Forum Post: OWS censors comments. So much for free speech you bunch of marxist liars
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 7:17 p.m. EST by poopsmith
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have been known as Rob, Trogdor, and theCheat but after a few posts against the movement my posts were blocked. I refrained from profanity and a few other questionable ways of posting, but because the moderator does not care for dissension my posts go in to limbo. Please spare me the platitudes about this being a private forum because you are either for censorship or you are against it, there is no gray area.
You can even try to have civil disagreements but find yourself being censored here. The bottom line seems to be, if you are not fully in support of every demand and conspiracy theory that OWS supports, then you are not good enough to debate here.
OWS does not desire open debate. Their antics at events show that they only want to shout down those they disagree with.
So it would seem.
The Revolution has a new theme song!
The Revolution starts here!
Well, they didn't take this one down so I guess you are not being censored.
sometimes life is just not fair
Then explain that to OWS, seems they do not understand that concept.
I would like to hear some of your dissenting posts.
Let me at em, let me at em
hahahaha strongbad is a marxist.
No, not marxist, magic-marxerist er
Why do they never mention the guidelines they crossed?
Because then no one would be able to post on here.
"Rob", you are one of the WORST TROLLS on this forum and therefore have no place here. READ the moderating policies and go TROLL elsewhere!
Signed : A Marxist, long-time big fan of Groucho.
More typical TROLL garbage...
You mean guidelines for censorship.
Problems with Groucho Marx? Too deep fer ya, mebbe?
I prefer my comedy more cerebral. Stooges for me, thank you.
A troll WOULD love the Three Stooges, for sure! :)