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Forum Post: Our One Demand is to the People

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 5:11 a.m. EST by BrianPrichard (16) from Denison, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Capitalism is based on the idea that the consumer will balance and maintain the system. However, in today's world the consumer has been greedy, they have sought only the cheapest product with little regard to ethical impact of their decision. This greed has been reflected at the top. It is now up to consumers, it is up to us, to balance the system. We must overcome our greed and spend the extra dollar on the most ethical purchase, not the cheapest. Your dollar is a moral extension of yourself. You decide which companies to grow and which to weed out with each purchase you make. Support the organic, the sustainable, and the green. Buy your gifts from Main St. not Wal-Mart and shop local. Put your money in your local bank or credit union while avoiding the too big to fail.

Currently we need regulation to maintain accountability. It would not happen overnight but in a morally conscious market any immoral company would be defeated and render government regulation unnecessary. This could pave a path for liberals and conservatives overcome their differences come together under one movement acting as one people, which is what we truly are. United we will be powerful enough to make the change we both so desire. We can stand together to end corruption by reestablishing a morally accountable capitalism where government regulation is no longer necessary. We are not different, we are human beings. This is our moment. Be the change you want to see.



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[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

I am trying to do my part in those regards to the best of my ability and plan to expand them in the future. This is a concept that needs to be pushed. While OWS moves toward changes from the top, we individuals will attack the problem from the bottom, by changing our ways. A pincer attack, from both ends, will be the way to victory. Note: from what I've heard in the last couple days is the elite are already starting to show concern. And we haven't even begun yet.

[-] 1 points by BrianPrichard (16) from Denison, TX 13 years ago

I agree this needs to be pushed. We need a propaganda machine to spit this message out. Vote with your dollar. Money = Morality. Be the Change. The economy is your garden. If we can get conservatives and the Tea Party, who is just as passionate about ending corruption as the Occupy Movement, to accept it then we can truely make a difference.

[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

Well said!!! The best way to take down a business is to NOT buy from it. Buy local, buy American, buy ethical, buy small. We'll pay more but just doing that, everyone doing that, will bring down big business faster than rocks.