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Forum Post: OWS' Diabolics Are Nothing New: This Type Has Been Around For Ages

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 11:38 a.m. EST by weeicemon (15)
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OWS' idyllic and diabolical imagination is old hat, and civilized societies have been fighting their assortment of vices for well over two centuries.

As Russell Kirk says below OWS types have been around for ages and, "From age to age we human beings fight the same battles over and over again, under banners bearing various devices."

"Edmund Burke’s “Parisian philosophers” of two centuries gone live on as today’s self-proclaimed “intellectuals,” with their incessant talk of “compassion” and their advocacy, among other things, of the inalienable right to expand the empire of unnatural vices. From age to age we human beings fight the same battles over and over again, under banners bearing various devices. To resist the idyllic imagination and the diabolical imagination, we need to know the moral imagination of Edmund Burke. And that is why we know Burke for one of those dead who give us energy."

byRussell Kirk




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