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Forum Post: OWS and the Hegelian Dialect

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 9:30 p.m. EST by riethc (1149)
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[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

yes. the left/ right dualism, the socialism / capitalism dualism.. etc. they keep the prols spinning with false dualisms and false mental cages.I have to fight off the marxists and the socialists and the capitalists... when all of these people ought to be on my side...

[-] 1 points by glenndanzig (3) 13 years ago

Nice that they got a guy who can't even pronounce "dialectic" correctly, and remember, "thesis, antithesis, synthesis" is Fichte, not Hegel. To HankReaden, the Aristotelian golden mean is hardly the same thing as Hegelian dialectical sublation; it's not about "compromise". Also, neither Marx nor Hegel are talking about "binary dualisms", but you'd have to actually READ them to know this. For an intelligent conversation about Hegel, Marx, and OWS instead of these conspiracy theories, check out the more recent articles on selectingstones.com, especially the one about "They know not what they do"

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Are you Jed Brandt?

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

That was the most odd article I have read today. Thanks for the link!

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Which guy didn't pronounce "dialectic" correctly?

Do you mean the guy with the accent?

[-] 1 points by HankRearden (476) 13 years ago

Good link. But people need to realize that the use of the Hegelian dialectic goes way deeper, and is far more widespread, than just the major examples given in the video.

It's seen every single day, in the 'framing' of the news. You get two false alternatives, a vigorous argument between them, and then a 'solution' that arrives where they wanted it to be before the thing started.

You see it in the false framing of the left/right pie-throwing contest that is vomited on our shoes every single day, coming out of every tv and radio, and half the internet, both choices of which are STATISM. The 'reasonable' middle, the mawwwderates, are presented as the 'reasonable' 'compromise'. Bullshit. The real issue is freedom vs slavery. Both false choices are given to you in order to keep you from seeing that they are both all about command-and-control. Control over this message was complete until the advent of the internet. Now the truth is out.

Break out of the matrix!

[-] 1 points by ZinnReader (92) from Encinitas, CA 13 years ago

Great post. You speak about propaganda, which relies upon us to participate in binary thinking as they present their false dichotomies.

[-] 0 points by HankRearden (476) 13 years ago

Thanks! Hit the up-arrow on it, please.

[-] 0 points by omniscientfool (84) 13 years ago

Hegel's tripe is the foundation on which the modern western system is based. Nietzsche, recognized and exposed Hegel's systematic illusion and was villified for it by TPTB of the time.

Hegel's thought is the foundation of what lets the 1% as it seems they have been termed control the rest. Its all a illusion, modern communism/capitalism are the same, they are always controlled by the few and at the expesense of the many. Both offer avenues to advance within the system, but ultimately both fail because the are based on Hegel's system of social control.

The true path freedom and potential lays within the individual. It is not the 99% that will make this movement succeed, rather the very Hegelian idea of the 99% is why the movement will fail. Why, because it is the other way around, it is the will to power that has brought the movement together, it is individuals that make the choice. The strength is in yourself not as a 'body'.