Forum Post: OWS Dissenting Opinions
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 11:35 a.m. EST by blinxwang
from Johns Creek, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Guys, Listen. I'm an optimistic supporter of OWS, don't get me wrong. But I've been hearing independent accounts that OWS is kicking people out who have dissenting opinions. This is a major flaw. Free speech must always be enforce or the entire purpose of the protest has been defeated. Besides, it really doesn't help your public image.
The Occupy movement is a movement of like minded individuals coming together for a common cause...a cause to expose corruption, greed, and corporate slavery over the minds and well being of our citizenry. It is a loosely agreed upon current toward is a concentrated pulse of power occupying together toward this common cause...if there are people who disagree with the cause that the occupy movement has nurtured...then those dissenting from the Occupy Movements core values, should pack there bags and find an alternative cause to get behind, rather than fight with their unified brothers and sisters. get it?