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Forum Post: OWS - Chance Of A Lifetime Wasted

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 1:02 p.m. EST by Vincenzo (47)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

When I first heard that people were protesting back in September, I was downright giddy. "Finally", I thought, "people are showing backbone in this country". A month later, the feeling of giddiness is gone and the feeling of disappointment has taken its place.

OWS had a chance that only comes around once in a lifetime to really affect changes. But instead of rallying around one cohesive, coherent message that goes to the very root of most of our problems (money and corruption in politics), they wasted the moment by focusing on the peripheral things and, in so doing, made their movement appear to be one that advances socialism. They protested in front of the homes of wealthy people - as if that is going to somehow make them relinquish the wealth that they worked for and our government policies allow them.

The reason why the gap between rich and middle class/poor has gotten so out of whack is because our politicians are bought and paid for. Lobbying is in full flourish. Are the rich to blame for this? No. It's our politicians and Supreme Court who aren't honest and decent enough to lay down the law against this unjust and undemocratic manipulation of power through lobbying.

OWS, you blew it.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by socceronly (102) 13 years ago

There are so many things wrong, no single message is possible. If it is as you say the chance of a lifetime, then there is no quick solution so this is going to take time. If is something, then this is just the beginning. So stick with it and get your message out and listen to others.

[-] 1 points by itsallcosmic (22) 13 years ago

i like this reply :)

[-] 1 points by Nicolas (258) from Québec, QC 13 years ago

You know what? If #OWS does fail, it will be because of messages and attitudes like yours. #OWS will not fail if it does not stop till it succeeds. It really is that simple. We must be patient, we must keep growing and we must make it very clear that neither time nor half-measures will scatter us. That's the main of our fight. Sure, we must work towards specific actions and solutions, in the form of demands, new parties, or other ways to revitalize our democracies. But these are merely ways in which our strenght might be actualized, our strenght itself is the fact of our presence, our occupation itself. No matter our trials and tribulations, as long as we keep our resolve, we have lost nothing.

[-] 1 points by RockyJ (208) 13 years ago

Duh! Re: the corrupt GREEDY rich buying off MOST of our Politicians to help pass laws w/less regulations SO you all can make more money from the backs of good hard working Americans! Sorry NOT ANYMORE & Shove it up your ASS as WE'RE NOT STUPID...Beetch!

[-] 1 points by Vincenzo (47) 13 years ago

Um....we seem to be in agreement. Not sure what all the angry words are all about.

[-] 1 points by jim4freedom (6) from Hawkinsville, GA 13 years ago

Here are five simple, fair, and workable solutions for: Taxation, Social Security, Healthcare, Home Mortgages, and Jobs.

Workable Flat Tax--A two percent federal flat tax on every financial transaction, wholesale or retail. No federal income tax.

Social Security. A two percent deduction for social security for worker retirement only. Congress should not have access to the new social security fund.

Universal Healthcare. A two percent deduction for each individual to provide for basic universal healthcare and an annual healthcare checkup for every person in the country, rich or poor. Prices for services are based on the amount of money available and then negotiated with the medical industry.

Home Mortgage Loan Reform. With front end loaded home loans a problem arises if you have to sell your home within the first five years or so. You will still owe about the same as the original loan amount because the first years you pay almost all interest. Banks can make good money by making home loans where at least fifty percent of monthly payment goes toward the principle and each month you only owe for the outstanding balance, like with credit cards.

Two-tier Jobs Plan for 100 Percent Employment. Rather than revitalization of the infrastructure in which too much money would be consumed with material costs, offer to pay half the hourly wages for new hires of unemployed blue-collar workers for six months and then go to twenty-five percent for six months. With the remainder on unemployment insurance and welfare offer to pay $10.00 per hour for roadside, public parks, etc clean up as in the Roosevelt WPA programs. Ask some of the rich and famous and executives’ etc. to volunteer a day a month to work along aside them so it won’t appear undignified to do the manual labor. In this approach, all money goes to workers, not materials.

[-] 1 points by jim4freedom (6) from Hawkinsville, GA 13 years ago

Here are five simple, fair, and workable solutions for: Taxation, Social Security, Healthcare, Home Mortgages, and Jobs.

Workable Flat Tax--A two percent federal flat tax on every financial transaction, wholesale or retail. No federal income tax.

Social Security. A two percent deduction for social security for worker retirement only. Congress should not have access to the new social security fund.

Universal Healthcare. A two percent deduction for each individual to provide for basic universal healthcare and an annual healthcare checkup for every person in the country, rich or poor. Prices for services are based on the amount of money available and then negotiated with the medical industry.

Home Mortgage Loan Reform. With front end loaded home loans a problem arises if you have to sell your home within the first five years or so. You will still owe about the same as the original loan amount because the first years you pay almost all interest. Banks can make good money by making home loans where at least fifty percent of monthly payment goes toward the principle and each month you only owe for the outstanding balance, like with credit cards.

Two-tier Jobs Plan for 100 Percent Employment. Rather than revitalization of the infrastructure in which too much money would be consumed with material costs, offer to pay half the hourly wages for new hires of unemployed blue-collar workers for six months and then go to twenty-five percent for six months. With the remainder on unemployment insurance and welfare offer to pay $10.00 per hour for roadside, public parks, etc clean up as in the Roosevelt WPA programs. Ask some of the rich and famous and executives’ etc. to volunteer a day a month to work along aside them so it won’t appear undignified to do the manual labor. In this approach, all money goes to workers, not materials.

[-] 1 points by RockyJ (208) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Vincenzo (47) 13 years ago

That sounds all well and good. However, these things will never happen until you get money out of politics.

[-] 1 points by BuckmerrIIl76 (2) 13 years ago

You not voting is what they want. What they are scared of is if you do vote you could undo everything they done. It's good to have idea,s, it's good to have debate, but all talk no action and you get nothing accomplished. It's like 1000 guys talking about how to build the perfect house you talk and talk and no one picks up a hammer to build. You cannot solve all the problems at once, just pick a few and fix them.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

money and corruption in politics

has resulted in people making money they did not earn

[-] 1 points by harry2 (113) 13 years ago

I agree. The game plan would be to start a class action lawsuit against wall street lawyers and bankers, investigating the real estate bubble and the bailout.

30-40 Billion was lost in equity! Lifesavings of the people.

[-] 1 points by LaoTzu (169) 13 years ago

That is because only you feel that way. That is because you're a follower, not a Leader.

[-] 1 points by Vincenzo (47) 13 years ago

I find it amusing that you give no concrete rebuttal to my post, but instead try to lob a personal attack towards me.

[-] 1 points by BuckmerrIIl76 (2) 13 years ago

You all forget the simple fact about democracy, money buys politicians but we vote for them that is your power. Look at the tea party they organized and they have people in their seats. All the problems boil down to corruption in politics. The gap between the poor and rich, pollution, bank bailouts, student loans, jobs being shipped overseas, tainted food, social economic injustice are all policies put in place by the politicians who are bought and paid for by corporate america. So yes the problem is that simple. Make elections free and outlaw lobbies. The tax payer pays for elections. Trying to reinvent the whole system will not work. You can carry around your signs and scream at the top of your lungs, but you will affect nothing. You right as a voter is we're the power lies. You have no goal no plan and your cause will soon dissipate, because you have no objective. Your like an army with no cause. You have so much power and you spoil it like fruit withering on the vine. Look at any great movement in history you harness the will of the people and you can topple any political system. I've read your comments and I am so disappointed, and you be too if you do not find yourself a voice to galvinize this movement and set its will upon the political system to effect real change.

[-] 1 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

If enough of us refuse to vote for the 1%'s current darling, whoever that is, then those big money donations would look less alluring.

It would need a phrase people could relate to, as they have to "move your money". I'm thinking 'vote away from Wall Street".

If just a few elections were turned on that basis, it would get their attention in a big way.

[-] 1 points by Pyroaquatic (6) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

I do plan on going to my local occupy to discuss issues of long term energy creation without going broke. Is that a start?

[-] 1 points by metapolitik (1110) 13 years ago

It ain't over...

[-] 1 points by Pyroaquatic (6) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

Who has the money to Lobby but the Rich?

[-] 1 points by phasing (72) 13 years ago

If we banded together to create our own energy systems and other food systems we would no longer need to rely on others

[-] 1 points by anarch (10) 13 years ago

You do... THe lobbyists hang out on K street. If you occupy their places of bussiness then your occupy the seats of power... you might lack money but you can darn sure make it harder for lobbyists to spend theirs.

[-] 1 points by Vincenzo (47) 13 years ago

And who has the power to OUTLAW lobbying, but our politicians?