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Forum Post: our name

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 10:31 a.m. EST by rolando (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

we are the 99, can you see us? we're the ones they left behind.

we're the ones who run the train, school the kids, harvest the grain, we're the ones in the fire between the seller and the buyer.

we are the 99.

we're the nurses at the hospital, the coal miner in the ground, the trucker hauling freight, the ones who disappear without a sound.

we are the 99.

we're the ones unemployed, amongst billionaires overjoyed, we're baby on mother's back, in the street under attack.

we are the 99.

we're students doing our share, but do bankers really care? in a travesty of crime, we become one yet 99.



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