Forum Post: OWS Demands - A Proposed List
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 12:13 a.m. EST by oakupy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
An extreme list of demands - posted by anonymous or bChang or something like that has been used by a right-wing rag to tar and feather the occupy movement. That dis-informer - masquerading as "americanthinker" is not a thinker at all, but a propagandist for feudalism. Please disregard his website.
The 1st Amendment aside from talking about religion, the press, speech, and peaceably assembling, mentions "petition the government for a redress of grievances". The 99% Declaration proposes to hold a National General Assembly to petition,produce a List Of Grievances, that carries real weight. The more people that vote for the delegates the more weight the document will have. It's potentially the game changer, there's no downside risk, it doesn't require a huge investment of people's time, and it's rapidly approaching. Spread the word.
I don't care what the "demands" are, as long as it is clear that "we" are not demanding things from "them".
We are losing our internal momentum and external support to an intellectual wave of socio-eco-political theories, We DO NOT NEED theories -
We need to demand - of ourselves - goals that
Words are easy - action is hard.
Are you ready
.....................FOR ACTION?
Are you ready to
.....................DO SOMETHING REAL ?
Are you ready to
......................join 83% ........ of Americans ?
We must not
DEMAND that we WANT give to US
We must
Because of the Supreme Court's decision,
we cannot accomplish anything significant, without FIRST -
Overturning Citizens United !!!
Ending Corporate Personhood !!!
83% of Americans already agree on it
as stated in the ABC/Washington Post poll
In the the PFAW Poll -
Wanna take your family on vacation?
Convince the 7 year old and the 10 year old to go to Mt Rushmore.
Then try to convince them to go to Disneyland.
Prioritizing this goal will introduce us to the world – not as a bunch of hippie radical anarchist socialist commie rabblerousers – but as a responsible, mature movement that is fighting for what America wants.
I feel that using the tactics of the NRA, the AARP an the TP – who all represent a minority – who have successfully used their voting power to achieve their minority goals - plus the Prohibition Amendment tactics – bringing all sides together - is a straight path for us to success that cannot fail to enable us to create and complete one task the MAJORITY.
Join the OWS Restore Democracy Working Group at
regular meetings 6-8PM @ 60 Wall St – The Attrium @ Wednesdays
Plan details with supporting documentation at:....
Whereas --
The OWS Declaration of the Occupation of New York City states that
"a democratic government derives its just power from the people,
not from corporations."
and --
the ABC News/Washington Post poll found that 83% of the entire US population
opposes the Supreme Court Citizens United decision,
which affirmed that corporations are people.
and --
by supporting the overturning of corporate personhood,
OWS clearly aligns itself with the vast majority of the American people
who support ending the fundamentally flawed and anti-democratic concept
that corporations are people.
therefore --
We support a constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood.
That sounds like something right out of the Karl Rove playbook.
We have to keep standing up to people playing these kind of dirty tricks and stop them from controlling our country. The 1% are using them as enablers.
What's this? I missed it.
I did come up with a list of my own, let me find it . . . .
Ah, here it is, but I don't see a link to the previous post that inspired it ...
No downsizing the Postal Service
No KeyStone Pipeline
two step approach to the issue of national debt:
short term: end bushite tax breaks and corporate welfare
end debate over entitlements I'm sick of hearing about it as if it were dirty. Forget privatization of social security and just shoot the next bastard who suggests otherwise [speaking for myself of course.]
public health care - forget the option part.
We need an energy policy uninfluenced by fossil fuel industry, one that takes into account the fact of global warming, and institutes a NASA like approach to solving both our need for energy and the need to reduce atmospheric carbon
No to internet censorship in any form
If they engaged in fraud - they see the judge, and the sentencing better be in line with the crime, and had better include serious restitution
End the foreclosures.
End the philosophy of a deregulated economic system - from the Universities to the policy makers
End corporate personhood
campaign finance reform - Sanders Amendment:
Sanders Proposed Constitutional Amendment:
Sanders Petition here:
Full amendment PDF:
end the two party political system
quit fucking around with the issue of terrorism - it's a crime, unless you happen to catch them on an actual battlefield - and if it is a crime, treat them in accordance with our criminal laws. No more indefinite detention
Close Gitmo - we've got large pens practically empty in the mid west. I'm sure they can handle it. Stop fucking around.
Amended: we need to provide stiff and compelling sanction to corporations that engage in disinformation - as with the tobacco industry before and the fossil fuel industry now [and for the past 10-20 years]
If we can't accomplish these things, the federal government will lose all credibility with the people.
There ya have it, my want list. I may add to it. We'll see.