[-] 3 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

The reality is no matter where we live, we all want a sustainable, more equitable world that values each person's human potential by giving them the opportunity to meet their basic human needs to clean water, food, shelter, health care, education in their early years; and access to jobs in order to contribute productively to their communities -- by creating products or services and having those dollars circulate many times over and not be hoarded by the billions in bank accounts, real estate or weapons of mass destruction. The manufacturing sector, which gave the middle class their standard of living in post-WWII is gone and will never come back from countries where multinational corporations are paying $2 an hour. Where will liveable wages come from in the next generation? I hope the namecallers and nonthinkers can answer this question.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

if you are so concerned then get off your lazy ass begging for money and engaging in criminal activity and do something productive. Put your money where your big, preachy mouth is and be productive and come up with solutions. Asking for handouts, the OWS way, is not a solution--it's just one more nuisance, unnecessary problem.

[-] 1 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

Please don't assume that because I can relate to these kids that I am "a lazy ass begging for money and engaging in criminal activity." I realize you are simply brainwashed, unfortunately, and are accustomed to some outdated stereotype from the Dark Ages. I have two full time jobs and come from a family that's well to do. In fact, I had graduated with a degree in computer technology --writing software and buying hardware -- 30 years ago, and had always thought I was doing the right thing, making people's lives easier, but now I see how many people's jobs all this automation is replacing. In fact, I had even worked in Chicago headquarters of an oil company before I realized what the hell I was supporting. Today, I work in the news industry, and I am concerned because I see a world that that has become completely unsustainable the more technology replaces humans. I already try to educate, and as a matter of fact, I am working right now, trying to help you realize that there are other solutions than trying to continue to denigrade people who are trying to wake others up by engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience. Have a good day. :)

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

thanks for the resume--if you are pursuing writing on society and culture and, given your resume you sent me (whew), you are lacking some history or liberal arts education, right? You and OWS are in the dark ages dredging up and dusting off old, tired and failed socialist ideologies. You see some enlightenment for you is if the founders thought socialism or jacobinism worked it would have been implemented, and that is why OWS failed because it endorses socialism.

If you are serious about helping these kids stop enabling them like I said, think for yourself and crawl out from under old, failed ideological thinking and get real.

BTW some coaching it is always a flawed argument to say that because a concept or theory has seasoning that it is 'bad'--that is the argument of the Rousseau crowd--ah, the flavor or the romance of the moment. "If it's new it must be good, right?". Always look to history and the wisdom of our ancestors sonny. Everything has pretty much been tried and OWS and your enabling is no different-tried and failed.

Act like an adult and be responsible for these kids and stop your PC enabling-you're not helping them and only trying to make yourself feel good. It's as selfish as the OWSers are with their behavior.

Good Lord, where are the grown-ups in this movement? Where are they??

[-] 1 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

I'm not enabling...the fact is, it's just common sense: computers and technology are replacing human labor at a rapid rate. Where are the jobs for the masses? When I was a child in the 1960s and 70s, we were taught computers would improve the world to the point where we would only need to work part-time and be able to live better lives without fear of war or poverty or homelessness. I did get systems analysis/programming degree from a Big Ten university 30 years ago, and found to my dismay that over the last 30 years, so many jobs have been lost through automation and software; productivity has increased, but middle-class wages have stayed flat while CEO pay has spiked to 300x that of the avg. worker (only about 30x in the 1970s). I am talented enough to be a software engineer and developer, but I have a social conscience and know that a great majority of the masses do not have this skill. Who will take care of them? Many do not have the skills to be entrepreneurs. What's happened instead is that those who do NOT have a social conscience have "exploited" the masses for their own gain through outsourcing, lobbying for financial deregulation and tax loopholes. The extremely wealthy have gotten more richer--millionaires make $20,000 a week, and the average pay of of Americans is $36000 a year and those who are earning multimillions and billions insist on a top tax bracket that is the same for someone who doesn't even crack a million? The recent deficit cutting argument on the backs of ordinary Americans just galls me. If you aren't outraged by this, then you are either not paying attention or you are the one who is also being bamboozled or there is something else wrong.

See this chart to know where the 1% is in the hierarchy of income. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/10/30/nyregion/where-the-one-percent-fit-in-the-hierarchy-of-income.html?ref=occupywallstreet


[-] 2 points by HapteMikael (162) 13 years ago

Troll rating, 6/10. Good effort, I enjoyed the bullet points. You really don't have to try so hard on these forums though.

[-] -3 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

I think I'm a perfect 10--question is now, who are the real trolls on this site? I give you a 2 for limited argument.

[-] 2 points by HapteMikael (162) 13 years ago

What argument?

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

yeah, right-what argument? God you're thick. forget it loser. I still think I'm communicating with hip, young, smart conservatives. It's the duh, duh, duh socialist loser OWSers

[-] 2 points by HapteMikael (162) 13 years ago

What are you trying to communicate? It's all coming out a bit garbled, hyperbolic, and trollish...

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

it was a joke, but you're an OWSers so--ah, go away

[-] 2 points by HapteMikael (162) 13 years ago

Protip: Grammar/relevancy matter in joke telling.

[-] 1 points by globalfamily (45) 13 years ago

Thanksgiving Day: The Occupy Movement lives on! They get more creative and loving the more I look. I have hope for humanity.


[-] 1 points by 1776alloveragain (67) 13 years ago

Thank you for your ill-advised opinion. Unfortunately, it is worthless, and there is nothing you can do to make OWS go away. This system is beyond corrupt, needs reform, and a few bad apples will not dilute the message. Please watch the documentary "Inside Job" before you come on here posting ignorant nonsense again. Good Riddance!


[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

lol @ the OP. You realize this has no effect on us? The fact that you are here means we are succeeding. Our message is reaching every corner of this nation. And most of the population agrees with us. Because if we didn't matter...you wouldn't be here! The fact that you are here proves that we are NOT ONLY winning. But that also, we have already won. Scott Walker getting recalled from office in Wis. is the first domino my friend.

You are here. This is a good thing. You are the proof we have been seeking. That the conservatives would become so afraid of us, that they would start pestering us on one of our many many websites. Because lets face it, this one site is a drop in the bucket. We are in 1,400 cities nation wide, and have something like 48 main websites, and dozens of other branch sites. You guys making silly posts on this one means nothing except that we have won, and now we just have to do a 2012 VICTORY LAP!

Expect us! Because we expect you!


[-] 1 points by Cyclopean (2) 13 years ago

Avernus - I just finished reading all your comments and you sir may be my hero. I agree with you 100% these idiot protestors will soon disband and move on. I'm from Halifax, NS. Our government just moved in and beat the shit out of the protestors (cause they resisted) and banned them from camping. The occupiers have almost zero support here from the general public.  They are a bunch of hippy, drug using, unemployed, idiotic scum of this world contributing to absolutely nothing. Yes, I have debt, but I don't blame others when I was at the bank applying for that credit card on my own free will. I knew what I was doing.


[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

and from its ashes knowledge was born

[-] 1 points by rickMoss (435) 13 years ago

With respect to poster - your an idiot.

As I've said before. On the contrary. This is not the end, it's just the beginning. Now the revolution begins. The Occupy movement is a large success and wake up call. Now its time for the real hard work. We have to get organized. One thing we learned is this. Never go into battle without a plan, a strategy and arsenal of weapons(knowledge).

Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( www.revolution2.osixs.org )

Don't be Afraid!

The Revolution has started - This is just the opening battle. Now it's to time regroup and educate our troops with real knowledge and the best way to fight back.


[-] -1 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

It's gotta be the meds you people are on--are there really that many stupid morons like you. Nitwit, there's 200 of you in NYC- it's pathetic. Revolution--ROFL!!! hahhahahahaha

Hear about the new Christmas video game on PS3--kill the OWSers. It's called 'Off the OWSers". Seriously for real.

[-] 1 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

Its funny how wrong you are on every single point. It must really make you mad that this is going on for the second month. then the third,fourth,fifth...Keep crying though...your tears sustains us and your arrogance emboldens this movement.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

amazing -- OWSers are blind to the truth, blind to their failed ideologgies, chanting away like brainless zombies. I mean you really are the true to life Kool-Aiders aren't you. Have you been reading the newspapers other than your hate-America, socialist pamphlets.

IT IS OVER!!!! Get your head out of your ass for once and get back to reality--it's over today in NY and around the country. Unbelievable--now I understand how Germans could be brainwashed to follow Hitler--the nazis were the 1930 version of OWS.

[-] 2 points by moediggity (646) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

its over! its over! 2 more months pass its over its ov....er?

See ya in two months. Stay deluded!

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

We're not blind. We've encountered you and your Faux News talking points numerous times before. You think your the first one to come and spam our website because you're scared that we're winning? Wrong. We already won. Scott Walker is proof of that. Getting recalled in a REPUBLICAN state. What a joke. We've won. Now all we have to do is a victory lap. And thats exactly what we're gonna do.


[-] 1 points by julianzs (147) 13 years ago

What should we make of this faux blabber for "Cain't remember" crowd?

[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

See you Thursday!

[+] -4 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

wear a helmet and a flack jacket--those cop batons crack skulls and those rubber bullets hurt like hell. Go waste your life--based on your lack of character it wasn't much anyway. Again, shitty parents, socialist teachers, no education on values. Well, you call yourselves the 99%, but as far as young people go you're only the .0000000000000000001% thank God.

[-] 3 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

I see you are mentally challenged, and fearful to boot. To serve and protect wealth, power, and privilege is the correct slogan of the NYPD.

[+] -4 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

It is only for Divine Providence that people such as you are on the fringes of society and will always stay there. If that is, in and of itself, not enough proof of God then I do not know what is.

[-] 2 points by jorannis (7) 13 years ago

I smell a smelly troll.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

again, who are the real trolls on this site. The tide has turned troll

[-] 2 points by jorannis (7) 13 years ago

weak retort. try harder.


[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

There is no invisible man in the sky. Only children believe in fairy tails. Religion is a system of top down control that apparently works on small minded folks like yourself. Good luck with that.


[-] 0 points by karenpoore (902) 13 years ago

I understand more now ... http://www.crmvet.org/index.htm

Civil Rights Movement Veterans





[-] -1 points by TimMcGraw (50) 13 years ago

i think the mayor finally got some balls after he saw the successes of Portland, Oakland and other police raids.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

yep--he finally grew some. I think that when all this happened first all the mayors and police commissioners got together to agree to let these kids do their thing so the press wouldn't get on them. They knew the OWS movement would implode on itself with its criminal element. Now they all got together and said, 'it's time to get them out". Makes sense.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You shouldn't attack these kids who are protesting. You should attack the minds behind the protest. These kids are just being used. Most of them don't even know what the protest is about.

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

So first you say we're leaderless. Then you say we're being controlled and missled? Sounds logical for a Faux News loving wage slave. Now be a good corporate slave and get back to work. No time to be lolly gagging on a website you don't even like.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I never claimed Occupy was leaderless. Occupy itself claims this. They claim they are a leaderless anarchy. My claim is that this is not the case in practice. Read: http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-anarchic-dilemma-do-anarchies-self-destruct/

[-] -1 points by Lowtax (18) 13 years ago

I disagree. These "kids" need the good spanking that their parents wouldn't give them because they were too "special". And before you send them to their grandparents to get the beating that they so sorely deserve, consider what their generation has done to all of us by voting themselves the largess of future generations.

After the dope has worn off and you've sobered up, you may actually want to consider occupying AARP.

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Violence in this way does not help. What they need is someone to explain to them what is really going on. If they can see this with their own eyes, they will understand and go home by themselves.

[-] -2 points by Lowtax (18) 13 years ago

A good beating would soften them up to some rational thought. If not, keep beating.

[-] 2 points by jorannis (7) 13 years ago


If they have a different view on the world than us and wait to be heard lets beat them with sticks, spray them with hoses, pepper spray them, and shoot them with assorted non-lethal bullets.

You people are the scum of the earth.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

You stop apologizing for them and defending them. What you just said is the problem. Spoiling them, apologizing for them ,giving them everything they wanted is what destroyed them and wrecked them for success. Their poor parenting and socialist, 'everyone's a winner' lousy public school union teachers ingrained that in them and look at them now.

You shouldn't enable them--they've been spoiled and enabled enough which is why they are what they are.

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You should blame the organizers of the movement.

[-] -2 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

you're still enabling. They are all culpable--every single OWSer who was there and contributed to the anarchy and the lawlessness is 100% responsible.

Again, stop enabling these kids--they have enough of that and that is what got them into trouble and why they can't function in society. Very few of them have enough character and fortitude to undo the damage their parents, teachers and enablers like you have done to them.

[-] 1 points by jorannis (7) 13 years ago

Your use of buzzwords is a little sloppy, tone it back a bit or you run the risk of being obvious.

[-] -1 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

what are you guys going to do when you can't sponge, squat or rape or steal any longer? Color me obvious

[-] 1 points by jorannis (7) 13 years ago

aww look at the troll try.

So cute.

Also learn how to list things correctly.

[-] -2 points by screwtheman (122) 13 years ago

They are adults capable of making their own decisions. Quit holding their hands and let them grow up, stop making excuses for their actions when they should be held accountable.

This is the problem with today's youth, they all got trophy's and no one was the losing team and now they can't handle a lose.

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You have a point, but I believe they are the victims of a purposefully unclear movement that uses brainwashing techniques like the "people's mic". Anybody can be influenced.

[-] 0 points by screwtheman (122) 13 years ago

And anyone can use their own minds to make choices.

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Sure, who ever said they couldn't? But there are ways to influence the decisions of others. Marketing is a very powerful tool. Don't you find it strange that Occupy's theory and practice are so far apart?

[+] -4 points by OccupyCapitolHill (197) 13 years ago

Excellent OP, bookmarked and saved.

[-] -1 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

thanks--hope it helps the sane--the others are lost causes

[+] -4 points by mynameiscurly (39) 13 years ago

R.I.P. (rest in poop)

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

The poop's been cleaned. They were resting in it yesterday. Do you really want the camp to be re-established so soon? Let's take a short break. OK?

[+] -8 points by stevo (314) 13 years ago

It WAS a mob...from the beginning. Read Anne Coulters, Demonic. She had to be psychic to write this book. Comparing French Revolution mobs...to todays occupiers. Exactly the same. A mob.

[-] 1 points by Salaam86 (161) from Springfield, IL 13 years ago

Well Anne Coulter does worship the devil... true.

[+] -5 points by avernus (-22) 13 years ago

you are so right my friend. Coulter's book was prophetic wasn't it?

[-] 2 points by jorannis (7) 13 years ago

Your comments just ooze troll. This is just sad.

inb4 "what's sad is [insert mindless troll grumbling here]"