Forum Post: our current economic climate - looks like the fall of Rome to me
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:21 p.m. EST by nickmuddy
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Rome (Romans - Etruscan slaves) consolidated the Etruscan kingdoms - by civil war (establishment and unification of the 13 colonies into states starting the separation from England) raided and expanded into other lands and kingdoms ( taking Indian and Spanish lands) became a democracy ( based on the Greek system) ( war of independence) then became an empire (Julius Cesar) then became corrupt ( all other emperors after Julius) the gap between rich and poor grew (politicians, mercantile class working class=slaves) then outsourced everything ( to Egypt - grain, France fruit and veg , Greece- oil and fruit etc) then was attached by terrorist (Boston Tea party) then invaded and defeated - but they didn't stay dead (about 50 years) (1991 and 2001 WTC attacks) they were invaded again and finally fell into darkness for 500 years ( who is going to deliver the final blow if history is correct we have at best 30 years left - of more rapid decay before the end) interestingly enough the raids killed all of the politicians and the rich and left all the poor folk alive to fend for themselves- for the most part)
sounds too familiar to be coincidence
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