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Forum Post: OWS and unjust rulers

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 3:25 p.m. EST by jjuussttmmee (607)
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A just ruler uses mercy when appropriate. a unjust ruler has no mercy WITHIN, so can never give what it does not have to give or even understands. So a unjust ruler would never forgive a debt for example, but just re-finance you instead, rather than forgive your debt, he seeks to enslave your soul. Does a unjust ruler Rule you? Bankruptcy, lose everything! Is it a JUST decision to take everything for not paying one month of house payment? Is that fair at all? You agreed to trade your soul for the money, better make a better deal next time.... Be not a borrower or a lender, give to those that ask of you, and if the soldier asks you to carry his burden for one mile, happily carry it 4 miles and thank him for the chance to serve him. With that attitude how can you have a bad day? You have someone to talk to for 4 miles and a new friend, what a gift that would be. OK flame me now for mentioning religious principals that are missing in today's world.



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[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

too much missing religious ideals on here to comment?

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

There is a concept called, 'paying it forward'...too often it is forgotten or ignored, and there comes a time when it's the only option left, or those who witness this lack will take.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

O I pay things forward all the time. As you have received this freely, you have received from me something you must also pay forward. The way my soul feels after I have paid something forward or helped a total stranger is worth MORE than all the mammon in the world as all the mammon can not make me feel like this good feeling. For surely it will be harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God than for a camel to go thru the eye of the needle. What riches do I have if I give to everyone? answer, the riches given to me by others. Only greed and hording interrupt this good cycle. Only the rich want to be rich and have power over others. Good people serve those less fortunate, with a smile, as they are being allowed to do such good works that they can not keep them from themselves.

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Paying forward has nothing to do with what it does for you, emotionally or mentally or physically, it's all about the 'next 'kid' that comes along'.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

explain? you saying it does nothing for you? or others? spread love is good for both involved but bad for mammon.

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

I didn't say it has does nothing for you, but the concept of paying it forward isn't about you nor what it does for you...just as a random act of kindness can not be planned, it's just not about you, it's about others, anything you get out of it is a 'by product'.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

ok i like to concept of pay it forward. It is opposite of selfish

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by pigeonlady (284) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I try. Praying for my enemies is more difficult for me now, sometimes it seemed to lend them more power and they feel that is a sort of cosmic approval for their ways, not chastisement or incentive to change. I couch my request to the REAL powers that be differently these days. Hearts and hugs to #OWSers!

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

the more difficulty it is, the more it brings you personal growth you need. Keep praying, it was very very very hard for me to begin, but I see it as the right path (however very hard) There is no cosmic approval for the evil selfish ways of those that serve mammon, sorry. Those that follow evil become evil filled. A man asked a wise man I have 2 tigers inside of me one is evil and one is good they fight, who will win came the question. The answer, the one you feed. Will you feed God or mammon? the choice is yours. 14 Trillion in debt and that is just the US how much does the rest of the world owe the money changers? There re few money changers and many of us. They need to keep us from becoming a big world wide group as then they would lose ALL of their power to the forces of good. And they know it. They fear organized loving groups, Like religions. But are good at playing the different groups against each other to keep everyone divided.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

they use fear to control. So if you feel fear, you must be going against the wishes of mammon. And thus are doing good. So if you feel fear but know you are right keep on going, you are making a good difference. Pray for those that enslave us. Pray for those that enslave us. Pray for those that enslave us. Pray for those that enslave us. Pray for those that enslave us.

[-] 1 points by pigeonlady (284) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

No, dude, you haven't lost it, you jjuusstt posted in a slightly disorganized way. The sentence starting THINK is very true. There are many of us who share the religious sentiments, which are no longer PC to admit of ourselves much less advocate to others. Peace. :)

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

good thing i didn't claim to be organized. The message stays the same. Important. Thanks ppiiggeeoonnllaaddyy shore up those that need it. Help everyone non evil.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

I refuse to be Politically Correct as that is a way for to control our minds.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

if you put forward a spokesman they will hang him on a cross like they did with the last one, to cause you to fear and loos your faith in what is right. Its the same group of money changers that killed him last time that will kill him again. The only time Jesus got angry and violent was when he went to the temple and turned over the tables of the money changers. THINK the money changers want you to forget your religions for a reason. So they can have full control of your life, and soul, and to have all the money a printing press could print. Now we need to pray for those money changers that they might see the evil of their ways and repent change and be saved before it is too late for them. Yes I have lost my mind. That might be good.

[-] 0 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

We need a benevolent dictator.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

I agree. It is a good concept. You are on the right track. He is there already. He IS waiting for you to invite him into that place of power (where he belongs) in your life. and to replace the power of mammon (the fear of not having) in you with his love. It really only takes an awakening and the spreading of that awakening to stop evil. WAKE UP! sleepers it is time to gather TOGETHER with all non-evil (non-mammon worshiping) people of the world. We have more in common than all the money changers put together. And we hold a power far more powerful than they do. Their mammon only has power over us because we allow it. They will throw their money in the street as worthless and so their gold and silver. Someone told us not to store up treasures on earth where thief and banker could break in and steal them. The storing of wealth is part of the problem. Money was supposed to be for barter. Now That evil has got a hold of trade, the money changers now get a % every time you use it. How just is that? in a very fundamental level money as it is today is just wrong and a instrument of evil controllers.

[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Sarcasm apparently isn't recognized here ... alas.

[-] 1 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

I lost my mind, am crazy now. The mind I lost was the one that public school, the media, greed, money and selfishness, built inside of me.