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Forum Post: Our next president is going to be Mittack Obamni, whether he's wearing a red shirt or a blue one, the outcome is the same

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 2:30 a.m. EST by PandaMe73 (303) from Oakland, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It seems like the red shirts want to attack Obama while glossing over the crimes of the Bush presidency and the blue shirts want to do the same, list every Bush atrocity while glossing over the fact that Obama has sold us out as badly in terms of direction if not scope (having less time than Bush so far to rack up offenses). I understand that it's hard for folks on both sides to admit they were wrong, because it feels like they are betraying their political principles in doing so, as if to admit to their guy being wrong is the same as saying their ideological platform is wrong. I understand the need for those who agree both were wrong to want to note that the other guy was "more" wrong, for the same reasons.

But while we do this, we are getting ready for an election where even the surface differences that have kept both sides feeling their representative is the better choice (or lesser evil) are so minimal that we are all, blue, red, or purple, likely to be voting for the same guy, Mittack Obamni, and the choice now is not even an imaginary choice between a difference in substance, but a blatantly pointless one that amounts to quibbling about the choice of color that guy drapes himself in as he ignores the requests of both voting blocks no matter which one he is supposed to be representing, just as the last democratic and republican presidents have done.

So I'm curious if this bothers anyone else, or if no one else sees this and I'm off track in thinking this. Is this inevitable or is there a solution available working within our current system? Can protesting effect what this guy does when elected, or is that as pre-scripted as the seeming choice we voters will be making? I'm interested in comments, solutions, or perspectives on this from anyone who has pondered this themselves, agreement is not necessary, though civil discourse would be nice :)



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[-] 4 points by michael4ows (224) from Mountain View, CA 13 years ago

obama is certainly a disappointment... false advertising... no change, status quo (wall st in charge)... and rather ineffective i think... he's mostly moderate (which is good), but gets pushed and pulled by others more than leading the way...

  • i am grateful he kept us troops out of more serious involvement in libya
  • punting on the keystone pipeline until after the election cycle is pretty lame
  • the moratorium on gulf oil production was way over blown (pulled)
  • obama care == house democrat care (pulled)
  • kudo's for bagging and pitching overboard osama
  • to have the perfunctory debt ceiling thing go down to the wire was painful to watch and of consequence too (pushed)
[-] 4 points by divineright (664) 13 years ago

I think people were very hopeful when Obama took office. Now, in the midst of the latter part of his first term, the desperation is setting in. Obama talked a good talk (as many politicians do). He broke the mold for the stereotypical Caucasian president (the man keeping everybody down). When his vision for America failed to materialize and the citizens of the USA felt more pain and disillusionment, something new awakened in the public. If Obama can't reign in the system like we needed him to, who will do it? We must.

[-] 3 points by michael4ows (224) from Mountain View, CA 13 years ago

something new has awakened, and that is most encouraging!

[-] 3 points by michael4ows (224) from Mountain View, CA 13 years ago

i wasn't blaming obama for the housing bubble burst or the fallout (that was in the making from 1999)... i voted for him because i thought he would be a 'post partisan' president and help to clean up this shit... really hasn't worked out like that at all.

[-] 3 points by flashcards (39) 13 years ago

That I can agree with, but as soon as the 99% elected him into office, they saddled him with a republican Majority in both houses. How you supposed to get anything done.

The 99% either did not turn out and let it happen, or voted for it not knowing what they were about to do. Oh or option 3 the TEA PARTY pulled a George W and rigged the election.

In some ways I feel it is US who have failed him..? All history now, guess we will never really know.

[-] 2 points by michael4ows (224) from Mountain View, CA 13 years ago

he was dealt bad cards to be sure (although when the house was majority democrat, he got pulled around by them rather than leading them)... the most interesting question to me is where to go from here in next years presidential election... rising in arms in revolution and all that is not in the cards nor should it be, our system is designed to replenish itself when needed... the ineffectiveness and staus quo'esssness of obama, despite my perception of his mostly good intentions, makes me very open to the opposition party (rick perry is not an option to be clear)... obama seems to be retreating from his pragmatic stance and pandering more to the 'base' which really doesn't float my independent boat.

[-] 3 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Ever seen George Carlin's 'it's a big club' performance? There is a potential solution:https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

[-] 3 points by powertoothepeople (280) 13 years ago

Mittack Obamni - love it.

I now call them Demopublicans.

I've been chastised right here on this forum for harshly criticizing Obama and for saying that if Bush was doing xyz, the left would be screaming, etc etc.

But it is true. Obama is Bush lite.

And Romney & Obama are peas in a pod.

There is no "choice". It's all one big "party" for the proverbial 1%.

It remains to be seen what effect protesting will have, if any.

Some on the left think criticism/protest will pull Obama more to the left.

I personally don't think so. My prediction since 2010 was that Obama would be re-elected, the Repubs would not seriously field any opposition, Jeb Bush will run & be elected in 2016.

For protests to have any effect, we are going to have to stand strong and organize, organize, organize. Attract more of our "base" into participation.

[-] 2 points by nichole (525) 13 years ago

3rd Party? (Green). 4th party if Ron Lawl runs as libertarian candidate.

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

There is already a long list of 3rd parties including what's left of Ross Perot's. Why doesn't the 99 woo them all to form a third party that could conceivably #occupy Congress. Look at the knowledge base we would inherit!

[-] 2 points by nichole (525) 13 years ago

Where are they? Why is any viable third-party candidate a mere spoiler, when clearly the majority of Americans would gain more satisfaction from choosing an item off the $1 menu at Wendy's than they would voting democrat or republican?

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

The excitement Ross Perot generated was indicative of the growing frustration people had for the republicrats. What Perot had was boxcars of money, what the 99ers have is VOTES. OWS is committing suicide by not taking what they received seriously. Snap out of it OWS, the mirror you're gazing into is lying!

[-] 2 points by nichole (525) 13 years ago

We'll figure it out, whether we inherit another illegitimate government, take it upon ourselves, perhaps completely circumnavigate Washington because Washington is dead, done dead. We don't want a money-driven system -- do you not understand this? Money delivers death!!! This is about reclaiming LIfe.

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Yes, I do understand. My movement begins with zeit and ends with geist but the reality is that the next most important step to transitioning out of the monetary-market system to a resource based economy is to regain control of the Congress so all good people can move forward. OWS, well, 99% of OWS, has the opportunity to deliver. When the USA shows positive signs, the rest of the world will consider following. I am dead serious when i say fare well OWS.

[-] 0 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

I seriously think Romney would restrain himself a bit better than the current Chicago Lawyer/Comunity Organizer. (sorry chicago mob, don't hunt me down)