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Forum Post: Out of control banking

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 12:48 p.m. EST by Bankbuster (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So finally it took amerikans and perhaps a bit delayed the rest of the world 3 years to protest on the system. But against what is it worth to protest? Most of corporations at least produce products or offer useful services and politicians no matter of which party have some mission for the country. If the products, services or missions they all follow always are useful for the majority of society is not sure. Only time can tell the effect of some action. Most of the politicians and corporate leaders are perhaps not the brightest ones, but they make decision and then see what happens. If a country is lucky it will vote for the bright guys in politics who can make the tough decisions for the good of the majorit.

Above I excluded banks! YES because banks and perhaps also insurance companies do not produce anything. They only give promises. During centuries banking transformed itself into an own business pretending that it is supplying the economy with credit and take care of the savings of people. Strangely the banks refuse the lend money to businesses and play with the savings of the people among themselves in order to increase salaries and wealth of their emloyees and built ever more expensive skyscrapers in the most expensive locations in cities. Did nobody ever wonder how this works? Banks missunderstood their role and politicians forgot what banks have been create for. To release money, which is a tool to compare value, into the economy which can increase value by producing somthing and at the same time take care of the value people want to preserve for their after work life. Banks do no longer fulfill tis job and as long as this is not changed we will not overcome our problems.

If we ask for complicated change it will get difficult. So et us just be simple: ! Separate investment banking from retail banking ! Forbid banks and insurances to use the same sales channels or invest in each other ! Oblige retail banks to provide a certain percentage of their assets as loans to small and mid size businesses not exceeding X USD revenue. ! Put heavy taxation on short term real estate investments ! Make bankers salaries transparent to the public

  • So the big money can continue to gamble but not with other peoples savings.
  • banks need to get back to the original business and help the economy to create jobs through new companies because they wont have any other income source.

Let us not forget, banks have been created where people can borrow money to each other. Nothing else.

Make sure your protests get strong testimonials and stay away from ideology.



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[-] 1 points by Jaytor13 (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

There are a lot of problems with the practices and policies of banks today, but one good they have done is lower the cost of accessing financial capital for everybody: large corporations, small businesses, and consumer alike (albeit sometimes imprudently).

[-] 1 points by Bankbuster (3) 13 years ago

And after the poor politicians in Europe have sorted out a solution during the weekend and no matter what solution it will be, the bank guys will party again. Hopefully the politicians show some courage this time.

[-] 1 points by Bankbuster (3) 13 years ago

Strange to see once a bank is bailed out like dexia, the markets turn bullish. I have nothing against bailouts as I anyhow guess the world needs to deleveraged and thus more or less all banks reloaded with assets, but it really seems like a moral hazard mode. Government comes markets are happy in tough times. In good times they hate the government. Wonderful times!

[-] 1 points by wallstreetsigns (2) 13 years ago

That's just the way banking used to be. Every time we DEregulate and let them take more risk, we get the Great Depression, the S&L Scandal or the Great Recession.

You'd think we'd learn. Alan Greenspan caused the Great Recession.

[-] 1 points by Bankbuster (3) 13 years ago

Yes because some people continued to say that the government has nothing to do with money. Very strange that society accepted this for such long time. Money belongs to the people and politicians must deal with this and protect it against missuse.

[-] 1 points by Bankbuster (3) 13 years ago

Banks do not take risk, at least not in the conventional way as it used to be to loan money to the economy. They lent it too each other and sold each other strange packages of promises. This has nothing to do with the risk in a normal business or a producng company. Of course funding a company is complex but the on,y way to create value. And as long as there are not more loans to small businesses there wont be more jobs for people.

[-] -1 points by Bankbuster (3) 13 years ago

Sorry for the typo, Ipad is a cool thing but not made for my long text above.