Forum Post: OWS and %1 still relying on government to fix things. Oh Dear!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 11:43 a.m. EST by MagPie22
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Still using protests and general strikes to appeal to the non democratic government? You are the people and you can do what you like. The law is just a hoax and an institution to keep you from being free people.
Use your freedom.
Are you still queuing up at the bank and at the government offices? Are you still listening to TV and corporation controlled media?
Now that banks and businesses are doing bad it is time to use this situation to demand back that the customer is right and has a say.
The other day in Thailand I visited a McDonald's in the ealy morning 7am for a coffee and a little snack, I ordered something on the menu that looked like a mini burder or something. I sat down and the first bite made me spit it out. I drank a sip of coffee and even that was not worth the 12 USD I paid. My next move was to go to Seven Eleven and buy a bottle of water to clean myself out. Before that I went to the counter and said: "Listen, this was as bad as it gets. Take it back, I do not want it.".
Anyway, stop listening to anyone who has the truth on a silverplate and start digging in yourself and find the truth that is real. It can actually be found very easy you just need the intelligence of a monkey.
We have been lied to for far too long like more than 3500 years so was it time to get to the bottom of things and really start a new and better place for all?
If this continues we are in real deep shit.
20 years ago I wondered the streets and every time I saw a skyscaper I thought to myself: "In order to build that skyscaper building they must have stolen some money and been corrupt and stolen some money from someone who wanted them to steal the money". Well, now I know I thought right. Every tall building in the world is build on a foundation of corruption, dead people, poverty and looting. Next time you enter a bank, look around and you will see a bunch of monkeys working there who is a part of the scam - and they do not know it... poor ignorant people.
Government is no better than the italian mafia or the drug cartels in columbia or The Vatican. Oh yes, the look and talk the part but they are all in the boat of destruction and nobody can do shit about it.
I am glad to have seen it and I watch it like a circus or a Shakepearean act and I am looking forward to the outcome whatever it may be. It is better than any Hollywood movie and no writer could have done it better. A new chapter is written every day by aproximately 100 people who are the top notch rich and they are enjoying every minute of it.
We the people are spectators as always because we ehave no guns and no rights and soon no food and no Internet and no oil. The list goes on. 7 billion people will be reduced to 4.5 billion in soon-to-come WW3 and even that is going to be just a new chapter in history which the next generations will look upon as just another war while they indulge in new technologies and iPhone9 and do not give a fart like they did not give a fart pre WW1 and pre WW2.
There are a very few institutions like The Nobel Prize commity and UN and IMF and a few companies like Halliburton and Facebook who decided the outcome.
Boycut them and you have won a battle and perhap even the war. Do it today before WW3 breaks out.