Forum Post: Our demands with all democratic governments of the world
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 12:27 p.m. EST by Veerender
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- Complexity of job-profile of political representatives has become very complex in comparison to 1780s or 1790s when representative democracy was being invented. So, we need dynamic representation in which: 1.1 Single individual won't be representing the whole electorate
- Tenure of representative must be flexible and must be acknowledged by citizens periodically say once a year
- Citizens will be directly voting on a number of civic issues. The electorate of voting shall be dynamic and shall be based on "affected population"
- Modern communication systems shall be used for collecting public opinion
- There must be vote (select a particular candidate), anti-vote (reject this candidate) and reject (reject all the candidates).
- Every public data must be made public on daily basis. Means revenue & expenses of public money must be made public on as much detailed as possible. Also, names of persons taking decisions on civic issues must be made public.