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Forum Post: Over throw the Government - A call to action.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 9:26 p.m. EST by exmachina (94)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Guys lets not kid ourselves here.

No matter how many times we march. No matter how many locations we occupy Globally. There is only way. There was only ever one way. To liberate the world from the fascist agenda of this military state is to over throw the corrupt criminals in power and restore democracy and this needs to start with the US. That includes all persons currently in power everywhere. The systematic collapse of the Euro and the US dollar is evident and imminent. Bankers are being installed undemocratically into power across Europe as we speak in plain site. Time is not on our side and is quickly running out.

A successful coup d'etat by the people is the only way to restore liberties and to create our own vision and future. It's the only way to stop the military machine overseas. Rest assured these crooks are not going to be exposed or trialed by anyone else. It is up to us to do what is necessary to free ourselves because no one is coming to our rescue.

It's time guys. Lets organize, lets mobilize and take the country back.



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[-] 5 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

No. There is no purpose to overthrowing a government that is already being overthrown - by corrupt private interests, criminal cartels, and a deluded Republican rabble. If you have some anarchist revolution in mind, remember the Spanish Civil War. In the end the anarchists sided with the national government, but it was too late, and Franco took everything. The Republican rhetoric is sounding more and more Falangist all the time. Do you want to do their work for them? Focus on trying to preserve human rights and opposing the insanity.


[-] 2 points by therichiswinning (10) 13 years ago

Fix ONE thing and we can change all of this mess. We all know that big money is what influences our political will in Washington. We change one thing, we change the entire system... Public financing of all campaigns will eventually in time weed out all of the corporate paid puppets that dominate our political decisions today. This would also solve every candidates problem of spending over half of their time raising money. They shouldn't have that burden at all...

[-] 2 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

All we have to do is get past Northern Command, NorthCom, which now in violation of posse comitatus has three hardcore fighting battalion trained to contain the American people. Also new technology like the ray gun, lrad sonic weapon; miniature flying drones with tazers etc. If that's not enough the North American Security Pact will allow them to bring in foreign troops to quell an American uprising, and a system of internment camps ready and waiting to receive. So how much are they paying you to instigate an uprising ?

[-] 2 points by Bpshebniski (9) from Scottsdale, AZ 13 years ago

Oh, please dont. The only thing that will come from this is dead civilians. We dont have the weapons to take down the world's most powerful military. Not only that, but the US has plenty of enemies that would love to take advantage of us after a revolt. VIOLENCE IS RARELY ever a solution, unless dealing with genocidal dictators.

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

"Unless dealing with genocidal dictators" you mean like the kind that invades other countries and murders foreign citizens for resources in the name of democracy?

Don't forget the military is made of individuals who have a voice of reason just like you and I.

[-] 1 points by Bpshebniski (9) from Scottsdale, AZ 13 years ago

I dont care. The only thing that will come from this is dead people. As far as I remember, we didn't invade the Middle East for resources, partly because the places we invaded don't really have that many.

[-] 2 points by moderation (3) 13 years ago

Yeah, because lawless states are so good for citizens. Go live, full immersion, in Somalia and then report how well lawlessness works. That's if you make it back alive and intact.

Here is a good starting point for our reasonably formed Democracy:

End legalized insider trading for Congress & Senate

Term limits for Congress & Senate (no "grandfather" clause)

End opportunities for corruption and unethical behavior for the lawmakers and the rest (e.g., banks and corporations) will follow. Move the protest to the Capital. Force ethical leadership from the top, for all.

Stop wasting time at Wall St. The intent is sound but the focus is wrong. Refocus. Achieve the broadest effect for the effort. Spread the phrase, "Term Limits".

[-] 0 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

Sorry buddy the "go live over there" does not work with me as I grew up in communist Bulgaria. I've seen it all. What you are proposing above is fantastic and I do agree with all of it. What you have written is the goal what I have written is the method of implementation. They will not go down peacefully this I've witnessed.

[-] 1 points by moderation (3) 13 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. That is very important. I don't expect holders of power to "go peacefully". If they did, then I would very scared. If they go peacefully without resistance then something is very wrong. Remember the several stages of change: 1st they laugh at you, then they try to discredit you, then they hate you, then they grudgingly agree with you, then they fully embrace the change as if it was their own idea. We are not asking to "over-throw" our leaders just provide checks & balances to keep them honest. President Washington was absolutely correct. There must be term limits for individuals in power because power is too seductive to avoid abusing it. The OWS movement will achieve significantly better results if it refocuses on the lawmakers.

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

I am with you brother. Do you think we are succeeding in taking the necessary steps to make the changes which are required?

[-] 2 points by mandodod (144) 13 years ago

Wow! Civil war! Just remember that most folks are still very happy in America. I work at a theme park and today with had thousands of very happy people come in for a visit. Lots of nice cars in the parking lot. Just happy people. Also as I said before, half of America is conservative and we have three million guns. Yes, 3 million. And hundreds of million rounds of ammo. You really have to think about This.

[-] 0 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

No not civil war. Please make no mistake about it. A replacement of the political scum. Only good can come from new political vision.

[-] 1 points by mandodod (144) 13 years ago

You mean the Tea Party?

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by lrgagnon (1) from Sherbrooke, QC 13 years ago

Wake up America, don’t be the slave of money and the cupid happy few 1% earning 60% of total US incomes , while 99% share the 40% lasting in a democracy ???
Your President Obama in his fight against that injustice , has been always stopped by the cupids. With the elections 2012 by voting, supporting, working for your President Obama in a democracy you can easily occupy 99% of government’ seats and beat the inequity in USA . Yes you can!!!

[-] 1 points by therichiswinning (10) 13 years ago

There is only ONE way! You cant go violent! Outside corporate money is what influences our elections. We all know this... The only way to fix all of this countrys mess is public financing of campaigns. Every candidate is giving the same fixed amount of money to run a campaign. May the best person win. This will in time flush the corporate puppets out and will allow serious patriotic American's to lead us once again. Change this one thing and the system will be fixed in time.

[-] 1 points by RockyJ (208) 13 years ago

LOL! That will go over big.

[-] 1 points by Riceball (9) 13 years ago

Im in

[-] 1 points by pk7 (64) 13 years ago

You're out of your mind, and your comments are just going to hurt this movement.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Have you lost your ever lovin' mind? SRSLY?

You need to put your ammo mags away and take a break.

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

The masses don't need ammo to occupy the congress.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

No, they don't.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Whose fault is it?

Every American citizen over 18 can vote for any politician on the ballot. Even a complete imbecile or any insane, irrational person can register with no requirement to prevent them. In most states criminals who have completed their parole or probation can vote.

America has become the capital of hypocrisy. It would be easy to claim its the fault of the hypocrites who only want to hear fairy tales, with a delusional resistance to evidence. The Corzine / MF Global case is a perfect example. Hypocrisy will destroy any friendship and the 9/11 case is a vivid decider of that. When I have attempted to present 9/11 evidence to a close friend, that friendship was destroyed. That needs to be the subject of a book.

No one in their right mind would want George Bush to get away with ordering a missile to be fired into the Pentagon and having Flight 77 taken to a secret location where all 64 passengers were murdered in addition to the 125 Pentagon workers also murdered by the missile. Thank fully we have April Gallop with the courage to file a law suit because after she was literally blown out of her chair and crawled out of the hole in the wall, she never saw any remnants of jet engines, landing gear, bodies, luggage, hundreds of seats, wings, tail, or any parts of any plane. If there were parts, surely the security in the Pentagon would have taken pictures of those parts.

Its ironic that the vast majority of Americans demand to look the other way from Bush and all his conspirators like John Ashcroft, Condi Rice, Cheney, General Eberstadt, and many other; close to 100% of Americans wanted to fry an innocent woman (Casey Anthony) whose beautiful child drowned in the pool and whose father George Anthony made Casey a sex slave. That is depravity. It is the deliberate media propaganda that drives the insanity.

That evidence would have allowed a court of law to find Cheney, Rumsfeld, and General Meyers innocent of April's charges. Adding to the injustice by SDNY Judge Denny Chin for falsely claiming that April was delusional, her testimony would have settled that score in open court. Finally the 2nd Circuit panel included the two most corrupt judges who I know personally: Bush's cousin John M. Walker, Jr. and Ralph K Winter. There was no media coverage that day in New Haven, CT.

I keep searching for one person who refuses to repeat hypocritical bullshit in America, but I maybe the only one. I may go a bit too far when I smell hypocrisy because the tiniest whiff drives me to attack the liar. Liars are now called flip floppers which is a double header of hypocrisy and politically correct. They are synonymous for all practical purpose.

There's a big but to not overlook. The media propaganda is a huge factor. Is being in a trance the insanity defense for being politically correct? Does it make any difference? None at all. What counts is what is. The self destruction to every person who refuses to recognize the crooks and liars that have been elected to office by themselves, defies reason. When the inevitable outcome is disgusting, evil, and negative it effects us all. Allowing the citizens to vote in an entire government taking bribes has pushed America into a bottomless pit. The hypocrite has their loyalty against the country including himself, and against our country, city, and family.

It appears impossible to remove the massive cancer called hypocrisy because the arrogant hypocrites prefer the rotten, nasty consequences than being aware of their own self destruction. There can be no cure. The brains bestowed on us all would easily be able to reason but the trance (denied by all) from propaganda overwhelms any reason.

[-] 1 points by sowhatareyougoingtodoaboutit (95) 13 years ago

I'm surprised you even know what a coup d'etat is.

Let alone use it in proper context.

But seriously, a military coup? Do you understand how amazingly violent, drastic, and ineffective that would be?

You complain the American military is too powerful and extreme.

Well, let me tell you what would happen if your little "coup d'etat" actually happened.

Think of the Civil War. Now, double the amount of time it took to fight so that it's now about 8 years long. Then, multiply the amount of deaths by 10, which would make the total out to be...6,000,000.

And then, of course, consider the type of government we would have afterward. If OWS wins, well, America has just catapulted itself into a communist government.

Still like the idea of a coup d'etat?

Instead of combating violence with violence, let's think about this situation in a more reasonable way.

[-] 0 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

You are preaching communism to a former communist party member and military officer. I too thought I was part of the greater good back in the day pal. what we live in today is fascism in it's exact meaning. What is worrying is that so little see it. The corporations control the markets and the government through the politicians who in tern control the military. This is your reality. To do nothing is to be violent in its self.

[-] 1 points by sowhatareyougoingtodoaboutit (95) 13 years ago

Do you even know what OWS is preaching?

They are advocating communism and the destruction of the hard earned wealth by some (notice how I said some) of the "1%"!

I would rather live in this, as you call it, "fascist state" in which at least "1%" of the population benefits rather than the alternative, communism, in which NOBODY benefits.

[-] 0 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

No OWS does no advocate communism. OWS advocates the dismantling of corporation influence in government and the markets. The return to a true democracy and capitalism.

[-] 1 points by sowhatareyougoingtodoaboutit (95) 13 years ago

This is coming from someone who is calling for a bloody, violent overthrow of the government.

How can more rational people like me trust and believe people like you after you have enacted your coup d'etat? How can we trust you to step back and say, "Hmm, yep. I think we're done here."

There has been only ONE scenario in history in which the rebelling party has given up their power after they have won it. Every other time has resulted in even more bloodshed and basically a repeat of the system before the revolution.

That one scenario is the American Revolution.

When you call for an unnecessary coup d'etat, yes, I will call your frame of mind and organization communist.

And I still believe that it is.

The only way I will change my mind is if OWS shows me that, once it has received power, it can freely give it up.

[-] 0 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

I'll do you one better. As part of the process regular folks should be placed in charge of creating the policies for true change with each aspect voted on by the people through a direct democracy platform through the internet.

[-] 1 points by sowhatareyougoingtodoaboutit (95) 13 years ago

Yes! I am so excited to finally live in a country ruled by the Internet!

I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun living in a country where people can vote instantly! Without thinking their decision through thoroughly! Not to mention the voting would take place in an atmosphere where the different factions can directly influence the voters and spread propaganda like it's no big deal!

While we're at it, let's also get rid of the President, because OBVIOUSLY he's getting paid off by all the major companies and corporations in America to favor them.

And let's have a civil war too!

I really hope you could pick out all that sarcasm.

[-] 0 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

"let's also get rid of the President, because OBVIOUSLY he's getting paid off by all the major companies and corporations in America to favor them"

At least we agree on something :P

[-] 1 points by sowhatareyougoingtodoaboutit (95) 13 years ago

So you don't understand sarcasm?

Do you also agree with me that maybe we should teach the basics of sarcasm in school so that our youth may grow up to be more educated in communication then you?

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Violent OVERTHROW = bad idea!

Peaceful OVERHAUL = good idea

exmachina = most likely a TROLL of the "agent provocateur" variety...

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not trolling. Read the posts and reply before making allegations. Oh that's right guilty until proven innocent just like in the judicial system.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

READ my comment : I said "most likely".

If you are NOT a paid troll of the "agent provocateur" variety, then you are seriously misguided and profoundly ignorant of history, as your call for a violent overthrow would only result in a BLOODBATH followed by MARTIAL LAW. Is that the kind of future wou want for your country???

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

Why do you only look at home TIOUAISE? You realize that every day this fascist imperialistic power continues to thrive there is a "bloodbath" somewhere in the world! You are afraid of martial law, you afraid of the people sworn in to protect you?!

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Well if you welcome a bloodbath and martial law, I have nothing more to say to you. GOOD DAY.

[-] 1 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

Um, next idea?

[-] 1 points by flang23 (47) 13 years ago

What vision of the future exactly?

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

I do not know what exactly it should look like however I do know what it should not! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S880UldxB1o

[-] 0 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

our only shot is to get everyone speaking the truth all at once. the true enemy is Zionism. if we do not call it and name it then we have nothing.

they did 911, they killed jfk, they attacked the uss liberty, they own our banks, media and congress.

say it, this is the first step

[-] 0 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

While I agree with the generalization of what Zionists is and does what should be addressed is the fundamental flaw in the system which allows such groups to dictate events and policies behind closed doors. Open democracy is the only way to eradicate and diminish the banking cartel powers. If you elect an individual of any type to do your work for you they will always abuse their given power. No government, no problem.

[-] 1 points by sowhatareyougoingtodoaboutit (95) 13 years ago

Anarchist, much?

[-] 1 points by elwad (44) from New York, NY 13 years ago

no government , no problem?

are you insane or just a troll? the government as was created by the consitition is the BEST humanity ever had. if it was not for zionist bankers working against it with a 200 year plan then we would be in paradise now!

focus on the real enemy within. blaming "the government" or "corporations" or "greed" is farting at the death star, i'll take missles and a precision shot instead

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

The 0bama administraion is fascism in action. They would like nothing better to have an ows" martyr" , martial law and suspend elections. You would be playing into their hands. You'll end up with 0bama,....dictator for life.

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

No. Forget Dems or Reps. The political agenda and foreign policy is the same. They are the flip side of the same coin.


[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 13 years ago

The only way you can overthrow the government is with violence, do you advocate that?

[-] 2 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

Do you advocate pepper spray and rubber bullets?

[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 13 years ago

The feds do not use pepper spray and rubber bullets. Unless you are willing to die for the cause you need to stfu

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

Maybe I am

[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 13 years ago

They make peace with you maker.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Go for it. Get violent. You'll be surprised who will oppose you kid.

[-] 2 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

Sorry no kids here. Only concerned parents. I for one am not willing to stand around and wait and have my freedom abolished.

[-] 1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Many around are convinced that our freedoms come only from government. This is a fundamental flaw in your movement. Some even think that the democrat party will give it to them. My point is that you people seem to have too many different goals and methods. On this thread you have a call to violence. On others you have calls to elect and strengthen the republicrats. And there even seem to be differing views on what are "freedoms".

[-] 2 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

They are all the same this why they ALL need to go. In Iceland they elected maa and paa normal everyday people to be the voice of reason and eradicate the corruption in their government, why do you think Iceland in not being covered by media!?

[-] 0 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

This is exactly what I have been thinking this last couple of weeks. They have no intention of giving up! We'll have to drag the out of there kicking and screaming. Wish I knew where to start?!?!

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Renaye wrote: Wish I knew where to start?!?END-----

Start at the beginning of the chain of social contracts that lead to the right to assemble being so well used:) -

The true history and predicament of unlawful, unconstitutional government that leads to frustration expressed in the original post of this thread.


America hasn't has a constitutional government for 140 years. That page explains the entire picture as completely as I can assemble it. The defacto wartime government in charge of the North in the civil war continued and pretended it is constitutional and that IS the military industrial complex.

Article 5 of the US constitution is the only fix. "Overthrow" is totally uneeded. With Article 5 we can conduct a lawful and peaceful rebellion.----

None of the problems that exmachina points out would have happened under a constitutional government. It would have been a different world had there been an entity with the social power and inclination to demand a treaty ending the war which is the firt step to re establishment of constitutional government.

[-] 2 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

"With Article 5 we can conduct a lawful and peaceful rebellion.---- " I'm happy with a peaceful rebellion. But it needs to be at the doors of government. We are wasting time at Wall Street which merely a byproduct of the problem.

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Absolutely, but not just "at the doors of government", there is a due process to be there with justified and legal demand.---

Seeing as congress has not been acting constitutionally, or showing "mental reservation" at obeying the constitution, a violation of the oaths of office, all that needs be done is notice given to them that they are shown to be unconstitutional and to become so immediately, then demand an Article 5 convention be called to the states by congress.--

If they do not do it in 45 days they are blatently in violation of the constitution and been given constructive notice. If congress will not act. Then the people can go to their states legislations and demand the states enforce the constitution and see that congress begins to convene delegates.

[-] 0 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

Who would have ever thought the USA could withstand the onslaught of several hundred people camped in a park for two months without crumbling to its foundations?

[-] 0 points by nikka (228) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by nikka (228) 13 years ago

Why don't you start by realizing that you're being set up?

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

Nikka are you not willing to sacrifice for your future, for your freedom/

[-] 0 points by nikka (228) 13 years ago

Absolutely I am. But not by being a chump. And your definition of "freedom" might differ from mine. To me, your idea of "freedom" seems suspect. In fact, it bears a remarkable resemblance to enslavement. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. With more communism for extra flavor.

[-] 1 points by exmachina (94) 13 years ago

What is your idea of communism? I believe that what we are starring down the barrel of is exactly that, a state run planned political and financial system and most are standing by watching it happen.

[-] 0 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

Which is exactly why "exmachina" is right. They ARE setting us up, no-one is going to ride in on a white horse and save us. They all need to be ousted. Well, you said it "you're being set up". Lets hear your thinking on this. In what way? And do you have any ideas?


[-] -2 points by lucifernonce (4) 13 years ago

Mad Max's view of the future. Roaming groups of murderers, raping and stealing until it's all gone. That's the OWS vision of the future.

[-] 0 points by frank225 (-3) 13 years ago

I bet these OWS kids follow around Mel Gibson and call him "Captain Walker"