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Forum Post: OWS Delegates Junket to Egypt?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 2:25 a.m. EST by monjon22 (508)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Should Occupy Wall Street spend $30,000 to send 20 observers to Egypt's parliamentary elections on November 28? The proposal was debated by the GA on November 22 at 60 Wall Street. Fortunately, this foolish proposal was voted down. Foolish why?

OWS is very grass roots. It is the Egyptians who could teach us a thing or two. It is absurd and arrogant for an OWS delegation to head abroad at this point in time. OWS protestors are not in any position to "help" the Egyptians against voter fraud. American OWS delegates have very little power here in the U.S. They have none at all in Egypt. What possible use would the delegation serve in the event of voter fraud? What could they possibly do?

It could also be very dangerous. Mayor Bloomberg would be quite happy to give a call to one of his 1% counterparts in Egypt and have the entire delegation thrown into an Egyptian jail for a few years.

And last, but most certainly not least, the junket could have a devastating effect on the OWS image. That’s what members of Congress do – use tax payer dollars to fund their fancy vacations. People donating to OWS are not donating to help the Egyptians, no matter how much they may believe the Egyptians need help. These donations were made to help ourselves – the American people get control over our own destinies – to restore equality of economic opportunity and to restore a system that works – for us – American citizens. Take this junket and OWS will see the donation dollars and support for OWS drop. The mainstream media would have a field day.



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