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We are the 99 percent

On Our Way To Brooklyn

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 12:37 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

CREDIT: Anjali Cadambi

CREDIT: Anjali Cadamb

CREDIT: Anjali Cadambi

CREDIT: Anjali Cadambi

CREDIT: Sofia Gallisa



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[-] 3 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I just want to say to everyone reading this, that this has been the most amazing thing I've ever been a part of. I'm so proud of all the people that continue to come out everyday.

[-] 2 points by MateoGiovanniLove (3) 13 years ago

I remember being at the Berlin Wall with 100,000s using sledgehammers and chisels to tear it down. I was absolutely giddy with excitement and joy. You all are doing the good work. Those of us with loved ones there in Liberty Plaza are incredibly proud.

[-] 2 points by JonRing (2) 13 years ago

Everyday I look forward to checking out this website. It's the highlight of my day. Show them that justice wins and keep doing what Americans are great at, reform through protest.

[-] 1 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago

Let us make sure if we are going to tear something down we have in mind what to build up.

[-] 2 points by NatoshaCundiff (6) 13 years ago

I don't think it is sad. Continue taking part, brother, I'm glad there are people taking part on my behalf! Keep up the good spirits and peaceful work!

[-] 1 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Definitely not sad - Unless someone has been down there as often as I have they may not get it but the discussions, exchange of ideas, and the feelings on unity and solidarity have been amazing. From the outside or following from hundreds of miles away, through foggy often unsupportive media coverage, it may be hard to appreciate all the good will and good work going on down there. It's just a great exciting atmosphere.

[-] -2 points by Joe (11) 13 years ago

This is the most amazing thing you've ever been a part of? Really? That's pretty sad.

[-] 1 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

Don't let Mayor Michael Bloomberg get away with creating a rift between the city workers and the demonstrators. In an interview he reportedly claimed that demonstrators were protesting against city workers who make 40-50 grand a year. While Bloomberg uses his wealth to buy loyalty and for self aggrandizement, what with his benevolent gift of 100 million dollars to support programs to help African American male youths succeed, the city of New York has been aggressive in cutting the wages of workers by pitting immigrant laborers against those who have jobs performing city services who want and need higher salaries. Mayor Bloomberg must be held to account as a PUBLIC SERVANT instead of being revered as the Lord of his Feif.

[-] -1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 2 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

I am reminded of a line from Coming to America.."Son, stay off the drugs..." Rants are not valuable, they are dizzying. Take a deep breath and sit in the sun and try to calm down.

[-] 2 points by oneofus (4) 13 years ago

The taxes we pay may be less than yours as a number, but more in percentage.

The taxes we pay keep you in the black while we go deeper in the red.

The taxes we pay could be used to make ends meet while yours may have bought you another luxury we don't dare to dream about.

We are the 99% and we are also too big to fail.

[-] 2 points by Peter1 (55) 13 years ago

That's actually not true. The U.S. has the most progressive tax system in the industrialized world. The rich pay far, far higher taxes than everyone else (both as a percentage and in absolute terms) http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/warren-buffetts-tax-story-is-bogus/

[-] 0 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 0 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

A FEW QUESTIONS Who's hooked on prescription drugs? Who's hooked on welfare? The second highest high school drop out rate in the world? Obese? Who has been UNEMPOYED FOR 3 YRS? Who has an aging population 1 foot in the grave the other on a banana peel? Has reverse mortgages? Living in subsidized housing & a multitude of other Gov. Subsidies? WHO HAS 13,000 CITIZENS DYING ANNUALLY FROM GUNFIRE BY THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS?

WHO HAS 800 MILITARY BASES ARIUND THE WORLD? More soldiers killing themselves then dying in action? Who's troops are EVERYWHERE but their HOMELAND? Where does it cost 1 MILLION DOLLARS a year per troop & theirs 100,000 troops there? AFGANASTAN LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK 1.25 MILLION GANG BANGERS WITH ASSAULT RIFLES ON THEIR STREETS? Who does all the manual labor? MEXICO Cup of coffee? INDIA Bus ride? INDIA TANK OF GAS? INDIA Hotel room? INDIA LIQUOOOOR STOOOORE? Who delivers the USA's babies? INDIA Who keeps their hearts beating? INDIA Ever seen gang of Indian kids? WHO HAS THE GREATEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD? THE USA WHOS IN THEM?

Id dump my GREEN BACKS & GOLD & get DEEDS the only printed document thats going to be worth a crap Or 25 bull dozers TO CLEAN UP THE MESS after the dollar crashes & US implodes everybody back to work the land of milk & honey WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS NICE FXER UP PROPERTY

[-] 2 points by ZechnikHimmelfaart (3) 13 years ago

You can bring them down!

We have a protest going on here in Stuttgart/Germany for more than a year. It started with a badly planned new train station, which showed people how politics and economy are messed up. It started with only a couple of 100 people coming regularly to protests on monday evenings. It grew to more than 100.000 on protests on weekends.

The protest led to the change of the government of our federal state Baden-Wurttemberg last spring. For 60 years the conservative party ruled this part of the country. Now they lost it.

Come on everybody! You can do it too! You can bring them down! ...and since Wall Street has the whole world in its claws, you can change the world.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Keep letting us know about your protests. It's very motivating and encouraging and can help in knowing what to do.

[-] 1 points by ZechnikHimmelfaart (3) 13 years ago

Just keep going. Do not resign. Invite everybody you know to the protests friends, relatives, neighbours, colleagues. Just pick up the issue in everyday talk. Print stickers, flyers - spread them everywehre. Use all social media you can get your hands on -fotos, videos. Important thing is, set up a regular day and time for protests and accompany them with large events on weekends, when more people are able to join, also from further away. I am sure you are doing most of it already. Look at Northern Afika what they did with just using facebook, twitter and mobile phones. What is most important, do not lose humor, never mind what they say, try to find a way to ridicule everyone involved and who is trying to justify the way economy went berserk. Once they are laughed at, their power vanishes immediately.

[-] 1 points by freeamerica (6) from Greenville, NC 13 years ago

bring wall street down, then the democrats and republicans who have allowed the money changers to run wild. the next thing to do will be to shrink all government so that the people can be free.

[-] 1 points by freeamerica (6) from Greenville, NC 13 years ago

maybe we could have a government like the soviet union did, repressive. anybody who thinks government is the answer has been brain washed by them which is the system. the system is the entrenched political parties, the news services and the education system, yes, the universities. do not be a fool in believing government is the answer. if you rely on government, you will have no freedom.

Soviet Union motto: Workers of the world, unite! that's nice

[-] 1 points by gwiz (5) 13 years ago

Be careful what you ask for. Look at countries around us that have week governments... Mexico or El Salvador to name two. My roommate is from El Salvador and because of their week central government, rebel factions fight for control. Two classes of people, the rich who can afford to purchase their own protection and everyone else.

GOVERNMENT IS NOT EVIL. Government is a collection of people who have been empowered to act on behalf of the masses. People in these positions who are unethical, corrupt or just plain greedy are evil. Government is no more evil that a handgun is a killer. A gun is a tool. The action of the user can be good or evil. A bomb is not evil, but it kills people. But if you built a bomb and everyone cared too much for their neighbor to use it, is it really dangerous?

The perfect government who be a communist style where the leaders only looked out for the welfare of the state and the people. But because no person has been born that doesn't have likes and dislikes that they don't act on, the more control that persons has, the greater the potential for and the depth of the corruption

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Yes We Can!!


       1) Congratulations on taking this to the next phase.

       2) Be aware that you are beggining to get logged into the DB's,
            Saturday's was an intel op.

       3) Tactical team might require assistance.

       4) Plausible promise urgently needed for this new phase.

       5) These are little obstacles.

Until Victory.

[-] 1 points by bobby (58) from Quincy, CA 13 years ago

Everyone, Anyone and Javier, be sure to please contact me if/when you want to expand your participation with the "All Party System (and independents)".

We're based on votes cast as proof, and your vote as well as any other votes, are readily available for verification and validation.

However, votes make us go, so if you don't self nominate to a ministry or super-state, register a vote with our pure proportional representation (PR) system, and/or mark the ranked choice consensus voting eballots (and paper ballots), then we don't have any fuel to power the team forward.

Vote Counting Ministry --James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Volunteer vote counter, 415-686-1996, joogle@gonott.com

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

OccupyWallStreet has been drawing complaints that it doesn't have a demand and a goal. But I say that is precisely its significance.

OccupyWallStreet is a hashtag revolt. As I learned with my own little #FuckYouWashington uprising, a hashtag has no owner, no heirarchy, no canon or credo. It is a blank slate onto which anyone may impose his or her frustrations, complaints, demands, wishes, or principles.

So I will impose mine. #OccupyWallStreet, to me, is about institutional failure. And so it is appropriate that #OccupyWallStreet itself is not run as an institution.

We don't trust institutions anymore. Name a bank or financial institution you can trust today. That industry was built entirely on trust -- we entrusted our money to their cloud -- and they failed us. Government? The other day, I heard a cabinet member from a prior administration call Washington "paralyzed and poisonous" -- and he's an insider. Media? Pew released a study last week saying that three-quarters of Americans don't believe journalists get their facts straight (which is their only job). Education? Built for a prior, institutional era. Religion? Various of its outlets are abusing children or espousing bigotry or encouraging violence. The #OccupyWallStreet troops are demonizing practically all of corporate America and with it, capitalism. What institutions are left? I can't name one.

In a Foreign Affairs essay in 2008, Richard Haass argued that the world is moving from bi- and unipolarity (that is, the Cold War and its aftermath) to nonpolarity (i.e., no one's in charge). "We now operate in an open marketplace of influence," I wrote in my last book. "One need no longer control institutions to control agendas."

Now one needs a network. #OccupyWallStreet is that network, the headless tail. Even it's not sure what it is. Indeed, I think it would have been better off not issuing a manifesto written by a committee of the whole park, going after even animal rights and ending with its own Ninth Amendment: "*These grievances are not all-inclusive." Henry Blodget mocks many of their demands. Feminisnt says they aren't specific enough. They can't win.

But I think they are already winning. #OccupyWallStreet is a start and it is growing, as Micah Sifry wrote: "There's something happening here, Mr. Jones."

What's happening is an attempt to define a new public, now that we can. Iceland, Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya are all countries being reimagined and remade: start-up nations. Hear Icelandic MP Birgitta Jonsdottir talk about building a new constitution, using Facebook, on the principles of "equality, transparency, accountability, and honesty" -- liberté, égalité, fraternité, updated for the networked age.

In the end, this is why I wrote Public Parts, because we have the tools and thus the opportunity to rethink and reorganize our publics and decide what they stand for. The power and freedom that Gutenberg's press brought to the early modern era, our networked tools now bring everyone in this, the early digital age. "They empower us. They grant us the ability to create, to connect, to organize, and to aggregate our knowledge.... They lower borders, even challenging our notion of nations." That's what the youth of these countries are doing.

Media have mocked the denizens of #OccupyWallStreet as scruffy, young hippies. But you should have seen me -- and more of media's bosses than you can imagine -- in '68. Scruffy, simplistic, bombastic, angry, determined, self-righteous, right, and high -- that was us. Media dismissed us just as they dismiss the denizens of Zuccotti Park. Authorities thought they could round up all the '68ers in Grant Park, just as they do now on the Brooklyn Bridge.

When I visited #OccupyWallStreet's park Friday, I wore a sport coat. I had to because earlier that day, I had a meeting at a place where they wear them. But I'm glad I brought it, for it's time to show that #OccupyWallStreet represents more than scruffy young leftists. I don't say that for a moment to denigrate them and their spirit. They built #OccupyWallStreet. No, I say it's time for more of us to follow their leadership and join them, to show that what they represent -- the anger, the determination, and the inherent hope -- speaks for more of us, even people in suits.

What #OccupyWallStreet has done with considerable success -- as the best hashtags and publics do -- is open a conversation, one we must have, about the shape of our nation and society and future. If you don't like their manifesto and demands, fine: What are yours?

At the end of Public Parts, I present mine, knowing they aren't the right ones but urging people to enter a conversation not about complaints or demands but instead about the principles of our new and open society.

I don't think #OccupyWallStreet is or should be about just venting anger or demonizing business or complaining or demanding. Indeed, of whom are we making these demands? The failed institutions? The ones our networks will disrupt if not displace? I say the message of #OccupyWallStreet should be more hopeful than that: building a new and open public based on the principles of a society that will replace the dying institutions and their ways.


[-] 1 points by quidditas (3) 13 years ago

Personally, I agree with much of what you say here about the failure of institutions and the need for a new polity, "networked" if you like.

However, if you think that total corporate power is not also overwhelming and destroying all those other institutions and that the declaration against that total corporate power that OWS issued the other day is not highly relevant, then you are sticking your head in the sand about the kind of power that represents, while permitting the government supported banks and multinational corporations to draw more and more power into themselves.

Clearly, we're not talking about the small businesses that corporate monopolies have consistently been putting OUT of business, now are we? After all, they're ALREADY gone.

No, we are talking about total power. Control over every other institution in society, including the military and the NYPD (see link at bottom of post).

You know, you could start to sound like just another well heeled middle aged investment portfolio watcher, concerned that a revocation of that total power might inhibit your bottom line. To heck with what the consequences of that may be for everyone else.

I have had enough of that politically connected, public platform hogging, investment portfolio watching 1% ruining reform efforts-- up to and including the failures of the last presidential election. Indeed, there are so many of you that you have overwhelmed 2 major political parties and are leaking out into the Tea Party, non-affiliated libertarianism, and now you're showing up here too.

You could, you know, have the decency to not attempt to co-opt this movement. If it wants to offer a critique of total corporate power overwhelming the government (and the common decency of the well heeled portfolio watching 1%), THEN LET IT.

How do I not know that you are not talking your book? Knowing what I know about the world, I think this suspicion is completely warranted. In fact, I would talk MY book, but I'm not old enough to think I'm going to die in time to evade your destruction.

One more thing, and then OWS, I promise to never pollute your fora with this generational devisiveness again, but it needs to be said now that they are showing up here, thinking they are fit to print--

It is YOUR cohort, Jarvis, that has become your parents. Actually, no. Scratch that, YOUR society is becoming the fascist totalitarianism that your parents FOUGHT.

And for what? (And did they let you keep it?)

Link re: JP Morgan's power over the NYPD:


[-] 1 points by quidditas (3) 13 years ago

Personally, I agree with much of what you say here about the failure of institutions and the need for a new polity, "networked" if you like.

However, if you think that total corporate power is not also overwhelming and destroying all those other institutions and that the declaration against that total corporate power that OWS issued the other day is not highly relevant, then you are sticking your head in the sand about the kind of power that represents, while permitting the government supported banks and multinational corporations to draw more and more power into themselves.

Clearly, we're not talking about the small businesses that corporate monopolies have consistently been putting OUT of business, now are we? After all, they're ALREADY gone.

No, we are talking about total power. Control over every other institution in society, including the military and the NYPD (see link at bottom of post).

You know, you could start to sound like just another well heeled middle aged investment portfolio watcher, concerned that a revocation of that total power might inhibit your bottom line. To heck with what the consequences of that may be for everyone else.

I have had enough of that politically connected, public platform hogging, investment portfolio watching 1% ruining reform efforts-- up to and including the failures of the last presidential election. Indeed, there are so many of you that you have overwhelmed 2 major political parties and are leaking out into the Tea Party, non-affiliated libertarianism, and now you're showing up here too.

You could, you know, have the decency to not attempt to co-opt this movement. If it wants to offer a critique of total corporate power overwhelming the government (and the common decency of the well heeled portfolio watching 1%), THEN LET IT.

How do I not know that you are not talking your book? Knowing what I know about the world, I think this suspicion is completely warranted. In fact, I would talk MY book, but I'm not old enough to think I'm going to die in time to evade your destruction.

One more thing, and then OWS, I promise to never pollute your fora with this generational devisiveness again, but it needs to be said now that they are showing up here, thinking they are fit to print--

It is YOUR cohort, Jarvis, that has become your parents. Actually, no. Scratch that, YOUR society is becoming the fascist totalitarianism that your parents FOUGHT.

And for what? (And did they let you keep it?)

Link re: JP Morgan's power over the NYPD:


[-] 0 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 0 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 0 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 2 points by redchilirevolution (6) 13 years ago

As one who protested the Vietnam War during the 60s and 70s, I congratulate and encourage all those Americans, especially the youth, who marched Saturday, Sunday, and today across the United States in protest of the economic crisis created by the super-rich and mega-corporations.

The rich and corporations want special economic freedoms provided by the American Constitution, but they don't want to pay for those freedoms. They don't pay their fair share of federal and state income taxes. They are tax "deadbeats".

The only jobs the rich and corporations have created with their tax cuts, tax breaks, and tax exemptions are jobs in China, Vietnam, and the rest of Asia, where Communism and Capitalism pay employees pennies a day. This is IMMORAL.

President Obama must follow the lead of FDR: Invite the rich and corporate heads to the White House. Tell them they must and will pay for their freedoms. The rich who NET $1 million or more annually must pay at least 95% federal income tax rate. All corporate tax loopholes must and will be closed.

Like FDR did during the Great Depression, President Obama must use these new tax revenues to create at least 14 million new jobs for Americans.

We, the People, will win this "class war". History is on our side. Keep marching.

Keep occupying!

[-] 1 points by markarecio (26) 13 years ago

American Revolution Has Taken Place for Democracy. Here's a song from oweaick terminator theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE9yTYrI7jE&NR=1

[-] 1 points by JollyD (15) 13 years ago

The greatest Hope we can have is that if we keep the pressure on, Pres. O. will acknowledge and take the lead of OccupyWallSt !!!!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by tf1756 (29) 13 years ago

I disagree with you on one part. Obama will never do anything for us. he is bought and paid for. Trust no one in DC.

That is all

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 0 points by freeamerica (6) from Greenville, NC 13 years ago

let us all beat down the rich by creating our own businesses. we can then create jobs for everyone and we will be rich. the poor shall inherit the world by becoming rich.

Keep working for yourself!

[-] 1 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago

But then someone else just becomes poor and taken advantage of. Perhaps its not about money and we can provide a better way of living aside from just what you can afford?

[-] 2 points by alt145 (2) from St Lucia, QLD 13 years ago

Hi guys I want you know that you are inspiring people world wide with your ongoing efforts. I've made a song that I'm dedicating to spreading awareness about this profoundly important cause. I'm giving it away in the hope that it reaches someone on the streets as evidence that knowledge of your struggle is slowly but surely reaching the world. download here: mediafire(dot)com/?11i4ijjrggthhuh The world is watching and the world is with you. All the best from Australia.

[-] 2 points by javg (2) 13 years ago

Please pay attention that the aerial view picture posted seems to be fake! Please don't use misleading information or your actions will loose credit, don't play the same game as the media! remove it asap! Here's an interesting post about that same image: http://blog.timparkinson.net/2011/09/30/lies-damn-lies-and-photoshop/ (edit: thanks for having the picture removed!)

[-] 1 points by phiz (1) from Bellingham, WA 13 years ago

Sketchy. Where are the real photos from the balloons anyways?


[-] 1 points by thegatekeeperbeta (25) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Anyone notice the guy throwing the officer's hat at 1:03?



[-] 1 points by flanga (26) 12 years ago

Haha I saw this too! Thought I was the only one.

Thanks from Clive @ http://easydiablo3.com/.

[-] 1 points by jackcarlton (1) 13 years ago

The American consumer's mistrust of the country's economic system proceeds to grow. Faith in the American financial system is indicated by only 23 percent of those questioned. Experts say that regulators can work to repair that trust. But the public must also be knowledgeable enough to know when the program is failing them. Source of article: Over three-fourths of Americans distrust financial system .I think people is just starting to express their feeling of what is happening in our financial status right now.

[-] 1 points by 36of534 (15) 13 years ago

We are the Wall Street Protestors. Existence, as you know it, is over. We will add your Fiscal and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile."

[-] 1 points by markarecio (26) 13 years ago

American Revolution Has Taken Place for Democracy. Here's a song from oweaick terminator theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE9yTYrI7jE&NR=1

[-] 1 points by markarecio (26) 13 years ago

American Revolution Has Taken Place for Democracy. Here's a song from oweaick terminator theme. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE9yTYrI7jE&NR=1

[-] 1 points by whatmeworry (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I am surprised and discouraged that the occupying do-gooders chose to release balloons. (Is there even a reference? Or are they just pretty?) Balloons are nothing but litter, temporarily airborne. The latex and the ties get caught in trees; birds and marine life are strangled and other wildlife starves to death because the pretty latex blocks their intestines. Any protesters advocating environmental health out there?

[-] 1 points by tf1756 (29) 13 years ago

On message boards on Craigslist, DailyKos and democracynow far left paid for democrats are taking credit for the OWS movement, which is odd because these are pro bank and pro-bailout organizations. Their beliefs oppose the beliefs of OWS. This needs to be addressed.

[-] 1 points by tf1756 (29) 13 years ago

Just an update. Remember, Obama is pro-big bank and pro big corporation. As a supporter of OWS, there is no one in DC that supports this cause. They are all bought and paid for by big money. OWS must realize that they must change the direction of this country. Do not trust anyone in DC. Trust only yourselves. Do not falter, do not grow weary, do not give up. Greed and corruption abounds in DC. Do not become tainted by their money or greed. Move forward, and stay focused!!!! I marched against the war in Vietnam, and we took abuse and hatred from all sides. I am also a Vietnam vet, which I though would make my voice more powerful, but it didn't. You may say your a liberal, but libs bought and paid for in DC will scoff at you. You may say you have the same values as the Tparty, but they are afraid of you. You must show the world you are a voice to be heard. And a power to be recognized. Rich politicians have squandered your future under the guise of "welfare of the people". And now they are rich millionaires, living in the mansions and they are drunk on the fruits of our labors, and they look down on us and calls us ignorant masses. We are ignorant, because we have been blind for so long. Now our eyes are opened. Opened to the lies and deceptions of all 545 lawmakers in DC. Stay strong, young friends, and do not give up!

[-] 1 points by TrumpetingNow (6) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by JaneC (2) 13 years ago

Who take thoses pictures ?

[-] 1 points by laformiotodidac (4) 13 years ago

Capital Ground :

Now is the shared time / Of our last riches /

To each birth / Freedom / A drop of water / Thirsty of river /

To each birth / Equality / A drop of sweat / Exhausted of misery /

To each birth / Fraternity / A drop of air / Dirty of deserts /

Now is the exorcised time / Of our planetary reasons /

The articulated time / Of a capital / Ground.

Mr.Anick Roschi 3.3.09

[-] 1 points by JaneC (2) 13 years ago

Please, I would know who take thoses pictures ?

[-] 1 points by LivingTheDream (4) from Wilsonville, AL 13 years ago


Fragomen, Bernsen, Del Rey, and Loewy- Has been responsible for countless American jobs to be outsourced and INSOURCED. They consistently find ways to MANIPULATE LABOR LAWS so giant corporations can save money by hiring foreign workers to work in corporate offices in AMERICA.


[-] 1 points by PaulRevere2011 (6) from Frenchtown, NJ 13 years ago

Don't forget the CHEM TRAILS!!! They are poisoning us in Tucson, Arizona at 5:40pm as I write this. Google - What in the world are they spraying? Good Luck - God Bless America.

[-] 1 points by tamoraj (2) 13 years ago

I am a middle aged, "middle class" (does that exist anymore), woman who lives in the Mid-west. I have been waiting for people who share my views and concerns to step to the fore front. Thank you for your time and efforts to let the politicians and big business know that we are through with being taken advantage of. Keep up the good work. If your efforts make it out to the mid-west, I will be standing with you.

[-] 1 points by tamoraj (2) 13 years ago

I am a middle aged, "middle class" (does that exist anymore), woman who lives in the Mid-west. I have been waiting for people who share my views and concerns to step to the fore front. Thank you for your time and efforts to let the politicians and big business know that we are through with being taken advantage of. Keep up the good work. If your efforts make it out to the mid-west, I will be standing with you.

[-] 1 points by CLF (1) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by 99forthepeople (2) 13 years ago

Football, Baseball, Basketball. They're all part of one union or another. My sister is the LEAST emotional person I know, until 'her' team is playing football. Me? Never understood her passion in that area... I would show that same loud raucous 'unladylike' behavior exhibited by my sister, though, if these 'unions' in sports would turn out in all their colors, supporting other union employees that DON'T have their 'bargaining' advantages. For some of you, I invite you to go to Wall Street to promote our "American Dreams" For the rest of you 'players', I challenge you to speak up for your fans in this protest. I'd be happy to Whoop! from the sidelines! With greatest thanks!

[-] 1 points by 99forthepeople (2) 13 years ago

We are telling children now, that "Bullying" is wrong. This has been a case of "Bullying" on an unprecedented scale that has gone on too long. Corporations and politicians need to stop, just like the bully's in school. How can we 'teach' one when we don't 'teach' the other? Release the protesters and arrest the "gamblers" who bet and lost with other people's money. Reinstate Roosevelts Glass-Steagal Act or use Ellizabeth Warren's model so they CANT gamble with our money. Stop poisoning our children with Toxic Chemicals that "our" FDA passed inspections on (BPA) but were banned in Japan and Canada. Stop allowing Corporations like Wal-Mart and Coca-Cola from USING BPA in their products like baby formula,Coke cans and cash register tapes, and then taking out life insurance policies called "Dead Peasant Policies" on the employees that are more frequently EXPOSED to those chemicals. (Are they insuring them... so employees WILL die and they could profit from THAT, too?) Is there nothing "too low"? Why does the EPA not know we have Chromium 6 in the drinking water in some cities? Erin Brocovich had a movie out that exposed this for causing cancer, yet it's STILL in our water? BPA has been linked to cancer, obesity, erectile dysfunction, behavioral problems and learning disabilities. Is this so the pharmaceutials can sell diet pills, cancer fighting products, 'viagra', "extenz" and ritalin to "everyone". Are they TRYING to make people sick? We've had enough and the corporations have made us lose confidence that they EVER cared about us, much less the union employees that they so fear. Just 'fix it'. Get out of politics and Washington. That's all we're saying.

[-] 1 points by MichaelT (9) 13 years ago

Canada is with you too! Mark October 15'th on your calendar and join us in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and Montreal as per:




Our banks make far too much profit all the time and should have their taxes raised by 3000% each year and have that money be used for social safety nets instead of being used to build monuments to their execess!


[-] 1 points by MichaelT (9) 13 years ago

Canada is with you too! Mark October 15'th on your calendar and join us in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and Montreal as per:




Our banks make far too much profit all the time and should have their taxes raised by 3000% each year and have that money be used for social safety nets instead of being used to build monuments to their execess!


[-] 1 points by MichaelT (9) 13 years ago

Canada is with you too! Mark October 15'th on your calendar and join us in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and Montreal as per:




Our banks make far too much profit all the time and should have their taxes raised by 3000% each year and have that money be used for social safety nets instead of being used to build monuments to their execess!


[-] 1 points by JeffKnox (4) from Alva, FL 13 years ago

What we need is Rational Capitalism, not Greedy Capitalism. Visit www.sophocracy.com to see how this can be accomplished - at the ballot box.

[-] 1 points by Vicewatch (43) 13 years ago

"Of the 1% by the 1% for the 1%" Great essay by Joe Stiglitz, who recently stopped by OWS


Any policy wonks or would-be wonks out there? Am trying to explore how to re-make legislation to battle corporate-govt corruption, which is the root of this crisis and the devastating inequality it has wrought--please let me know your thoughts on vicewatch.tumblr.com or tweet me @vicewatch--thanks to all

[-] 1 points by Vicewatch (43) 13 years ago

"Of the 1% by the 1% for the 1%" Great essay by Joe Stiglitz, who recently stopped by OWS


Any policy wonks or would-be wonks out there? Am trying to explore how to re-make legislation to battle corporate-govt corruption, which is the root of this crisis and the devastating inequality it has wrought--please let me know your thoughts on vicewatch.tumblr.com or tweet me @vicewatch--thanks to all

[-] 1 points by iknowwhatsbest (3) 13 years ago

Where is Radiohead playing? I saw some people dressed as zombies today, it was scary. Zombies should not be a part of this movement. They can't even speak for goodness sake. And, they eat your brains...so uncool. I'm going home, just got Halo 4.

[-] 1 points by wakeup (10) 13 years ago

I understand the need to gripe, moan and blame somebody for the painful condition of today's global economy. It hurts. Yelling about it is cathartic, and to gather in the masses gives the hopeless many a feeling of strength that has been missing for the last three or so years.

But none of this makes any sense! You want to bring utopian cohesion to the world by shutting down our economy? Who's going to carry out your ideals, the justice league? The Easter bunny? Your ideals are fine; noble, selfless, a worthy cause even. But you have to play the capitalist game to get things done, whether you like it or not. Why do you think the socialist communes of the 60's all failed? Because human nature--entrepreneurial nature--is an insurmountable force. BUT it can be harnessed, which is the basis of capitalism. Human self interest will naturally allocate the world's resources to those who can use it the most efficiently: the "invisible hand concept." Take an econ class.

The point I'm trying to make is that you are all trying to hunt the few by burning the forest down. You think the answer to solving our economic problems is by destroying the financial system? Financial institutions raise the capital that runs the companies which create EVERY SINGLE THING YOU USE EVERY DAY. Even non-profits, universities, charities etc. rely on the markets to maintain their endowments and continue to do their vital work.

Complain if you want. Yell, gather, march, whatever you need to do to wear yourself out, and in that moment of breathless relief, clear your head, go back to school, get an internship, read a book, do whatever you need to do to get yourself focused so that our generation can pull our smoldering future out of the ashes.

[-] 1 points by GradyOgle (41) from Kent City, MI 13 years ago


We need more than a new government, we need a new way of life.

[-] 1 points by Dublin99 (65) 13 years ago

The wealthy don't pay tax in any meaningful way. They see it as something workers pay, not the wealthy. It's always been that way. The wealthy of today consider themselves the new royalty of today. They think they are the Kings and Queens of the modern world in all but title. So to them, tax is a preoccupation of the 99% of people like us. Their businesses and properties pay corporation tax but the individuals themselves don't pay any tax at all really.

[-] 1 points by MoraDExplora (3) 13 years ago

Black Block.

[-] 1 points by ironfist (3) 13 years ago

What you are doing is an amazing movement that has the potential to affect US and global politics. However, in order to achieve something, I think there is an urgent need for the movement to define and prioritize its agenda better. As it is, many people consider the movement and it's agenda confusing. Protestors are easily considered "hippies" protesting just about anything and everything. If this is about Wall Street, lets make it clear. I think there is a risk that the wider the movement spreads, the more incoherent and dilluted it becomes.

[-] 1 points by ironfist (3) 13 years ago

What you are doing is an amazing movement that has the potential to affect US and global politics. However, in order to achieve something, I think there is an urgent need for the movement to define and prioritize its agenda better. As it is, many people consider the movement and it's agenda confusing. Protestors are easily considered "hippies" protesting just about anything and everything. If this is about Wall Street, lets make it clear. I think there is a risk that the wider the movement spreads, the more incoherent and dilluted it becomes.

[-] 1 points by sheeple (1) 13 years ago

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

This photo is hilarious... (Jail cell) Here the Police have incarcerated someone who is trying to protect their (The Police) well being... The poor Police... Unwittingly, they are working against themselves as pawns of the elite. "Sheeple" ;>

[-] 1 points by john19897 (4) 13 years ago

You protester annoy me with out the wealthy we would be living in a third world country. GO WALL STREET if they can make the money legally and fairly more power to them

[-] 1 points by AriaLittlhous (18) 13 years ago

Direct Democracy is the best way to reform the tax system. http://www.realdemocracy.com/

One vote for each person on every provision in the tax code.

[-] 1 points by Jimmy (1) 13 years ago

Keep the protest peaceful. Vague is fine. Just peaceful. Its ok to protest, no illegal, just don't cause trouble and the rest of the free world will join.

There will be people causing trouble, implants that want this to fail. Make sure the message does not align with them.

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 1 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

A FEW QUESTIONS Who's hooked on prescription drugs? Who's hooked on welfare? The second highest high school drop out rate in the world? Obese? Who has been UNEMPOYED FOR 3 YRS? Who has an aging population 1 foot in the grave the other on a banana peel? Has reverse mortgages? Living in subsidized housing & a multitude of other Gov. Subsidies? WHO HAS 13,000 CITIZENS DYING ANNUALLY FROM GUNFIRE BY THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS?

WHO HAS 800 MILITARY BASES ARIUND THE WORLD? More soldiers killing themselves then dying in action? Who's troops are EVERYWHERE but their HOMELAND? Where does it cost 1 MILLION DOLLARS a year per troop & theirs 100,000 troops there? AFGANASTAN LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK 1.25 MILLION GANG BANGERS WITH ASSAULT RIFLES ON THEIR STREETS? Who does all the manual labor? MEXICO Cup of coffee? INDIA Bus ride? INDIA TANK OF GAS? INDIA Hotel room? INDIA LIQUOOOOR STOOOORE? Who delivers the USA's babies? INDIA Who keeps their hearts beating? INDIA Ever seen gang of Indian kids? WHO HAS THE GREATEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD? THE USA WHOS IN THEM?

Id dump my GREEN BACKS & GOLD & get DEEDS the only printed document thats going to be worth a crap Or 25 bull dozers TO CLEAN UP THE MESS after the dollar crashes & US implodes everybody back to work the land of milk & honey WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS NICE FXER UP PROPERTY

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

My name is Kevin Niicole Horton.

For years I have been concerned, fearful about the state of our nation and have been vocal about it, warning people of the collapse of our economy & the effects it is going to have on the USA as a society. On 09/24/08 I tried to resign my rights as a US Citizen & seek refuge in Australia. The people at the Australian Embassy seemed as though they wanted to listen to me but a US marine removed me from the embassy & onto the streets of DC.He told not to enter the embassy again & told me i needed to talk to the dept. of state. A person at the Australian embassy was told to write the address down by the marine. He wrote Dept of State 1608 New Hampshire Ave.wich is not the dept of state. (Zimbabwe Embassy) Once at the Dept of state i attempted to hand in my social security card & seek protection. I was refused 2 men came out, talked to me at length I told them what I'm saying here.

I believe when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the reserve currency in the world, there will be blood shed in America. Americans against Americans, Crypts against Bloods, Blacks against Whites An Army that's unarmed & out of country, shadow boxing in the desert chasing fleas in rthe sand. A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepared unarmed people except the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them more pills.



I Plead with you if you are an ambassador or dignitary at any embassy that receives this letter. Please quietly & orderly notify your citizens in the US to quickly prepare to exodus the USA before the dollar collapses for safety of their lives. If unable to leave the US i will not get involved in the aftermath of the dollar's collapse & pray that when over there will be something left to re-build. I'm a legally blind person who has worked as a sign artist my entire life that receives no government subsidies. I am a hard working self sufficient independent person. If your anAustralian business person & would allow me to work for you or assist me in findinfg a work sponsor allow me the opportunity to work in your nationI'd be erternally thankful & assure you that you willnever regret having faith in my words. If you have relatives in the United States please compell themto return to Australia the safest place on the earth.

Kevin Niicole Horton

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

My name is Kevin Niicole Horton.

For years I have been concerned, fearful about the state of our nation and have been vocal about it, warning people of the collapse of our economy & the effects it is going to have on the USA as a society. On 09/24/08 I tried to resign my rights as a US Citizen & seek refuge in Australia. The people at the Australian Embassy seemed as though they wanted to listen to me but a US marine removed me from the embassy & onto the streets of DC.He told not to enter the embassy again & told me i needed to talk to the dept. of state. A person at the Australian embassy was told to write the address down by the marine. He wrote Dept of State 1608 New Hampshire Ave.wich is not the dept of state. (Zimbabwe Embassy) Once at the Dept of state i attempted to hand in my social security card & seek protection. I was refused 2 men came out, talked to me at length I told them what I'm saying here.

I believe when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the reserve currency in the world, there will be blood shed in America. Americans against Americans, Crypts against Bloods, Blacks against Whites An Army that's unarmed & out of country, shadow boxing in the desert chasing fleas in rthe sand. A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepared unarmed people except the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them more pills.



I Plead with you if you are an ambassador or dignitary at any embassy that receives this letter. Please quietly & orderly notify your citizens in the US to quickly prepare to exodus the USA before the dollar collapses for safety of their lives. If unable to leave the US i will not get involved in the aftermath of the dollar's collapse & pray that when over there will be something left to re-build. I'm a legally blind person who has worked as a sign artist my entire life that receives no government subsidies. I am a hard working self sufficient independent person. If your anAustralian business person & would allow me to work for you or assist me in findinfg a work sponsor allow me the opportunity to work in your nationI'd be erternally thankful & assure you that you willnever regret having faith in my words. If you have relatives in the United States please compell themto return to Australia the safest place on the earth.

Kevin Niicole Horton

[-] 1 points by dermatlmann (1) from Red Deer, AB 13 years ago

I totally support your cause in the U.S. and am hoping that occupy together protests will happen in Canada too. It is sickening how the rate of poverty, economic inequality and such has increased over the years. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, statistically 1/10 Canadians can't afford both food and shelter. Stop greedy corporations, we all need a change, capitalism is only for the rich!

[-] 1 points by Toddtjs (187) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by PartOf99 (5) 13 years ago

Can't wait for the weekend so I can go protest. Have wait until then for my parents to get time off work to take me.

Will be so awesome to blog about fighting the big corporations on FaceBook using my MacBook.

[-] 1 points by PartOf99 (5) 13 years ago

I worked through community college to pay for classes. Had no debt.

Got scholarships and grants to pay for university. Had no debt.

Got degrees in worthwhile subjects so I can have a nice job.

I'm not part of the retarded 99%

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Yep, it's that easy, right? I know several people with worthwhile degrees and with plenty of professional experience who've been laid off.... because of greediness.

[-] 1 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago

Wow. Congrats.

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

200 million people hooked on prescription drugs Everyone from Kindergarten to Great Grand Mom, with 1.3% of their population incarcerated, with another 1% watching them. A welfare nation with no work ethic, self centered lazy & now unemployable. I believe that when the dollar collapses & is replaced as the stanrdard of buying & selling in the world, there will be blood shed on the streets of America. Americans against Americans, Cripts against Bloods Blacks against Whites & An Army thats Unarmed & out of country, A National guard that will turn tail & run, An unprepaired unarmed people except for the outlaws. Why bother bombing America? Give them what they want, GIVE THEM MORE PILLS!!! Lunesta? Ambien? Weary Leg Syndrome, Extends, Viagra or Postivac? Late Night TV? Oh & waiting for your huvverround or you skooter from the skooter store. Give them what they want give them Bigger Shopping Malls, Big Screen TV's in their gov subsidised dwellings & Fancy cars Give them a credit line. The United States should put a white flag on the pentagon lawn. Salute your new flag America RITE AID WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS!!

[-] 1 points by kzeppos (1) 13 years ago

Hello from Belgium, I Must say that I am following so much positive news from you people : YOU ARE GREAT ! Don´t give up !!!

[-] 1 points by BrianR (2) 13 years ago

This is SO exciting. It makes me tempted to freakin' go there myself. Stand and be counted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We just need to ask for 3 things: 1. An investigation--a real investigation! (Geithner "forgot", for ex., to enforce Obama's order vis-a-vis Citigroup) and 2. Have taxes for the highest bracket returned to 50%--the level Reagan originally made it when he became prez. Bush 1 then lowered it 28% and it's still at 35%. And the average actually paid is 12%. And 3. CLOSE corporate loopholes!!!!

[-] 1 points by BrianR (2) 13 years ago

This is SO exciting. It makes me tempted to freakin' go there myself. Stand and be counted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We just need to ask for 3 things: 1. An investigation--a real investigation! (Geithner "forgot", for ex., to enforce Obama's order vis-a-vis Citigroup) and 2. Have taxes for the highest bracket returned to 50%--the level Reagan originally made it when he became prez. Bush 1 then lowered it 28% and it's still at 35%. And the average actually paid is 12%. And 3. CLOSE corporate loopholes!!!!

[-] 1 points by etterdc (39) from Boulder, CO 13 years ago

It's great that a purpose is beginning to develop from this movement, but it needs to be more finite and needs to be aimed at something much bigger. This is truly a movement of the people, so let us unite not simply to create awareness, but to create tangible change. This movement must morph into a new political party that represents the true American majority.

Eradicating Political Polarity


Please read, please share, and please help the dialogue grow...

[-] 1 points by donttreadonmeeither (1) from Pine Bluff, AR 13 years ago

I just want to say how VERY PROUD I am of all you kids. What you're doing is TRULY what it means to be an AMERICAN!


My love and best wishes to everyone there! DON"T GIVE UP!

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

A FEW QUESTIONS Who's hooked on prescription drugs? Who's hooked on welfare? The second highest high school drop out rate in the world? Obese? Who has been UNEMPOYED FOR 3 YRS? Who has an aging population 1 foot in the grave the other on a banana peel? Has reverse mortgages? Living in subsidized housing & a multitude of other Gov. Subsidies? WHO HAS 13,000 CITIZENS DYING ANNUALLY FROM GUNFIRE BY THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS?

WHO HAS 800 MILITARY BASES ARIUND THE WORLD? More soldiers killing themselves then dying in action? Who's troops are EVERYWHERE but their HOMELAND? Where does it cost 1 MILLION DOLLARS a year per troop & theirs 100,000 troops there? AFGANASTAN LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK 1.25 MILLION GANG BANGERS WITH ASSAULT RIFLES ON THEIR STREETS? Who does all the manual labor? MEXICO Cup of coffee? INDIA Bus ride? INDIA TANK OF GAS? INDIA Hotel room? INDIA LIQUOOOOR STOOOORE? Who delivers the USA's babies? INDIA Who keeps their hearts beating? INDIA Ever seen gang of Indian kids? WHO HAS THE GREATEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD? THE USA WHOS IN THEM?

Id dump my GREEN BACKS & GOLD & get DEEDS the only printed document thats going to be worth a crap Or 25 bull dozers TO CLEAN UP THE MESS after the dollar crashes & US implodes everybody back to work the land of milk & honey WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS NICE FXER UP PROPERTY

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

I have an idea to bring reduce inequality in this country while being fair to all people. Step 1: Tax all income above poverty line(middle class and rich) at 95%. So it's a fair tax for everybody. Step 2: The government will refund each tax payer equal amount of money just about necessary to lead a healthy and happy life. Everybody gets the same amount of money. So it's fair. Step 3: The rest of money remaining with the government can be distributed to our country's poor and world's poor in that order respectively. As you noticed, it's fair treatment for all. We are not asking rich to pay more tax than the middle class here. ;)

[-] 1 points by morriscode (1) 13 years ago

I wonder what would happen if 99 percent of us failed to vote for a new president? Maybe then they would start reporting this stuff on the news?

[-] 1 points by ZinnReader (92) from Encinitas, CA 13 years ago

If it's about anything, Occupy Wall Street is about challenging the economic imperialism of Wall Street. Naturally then, the movement's spokes-principles should be the principles of economic democracy as roughly defined here:

  1. People over profit: An economic democracy is an economy that subordinates profit to people, not the other way around.

  2. Stakeholders over shareholders: An economic democracy is an economic system in which the voices, rights, and interests of all economic stakeholders -- including employees, stockholders, communities, ecosystems, other species and future generations -- are represented. Unlike our current economy where shareholders are given primacy, in an economic democracy no one stakeholder is granted a disproportionate degree of power and privilege.

  3. Better not bigger: In order to reorient the economy towards people and all stakeholders, we have to release it from the captivity of profit. In an economy geared towards GDP growth, the bottom line is the bottom line, and protecting it means suppressing wages, slashing payrolls, passing on costs to other people, other places, and other times. Most importantly, our economy has outgrown the physical limits of the planet, and saving civilization means stopping growth. A democratic economy should be a steady-state economy where existing wealth is distributed fairly, and where economic health is measured by true indicators of social welfare rather than the blunt and archaic tool of GDP. The Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy is a useful resource for steady-state solutions.

  4. Main Street not Wall Street : The design of our financial system undermines true markets and productive community-based enterprises in favor of reckless speculation. It is designed to suck wealth away from communities and towards the corporate elite. A good blueprint here is the New Economy Working Group's report How to Liberate America from Wall Street Rule.

  5. One employee, one vote: An economic democracy is an economy where companies are built around the concept of one worker, one vote. In an economic democracy a company is a community of employees, where the employees, as full citizens of that community and the true source of company profit, decide how to invest that profit in the community. In this way, an economic democracy is distinct from both capitalism and socialism -- both variations of economic oligarchy -- where private boards on the one hand and public bureaucrats on the other decide how the profits workers generate are disposed of.

  6. Economic Constitutionalism: In the United States Constitution the framers properly defined the powers and limits to the powers of the powerful institutions that govern our society. In an age where corporations have become as powerful as any institution of government, and have amassed undue influence over the policies of those institutions, their powers need to be defined and constitutionally limited just like any institution of government.

This Declaration of Economic Democracy is by no means an exhaustive list. But it is an endlessly expansive one. One that is broad enough in its framework to incorporate and synthesize the wide diversity of dreams, grievances, demands and aspirations of the many people involved in the protests. It's one that can help the broader public understand and identify with the movement, and help the movement build an identity that's powerful enough to bring down the Wall and build a better world.

[-] 1 points by tf1756 (29) 13 years ago

To add to your post

  1. All corporate spending revolves around the authorization/direction from the WH/Congress. Nothing is done here that does not have approval from the office of the President. In order to overcome Wall St, you must overcome the WH. Both operate in unison.
[-] 1 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago

Thank you.

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

A FEW QUESTIONS Who's hooked on prescription drugs? Who's hooked on welfare? The second highest high school drop out rate in the world? Obese? Who has been UNEMPOYED FOR 3 YRS? Who has an aging population 1 foot in the grave the other on a banana peel? Has reverse mortgages? Living in subsidized housing & a multitude of other Gov. Subsidies? WHO HAS 13,000 CITIZENS DYING ANNUALLY FROM GUNFIRE BY THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS?

WHO HAS 800 MILITARY BASES ARIUND THE WORLD? More soldiers killing themselves then dying in action? Who's troops are EVERYWHERE but their HOMELAND? Where does it cost 1 MILLION DOLLARS a year per troop & theirs 100,000 troops there? AFGANASTAN LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK 1.25 MILLION GANG BANGERS WITH ASSAULT RIFLES ON THEIR STREETS? Who does all the manual labor? MEXICO Cup of coffee? INDIA Bus ride? INDIA TANK OF GAS? INDIA Hotel room? INDIA LIQUOOOOR STOOOORE? Who delivers the USA's babies? INDIA Who keeps their hearts beating? INDIA Ever seen gang of Indian kids? WHO HAS THE GREATEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD? THE USA WHOS IN THEM?

Id dump my GREEN BACKS & GOLD & get DEEDS the only printed document thats going to be worth a crap Or 25 bull dozers TO CLEAN UP THE MESS after the dollar crashes & US implodes everybody back to work the land of milk & honey WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS NICE FXER UP PROPERTY

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 13 years ago

Really good points. Great job!

[-] 1 points by armstrong (1) 13 years ago

Stay strong, keep fighting the good fight. I've bought my ticket and I'll be joining you all in Liberty Park soon.

[-] 1 points by gwiz (5) 13 years ago

Good luck and please don't let the pin heads, conspiracy theorists and anarchists give your movement a bad name.

I’ve seen a number of people trying to demonize the police, but seriously, do you think the police are against you? Most officers cannot say anything or risk disciplinary action. Also, after people have been yelling and screaming at them for matters they have no control over, how do you think they feel.

Wall Street is very good at blame shifting and it’s already happening. I’m seeing scores of posts blaming police for things that are happening. And when I hear people make comments about anarchy, I think of Mexico, Syria, etc. Do we really want a system where there is no accountability? Just the opposite, we want complete accountability. The police need to be accountable for their actions, the politicians need to be accountable for their actions and we need to be accountable for our actions.

The police tricked us into going (insert location) so they could arrest us. Grow up. We’ve been tricked by Wall Street and crooked politicians for decades now. If change was easy, it would have happened already.

PS – Stop claiming this is a police state. I’ve been overseas and to countries where a police state exists and I can tell you that the United States is nowhere near being a police state. The single biggest reason… The police are part of the population and not an elitist group. Treat them with respect and they will treat you with respect. In many respects, the police are already on your side, but unless you are going to take care of them and their family, they have to follow any lawful instructions given. So when the police crackdown on a certain area of a peaceful demonstration, it’s not because they choose to, it’s because someone higher up ordered them to. With the current state of the nation, how many of you would throw away your career because you didn’t agree with you boss? How many police officers are millionaires? Not many, which is why they work. The police are simply the most visible element of government. DON’T FOCUS ON THE POLICE. THEY ARE USED AS A DISTRACTION TO SIDE TRACK YOUR MOVEMENT. I’ve seen some turbulent times and I’ve seen fights for good ideals refocused because someone was arrested. And the whole movement shifted from inequality to police treatment. Read the articles posted by the cooperation controlled media. You will find more coverage on the police handling of the situation, than the issue you (we) are trying to bring to light.

Just my observation.

[-] 2 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago

Well put!

[-] -1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

A FEW QUESTIONS Who's hooked on prescription drugs? Who's hooked on welfare? The second highest high school drop out rate in the world? Obese? Who has been UNEMPOYED FOR 3 YRS? Who has an aging population 1 foot in the grave the other on a banana peel? Has reverse mortgages? Living in subsidized housing & a multitude of other Gov. Subsidies? WHO HAS 13,000 CITIZENS DYING ANNUALLY FROM GUNFIRE BY THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS?

WHO HAS 800 MILITARY BASES ARIUND THE WORLD? More soldiers killing themselves then dying in action? Who's troops are EVERYWHERE but their HOMELAND? Where does it cost 1 MILLION DOLLARS a year per troop & theirs 100,000 troops there? AFGANASTAN LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK 1.25 MILLION GANG BANGERS WITH ASSAULT RIFLES ON THEIR STREETS? Who does all the manual labor? MEXICO Cup of coffee? INDIA Bus ride? INDIA TANK OF GAS? INDIA Hotel room? INDIA LIQUOOOOR STOOOORE? Who delivers the USA's babies? INDIA Who keeps their hearts beating? INDIA Ever seen gang of Indian kids? WHO HAS THE GREATEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD? THE USA WHOS IN THEM?

Id dump my GREEN BACKS & GOLD & get DEEDS the only printed document thats going to be worth a crap Or 25 bull dozers TO CLEAN UP THE MESS after the dollar crashes & US implodes everybody back to work the land of milk & honey WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS NICE FXER UP PROPERTY

[-] 1 points by gwiz (5) 13 years ago

Most of your statement is so wrong that I'm not even going to comment. The numbers you use are completely made up. The cause is about accountability. India is not the problem. China is not the problem. You have fallen into the blame shifting trap. The problem is corporations who, in order to maximize their profits are willing to send jobs overseas. How can you blame someone in another country for accepting a job? Comments like this and people who believe things like this will turn the rest of the population against the cause. Grow up.

BTW - When was the last time you saw a upper class neighbor hood affected by a riot? Don't crap in your own nest!

[-] 1 points by walker (20) from Starkville, MS 13 years ago

i have gone 2 days with out internet ability i have been in the woods got about 400 miles to get to virgina. i cant wait to join the fight. i saw what the brutes did to my brothers in Brooklyn and this man is not happy. i did get to see the love of my brothers as they held tight to one another not allowing them to be drug away like trash. we are the 99percent we will not stop i will not stop

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

Democracy Now! reported today on the gifting of 4.6 million dollars by JP Morgan to the NYC police department...so who are the police here to protect and defend and what is their organization reduced to if they are indebted to the banks instead of the safety of the people? This is an alarming conflict of interest.

[-] 1 points by capitalistswine (1) 13 years ago

You people are wasting your time. You should get a job instead of sitting in a park (paid for by those of us with jobs who pay taxes) and whining about larger corporations who could not care less about what your cause-du-jour.

[-] 1 points by MateoGiovanniLove (3) 13 years ago

Don't worry, my man. Though it sounds like your youth is behind you and you have entered Grumpy Grandpa stage, there is still hope. When you are young you have some time to "waste" educating yourself, making life long connections, trying to figure out the system and how you are related to it. Sounds like you decided to surrender to the Corporations. I hope that you find peace and happiness there, but don't deny others the Freedom to take their own position. That is what the Founding Fathers fought so hard for. BTW, the first patriots were also on the Government dime.

[-] 1 points by Pidg30n (1) from Garden City, MI 13 years ago

Taxation without representation. It is the reason our founding fathers broke free from the Tyranny of Britan. It has come back to the 99%. We are not represented in law. Lobbyists ensure this. Corporate donations ensure this.

[-] 1 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago

How do we ensure we have representation?

[-] 1 points by Arkadiz (1) from Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Capital Federal 13 years ago

Felicitaciones a todos los valientes participantes de esta gran empresa. Les doy todo mi apoyo para difundir la protesta en mi pais (es sabido por todos, cualquier cosa que pase en USA repercute en el mundo). El sistema en el que vivimos, es muy similar al feudalismo. Ellos dicen que pensar al pueblo, ellos dicen que comer, que mirar o escuchar; ellos son los culpables del hambre en el mundo (creo que UNA "persona" no puede tener mas dinero que algunos paises) y cuando se termina la mentira, el precio se paga en todas partes, claro que ni en sus mansiones ni en sus conciencias. Muchisima fuerza, sigan adelante! Saludos, desde Argentina. P.D: hay que hacer una version en español del sitio. Perdon por no escribir en ingles, el mio, apesta.


[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Gracias por su apoyo.

[-] 0 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

A FEW QUESTIONS Who's hooked on prescription drugs? Who's hooked on welfare? The second highest high school drop out rate in the world? Obese? Who has been UNEMPOYED FOR 3 YRS? Who has an aging population 1 foot in the grave the other on a banana peel? Has reverse mortgages? Living in subsidized housing & a multitude of other Gov. Subsidies? WHO HAS 13,000 CITIZENS DYING ANNUALLY FROM GUNFIRE BY THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS?

WHO HAS 800 MILITARY BASES ARIUND THE WORLD? More soldiers killing themselves then dying in action? Who's troops are EVERYWHERE but their HOMELAND? Where does it cost 1 MILLION DOLLARS a year per troop & theirs 100,000 troops there? AFGANASTAN LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK 1.25 MILLION GANG BANGERS WITH ASSAULT RIFLES ON THEIR STREETS? Who does all the manual labor? MEXICO Cup of coffee? INDIA Bus ride? INDIA TANK OF GAS? INDIA Hotel room? INDIA LIQUOOOOR STOOOORE? Who delivers the USA's babies? INDIA Who keeps their hearts beating? INDIA Ever seen gang of Indian kids? WHO HAS THE GREATEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD? THE USA WHOS IN THEM?

Id dump my GREEN BACKS & GOLD & get DEEDS the only printed document thats going to be worth a crap Or 25 bull dozers TO CLEAN UP THE MESS after the dollar crashes & US implodes everybody back to work the land of milk & honey WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS NICE FXER UP PROPERTY

[-] 1 points by Pandora (9) 13 years ago

So glad to see such a huge turnout! Change begins with us-the PEOPLE!! Know that those of us who can't be there in person are with you all in spirit-keep up the hard work!!

[-] 1 points by HookeyTookey (1) 13 years ago

The occupiers are a bunch of people who didn't pay attention in school and now can not do any better than a union job. And then, they dare to want my money. Pffftt.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Really.... so thousands and thousands of people... all of these protesters.... didn't pay attention in school? What an idiotic statement. You must be one who's stealing from the cookie jar.



[-] 1 points by freeamerica (6) from Greenville, NC 13 years ago

if the nypd can shoot down planes can they also assassinate people who insight civil unrest?

[-] 1 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago

Wow freeamerica, just because someone has a differing opinion you want to shoot them? What sort of america are you fighting for? How about educating the opposing side?

[-] 1 points by ethanhoo (1) 13 years ago

I am thinking deeply a fact related to the Democracy of Economy. We have gotten the rights of politics, but the rights of economy are always out of our hands. On the contrary, the economic lifeline is controlled in the hands of Wallstreet Bankers, who are operating the economy of this world dominatingly and making the decisions unrestricted in their enclosed groups. Therefore, the action of Occupying Wallstreet will open the gate reaching to the new ages of the Democracy of Economy.

[-] 1 points by TarigAnter (33) from Khartoum, Khartoum 13 years ago

I support you 100%, actually I was waiting for this to happen for many years. I wish I can initiate similar group protest here, in Sudan, but the brutality deters me and many others. I keep posting your news and related articles in my blogs to counter the shameful stands of corrupt main stream media.

[-] 1 points by Dublin99 (65) 13 years ago

Engage with your local community. Know your neighbours, your children's friends and teachers. Know your local shop keeper, drug store owner. Support your local community and locally owned businesses. Buy a book from your local bookstore instead of Amazon.

Big business doesn't want you to know your neighbour. They want you to be isolated, lonely, powerless and weak so they can sell to you and control your wishes and desires.

Community is powerful. Friendship is powerful. People are the power waiting to be wielded against the control and corruption of huge international corporations with faceless shareholders, all demanding bigger and bigger profits all the time.

The people are the power. The people are the 99%.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I eat at local mom and pop restaurants only. If I'm out of town and can't find mom and pop places, it's the only time I'll eat at a chain restaurant.... but am not happy about it. Luckily, where I live there are tons of mom and pop places to eat. I just wish there was more choice in mom and pop retail places.

[-] 1 points by joaoaguiar (1) 13 years ago

The people arround the world is confused about the new facet of market Capitalism... It'a not a question of a better ideology, Socialism was not successful and capitalism should be upgraded...

Here in Brazil, the "wellfare state" doesn't permit the citizen been forgotten, starving with no future! Here, despite of the criticism of the rich that we have high taxes, governament care for the unemployed, distribut money for the poor peolple by the Bolsa Família and others.

Is a pitty american people, the most admired arround the would, has to convive with the bait that market can provide people with all it need... I admire so much the USA, but, that time I am proud of live here.


[-] 0 points by freeamerica (6) from Greenville, NC 13 years ago

usa has no starving people. usa's poor are the middle class of other countries. what is hurting the usa is not capitalism but a growing intrusive government. usa is admired because it is the best place people can find freedom, just try protesting in china or iran.

[-] 2 points by NatoshaCundiff (6) 13 years ago

The USA has no starving people? Are you kidding? Have you seen the most recent reports on families under the poverty threshold? In my city, a large metro, ONE IN NINE children in the public school system are HOMELESS! We are better than that.

[-] 1 points by freeamerica (6) from Greenville, NC 13 years ago

no kidding, no starving people! plenty of food is given out by many different organizations. who is making this threshold? It is the government. the public schools run by the government along with all the bloated social programs that is the problem with usa.

people take care of people not the government

[-] 1 points by xposingfalsehoods (39) 13 years ago

Sorry guys the police entrapment story is totally false. im saying this being in the middle of it all, I was there yelling at people to follow the march up the walkway as was planned (remember stay behind the lead banner), that cops said not to come through!!! i tried to keep order but i was called every name in the book, but the bigger thing is I believe there is a provocateur and I can point him out. He was real agitated at the park, acted up when politician Charles Rangle came before we marched and he got people riled up to break away from the march and go into traffic!!!!..this is my account from being between the cops and those who broke through.

[-] 1 points by thenewsjunkie (1) 13 years ago

Why are people among the demonstrators covering their faces? It sends a message to the general public that they are sinister and up to no good. If you want to win over the general public stop covering your faces and reveal that you're normal people just like everyone else. Covering your face gives reason to people to fear you.

[-] 1 points by NatoshaCundiff (6) 13 years ago

I think the masks represent an idea of unity and solidarity. It is not this individual or that individual but the 99%, the collective community. I see how it could be misconstrued, but it doesn't alienate or intimidate me. Moreover, why is a 100-some-odd year old law suddenly being called upon and enforced when it hasn't in the past (including a protest I was a part of some years ago)... Further shows how the system is manipulated against the population at the immediate will of whomever has the power.

[-] 1 points by Listen7then7reply (11) 13 years ago

Which law?





[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

Is there any reliable estimate of the number of people who took part in the march on Saturday? I was there, it looked like about five thousand to me - the line seemed to be blocks long. If 700 is the number arrested - there looked to be about 5x times that on the walkway and dispersing at City Hall plaza. Anyone know? We keep hearing 700 arrested in the media, some people think that was almost the whole contingent of marchers, but it was only a small fraction.

[-] 0 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

A FEW QUESTIONS Who's hooked on prescription drugs? Who's hooked on welfare? The second highest high school drop out rate in the world? Obese? Who has been UNEMPOYED FOR 3 YRS? Who has an aging population 1 foot in the grave the other on a banana peel? Has reverse mortgages? Living in subsidized housing & a multitude of other Gov. Subsidies? WHO HAS 13,000 CITIZENS DYING ANNUALLY FROM GUNFIRE BY THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS?

WHO HAS 800 MILITARY BASES ARIUND THE WORLD? More soldiers killing themselves then dying in action? Who's troops are EVERYWHERE but their HOMELAND? Where does it cost 1 MILLION DOLLARS a year per troop & theirs 100,000 troops there? AFGANASTAN LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK 1.25 MILLION GANG BANGERS WITH ASSAULT RIFLES ON THEIR STREETS? Who does all the manual labor? MEXICO Cup of coffee? INDIA Bus ride? INDIA TANK OF GAS? INDIA Hotel room? INDIA LIQUOOOOR STOOOORE? Who delivers the USA's babies? INDIA Who keeps their hearts beating? INDIA Ever seen gang of Indian kids? WHO HAS THE GREATEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD? THE USA WHOS IN THEM?

Id dump my GREEN BACKS & GOLD & get DEEDS the only printed document thats going to be worth a crap Or 25 bull dozers TO CLEAN UP THE MESS after the dollar crashes & US implodes everybody back to work the land of milk & honey WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS NICE FXER UP PROPERTY

[-] 1 points by MultiPartySystemNow (2) 13 years ago

What made the protests in Egypt successful was that the regular army and the rank and file police were unwilling to attack the protesters.

We can accomplish the same thing here. Don’t view the rank and file police officers as fascist enemies but as regular guys who are paid to defend a rotten system. A desperate system that will throw them away as garbage when they have served their purpose.

Try to persuade them that they are doing something wrong and Un-American. Use slogans or talk to them. “You don’t have to do this”. Tell them that the NYC as well as State of New York are bankrupt and that their promised pensions will dwindle into nothing when the system breaks down. They believe that if they are loyal they will be protected from the breakdown. Dream on. They are just disposable minions, nothing more that dirt under the shoes for the real masters of land.

Ask them if they have a wife, brother or child who is out of work, homeless or evicted. Ask them if they have problems paying the bills. Tell them that the protesters are here to help them and all Americans to a better life.

Tell them that the bosses in the NYPD are corrupt who accept bribes from Chase to strike down hard on the protesters. Tell them to go and arrest their bosses and political paymasters.

If you are arrested and spend time in the back of a police car, try to befriend the cops in the front seat and persuade them that they are doing something wrong. The same goes if you are at the police station being interrogated. Talk about politics and corruption and ask why they don’t arrest the Wall Street bankers, the corrupt heads of NYPD who accepted a bribe from Chase, or the bribed senators instead.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

I love, love, love your idealism. However, when you or any OWSer is arrested? You should not under any circumstances be "chatting up" the police. REPEAT - DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN ARRESTED. At all. "Anything you say can & will be used against you" - the court forced them to give that Miranda warning for a reason - it's a fact. Consult your legal advisors about this. There are "crimes" that we don't know are "crimes" and cops will ad charges if you inadvertently admit to something that you did not know was illegal. Remember, the police are more experienced at this than you are and many of them do not & will not have one iota of sympathy for your cause. If you want to try to chat them up & convert them by walking up to them on the street, well, I wouldn't advocate that either, but certainly do NOT converse with them during or after an arrest. Sure, sure, they are human beings too - but not while they are "on duty".

[-] 1 points by MultiPartySystemNow (2) 13 years ago

Well perhaps. But is it illegal to indulge in a political discussion and try to convince them that what they are doing is wrong and that they should arrest their own commissioner and the Wall Street bankers instead?

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

It is not illegal! It is just not in your best interest to chat with cops during or after you've been arrested. It can also harm the movement - if you said anything that incriminated any other person involved in the march.

Anyone involved in the demonstrations should be following the guidelines for talking to the police that are given here:


[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

The police fought against protesters in Egypt.

[-] 1 points by mallorca (6) from Palma, PM 13 years ago


15th October you will hear us.

Keep it up but remember stay away from violence.

Big hug from Spain.

[-] 1 points by Rasterius (13) from West Leederville, WA 13 years ago

What was the 'emergency mode' that prevented us from logging in for? Are the protestors aware of the NWO directed by the Bildeberg group?

[-] 1 points by GeaVox (1) from Bristol, England 13 years ago

I am in the UK, trying to start viral support campaign on FB for my networks, asking tha they email their MP's, the NYPD Precinct (which one does Brooklyn Bridge come under? Does anyone have their email addresses?) and donate to OWS 99ers.

Hang on in there guys, we're coming... virtually, by 'phone, by protesting with our Members of Parliament and demanding the UK lodge an official condemnation of the arrests! You're awesome! Love, and respect to you guys! Thanks - Toni (56, Bristol, UK)

[-] 0 points by thejimmy (0) 13 years ago

Huh? Why are you going to Brooklyn? I thought this was Occupy Wall Street.

I must be on wrong site.

[-] 0 points by leon (0) 13 years ago

if we all succeed in adopting puppies, we can create a much bigger problem, and win the hearts of animal lovers who will probably feel compelled to give us lots of money.

[-] 0 points by leon (0) 13 years ago

if we all succeed in adopting puppies, we can create a much bigger problem, and win the hearts of animal lovers who will probably feel compelled to give us lots of money.

[-] 0 points by thespark (16) 13 years ago

This is an entirely new movement arising out of the new phenomenon of capitalism we are witnessed around the world. We are not into Socialism, at least not as we had seen it practised. The Russians, East Europeans and the Chinese had been in there and come out with some painful lessons. Why should we want to take that road again? What we are saying is that capitalism have its share of problems too. We have seen how unbridled, unregulated capitalism can cause mass misery and sufferings too. Many of us have experienced these first-hand. With almost the whole world now under capitalism, it is not just nations but the whole world which should be concerned with the dangers of capitalism. Extreme capitalism should be curbed. We accept those aspects of capitalism which encourage people to create and generate new wealth and share it with others. We are against those aspects of capitalism which allow a few to accumulate existing wealth, churn it to create an illusion of more wealth, control it, and through it control the government. We cannot accept that corporations are left to do what they like and end up failing so badly that they become “too big to fail” but instead many individuals and families have to fail and fall. This is unacceptable. We don’t expect the rich and powerful to be with us on this. The change will have to be from ground up. Masses throughout the whole country, the whole world, should rise up against this.

[-] 2 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Lets not get into the trap of discussing if we are or not into socialism, etc,

this is not the place for divisive talk.

[-] 2 points by chardak (2) 13 years ago

Socialism was not practiced in China, ex USSR and Eastern Europe - it was communism, and it turned out to be bad as too much power/money corrupts people, no matter what ideology is the ruling one. Nevertheless, in its core, communism was an ideal society, but as an utopia, when put into practice it was destined to fail. What we need to change is this distribution of wealth - the disbalance is huge and it ends up in having starving children in Africa on one hand and throwing away food that hasn't been sold or eaten on the other - that is what is horribly wrong with our world and if we don't do anything to change it, how we can call ourselves a civilisation of progress and humanity and think we are better than anything else that has been before

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

no, it was not communism, it was oligarchy.

[-] 1 points by JLivermore (-5) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

first time i have seen this group admit they just want socialism. well done.

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Actually communism was not practiced there either, the last trappings of communism in the USSR (workplace democracy) were made powerless in 1923 and abolished by Stalin in the 30s or 40s.

Mao was a confucianist waving a very pale red banner.

Either way - both created a bureaucratic class to take power away from the worker and popular assemblies that should be the real nerve of communism. The people in Tian an Men square were singing the Internationale because they wanted real communism, not a pseudo-capitalist bureaucracy.

The sailors of Kronstadt fought and died for real communism, not for a pseudo-capitalist bureaucracy - hell, the "socialist" Soviet union called its economic policies in the 20s capitalism openly.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It was more like a dictatorship, fascism, etc.

[-] 1 points by KevinNiicoleHorton (22) 13 years ago

A FEW QUESTIONS Who's hooked on prescription drugs? Who's hooked on welfare? The second highest high school drop out rate in the world? Obese? Who has been UNEMPOYED FOR 3 YRS? Who has an aging population 1 foot in the grave the other on a banana peel? Has reverse mortgages? Living in subsidized housing & a multitude of other Gov. Subsidies? WHO HAS 13,000 CITIZENS DYING ANNUALLY FROM GUNFIRE BY THEIR FELLOW CITIZENS?

WHO HAS 800 MILITARY BASES ARIUND THE WORLD? More soldiers killing themselves then dying in action? Who's troops are EVERYWHERE but their HOMELAND? Where does it cost 1 MILLION DOLLARS a year per troop & theirs 100,000 troops there? AFGANASTAN LARGEST PRISON POPULATION IN THE WORLD? YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK 1.25 MILLION GANG BANGERS WITH ASSAULT RIFLES ON THEIR STREETS? Who does all the manual labor? MEXICO Cup of coffee? INDIA Bus ride? INDIA TANK OF GAS? INDIA Hotel room? INDIA LIQUOOOOR STOOOORE? Who delivers the USA's babies? INDIA Who keeps their hearts beating? INDIA Ever seen gang of Indian kids? WHO HAS THE GREATEST UNIVERSITIES IN THE WORLD? THE USA WHOS IN THEM?

Id dump my GREEN BACKS & GOLD & get DEEDS the only printed document thats going to be worth a crap Or 25 bull dozers TO CLEAN UP THE MESS after the dollar crashes & US implodes everybody back to work the land of milk & honey WHEN THE RIOTS START HERE THERE IS NO ARMY HERE TO STOP THE RIOTS NICE FXER UP PROPERTY

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

The problem with "Communism" was that it was a system where everything was property of a few governments, each under the dictatorial control of one premier. By contrast, the system America is moving toward is one where everything is property of a few corporations, each under the dictatorial control of one CEO.

[-] 1 points by LuisL (4) from São Paulo, São Paulo 13 years ago

Sorry but you need to read the definition of communism... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

the problem with that statement is thats not communism, thats oligarchy.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

yep, corporate dictatorship

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

Regulated capitalism is a myth.

[-] -1 points by mactavish (-1) 13 years ago

If we could all push for a flat tax! This would level the playing field and give us 1 common goal to fight for. The rich the poor the middle class ALL play the same taxes based on income. Let's say it was 20% If you make 1,000 you pay 200. If you make 100,000 you pay 20,000. This way there would be no more tax write offs like giving to charity etc. It would stimulate the economy and the harder you work the more you make and you know what you are going to pay. No more hiding money for anyone!

[-] 2 points by GreenIguana (36) from New York, NY 13 years ago

A flat tax is regressive and grossly unfair. The poor spend a much, much greater proportion of their income on basic necessities whereas the rich spend a tiny fraction of their income on necessitites. Taxing the poor at the same rate as the rich means taxing poor people's food and electric bills to allow rich people to keep their vast wealth. It's the exact OPPOSITE of what this movement is about.

The sales tax, which we already pay, is the same plan. Sales taxes discriminate against the poor and the middle class.

[-] 1 points by iAMyouAREme (8) 13 years ago

How about eradicating INCOME tax and doing a flat SALES tax? If you want that $5000 plasma TV, or that $250,000 car then pay the tax. If you dont want to pay taxes, dont buy anything. Idealogical I know, but it certainly sounds like a better framework than we have now....

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

A flat tax won't work. 10% tax for someone who only makes $10,000 is a BIG deal, while 10% tax for someone who makes $1,000,000 is nothing. A flat tax is not fair at all.

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

A flat tax would level no playing field. This is something even capitalist writers knew.