Forum Post: Our donation to help you "stay healthy" on your own...
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:23 p.m. EST by drdonelewis
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are a group of doctors and would like to donate two of our services,, a way to put a mini-internet on your laptop with books to read, maps, a military survival guide, how to grow food, deliver babies, games, etc. Great when you don't have internet and need information, education, entertainment.... help add ideas if you like.
We also have free signups to, an online hospital with online "Stayhealthy Workstation" to keep you healthy on your own or thru the forum, can be customized, like one Nurse practitioner made it based around "autism". We welcome suggestions and additions.
On the Occupy Wall Street issues...One thing we promote is having doctors and hospitals tell people the possible costs BEFORE they start to treat people instead of surprising them with un-expected fees and charges...even doctors complain about the cost of care...Think about how insurance companies promote high health care costs?