Forum Post: OSTA : First we had one, then two sponsors for the "One Subject at a Time Act." NOW WE HAVE SIX!
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:54 a.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OSTA : First we had one, then two sponsors for the "One Subject at a Time Act." NOW WE HAVE SIX!
We've just gained 4 new co-sponsors.
This means that you now have multiple new chances to become more powerful! Here's how to . . .
Do two simple things that will make it more likely that some of these new "One Subject" sponsors will . .
Ask their friends in Congress to become sponsors too. Also sponsor our "Read the Bills" and "Write the Laws" acts.
STEP ONE: Go to the Facebook pages for each new co-sponsor and thank them for supporting the "One Subject at a Time Act."
Representative Mo Brooks of Alabama: Representative Ann Marie Buerkle of New York: Representative Robert T. Shilling of Illinois: Representative Allen B. West of Florida:
Use your "thank you" to suggest that they send a "Dear colleague" letter to their friends in Congress, asking them to become co-sponsors too.
Also ask them to consider introducing the "Read the Bills Act" and the "Write the Laws Act." Share the links for those bills with them . . .
Many of you have done this already with Reps. Marino and Posey. It's had an effect. In fact, we know it's been a positive motivator for Rep. Marino to seek additional publicity for OSTA and to recruit his colleagues.
STEP TWO: Call and say thank you for sponsoring the "One Subject at a Time Act", and suggest that they send a "Dear Colleague" letter asking other members of Congress to also co-sponsor "One Subject."
Rep. Mo Brooks: Phone: (202) 225-4801 Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle: (202) 225-3701 Rep. Bobby Schilling: (202) 225-5905 Rep. Allen B. West: (202) 225-3026
And finally, if you think we're doing a worthy job, consider making a financial contribution here.
Jim Babka President, Inc.
D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h
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Sponsored by, Inc. – a non-profit educational organization promoting the ideas of individual liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government. Operations office: 1931 15th St. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223, 202.521.1200. Normally published 3-6 times per week. The Downsize DC Team would like to thank you for subscribing to the Downsizer-Dispatch, which you did by going to or by using our "Educate the Powerful System" to send a message.
checked the facebook page
the subject d'jour looks about taxing the employee
oh no sir taxes are horrible , I would never consider taxing the people that already have money
Can you provide a link? and expand on your comment?
Congressman Mo Brooks Today I voted against H.R. 3630, the payroll tax holiday bill, in an effort to protect America from spiraling further into debt. Our government can no longer afford to advocate reckless spending and I will continue to fight for fiscal responsibility
Although I would have preferred to avoid the uncertainty of the last two months, December’s two-month extension of the payroll tax holiday, the “doc fix,” and unemployment benefits was better than nothing. I am grateful the President and the Senate have finally agreed to the certainty provided by the full-year extension, which will soon be signed into law by the President.
We have a responsibil...
the links are up top
This is another good reason to have access to Facebook pages. We can praise good things and ask WTF about the bad things. It is up to us to use our ability to communicate and lobby by calling out the good and calling out the bad. This will always be the case with any elected official.
People sound off!
thank you
I wanted to make sure that you saw this: ( my follow-up to the Congressman's post )
Congressman Mo Brooks Today I voted against H.R. 3630, the payroll tax holiday bill, in an effort to protect America from spiraling further into debt. Our government can no longer afford to advocate reckless spending and I will continue to fight for fiscal responsibility every chance I get. Rep. Brooks Votes to Protect America's Solvency Like · · Share · February 17 at 3:48pm ·
102 people like this. 11 shares Write a comment...
My comment on this post by the Congressman is as follows: When you talk about a payroll tax holiday. Do you mean for the rich and the unbelievably profitable business's, like the oil industry's unbelievable billions of dollars per quarter profits? The voters ( citizens of the USA ) are very interested. I mean surely your not talking about ending tax cuts on those who are struggling to eat and keep a roof over their heads!
What might you want to ask the Congressman?
I love the comment!
It is fun, asking questions in public.
No. Thank you. Valid point brought to light. Many will say they support something because of the popularity it may grant them, and then do something else which is reprehensible figuring that they have covered their ass.
This would be a good place to ask the Congressman what he means by the tax holiday.
Is he talking about the perpetual holiday of the rich (?) or what?
Congressman Mo Brooks Today I voted against H.R. 3630, the payroll tax holiday bill, in an effort to protect America from spiraling further into debt. Our government can no longer afford to advocate reckless spending and I will continue to fight for fiscal responsibility every chance I get. Rep. Brooks Votes to Protect America's Solvency Like · · Share · February 17 at 3:48pm ·
My comment on this post by the Congressman is as follows: When you talk about a payroll tax holiday. Do you mean for the rich and the unbelievably profitable business's, like the oil industry's unbelievable billions of dollars per quarter profits? The voters ( citizens of the USA ) are very interested. I mean surely your not talking about ending tax cuts on those who are struggling to eat and keep a roof over their heads!
What might you want to ask the Congressman?
How he intends to answer the questions that are already there.
He won't.
Does not hurt to let him know that we are watching.
Hi DKA. Excellent. Best Regards, Nevada
Thanks for stopping by. Common cause is catching on.
205,557 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 9:59am central time 02/22/2012
Support this along with OSTA !!!!!!!!!
Campaign Finance Reform Petitions.
Open the link and scroll down, there are a few pages on the link to cover the state by state petition and the start of the listing can move down as other petitions are created on the site.
Here you go.
Campaign Finance reform: scroll through or enter "Campaign Finance reform" in the search bar on the site's screen. Plenty of reform petitions to take part in.
Unite in support of common cause to win.
What would you say in your letter?
This is the letter that I sent using :
End Earmarks. Clean-up legislation and remove the temptation to be corrupt or to be corrupted. If legislation is good it should pass on it's own merits. Good legislation should not be used to attach bad legislation to it. Clean-up Government, the people have had enough with abuse and lip service, hence the Occupy and 99% movements among other voices beginning to speak-up. Return government to the people where it belongs.
Reduce Fossil fuel dependence now. Push for the elimination of Fossil Fuel.
This is what I am talking about. A clean future to be implemented NOW!
Thanks for the link 1 points by ClearView (43) People send this link viral!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what I am talking about when I say we need to push for a new clean fuel base, to save our world and end fossil fuel dependence.
Oh no the Global warming is making me choke!!!!!! ugh ugh ugh
Naah !! That'll be The Kochs !!!
Where is little pee pants Zendog???? He must still be on the couch licking his wounds from the conservatives kicking his ass on here
You know what is great about your post?
It is the realization that you need multiple IDs. You are not half the man that he is. Your just pissed because he kept verbally smacking you in your Koch sucking mouth.
girlFriday and zenFaggot are the same person
No. Although, that is a very nice try.
Ah the new troll in town? Or a resident troll using an appropriate name change?
No Profile Information Private Messages
Joined Feb. 22, 2012
I vote for the resident troll using an appropriate name change. It just sent me an email: KochRocks No Profile Information
Private Messages
send message
KochRocks said 0 minutes ago at Feb. 22, 2012, 11:43 a.m. EST (delete) Where is little pee pants Zendog???? He must still be on the couch licking his wounds from the conservatives kicking his ass on here
It's really funny how much the trolls miss the ZenDog. I miss his input too. I think the trolls miss baiting him though. They still generally got more then they bargained for when he would respond to baiting.
They do miss him. The great thing is that the more they push against him, the more it becomes obvious whom they represent. For all the IDs they are very transparent. Zen scared the crap out of them.
Oh ya the bearded psycho libtard loser really scared us bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh look!
Another Crackhead that can't spell.
The spelling of LIBTARD is correct, loser
You're really clever, for a crackhead. that's not saying much, but what can you expect?
Originality, isn't what "conservatives" do.
Yep. Frustrated them all to hell and back. So they kept trying to put him down or tried to belittle his contributions. Pathetic and obvious. Yep attacking Zen they sure did come out into the light of day for all to see and recognize.
I agree. When they couldn't dispute his arguments they tried to send the gazillion emails.
Yep. Really got under their scaly skin.
BTW: what do you think of my post on OSTA? and the other action links attached.
I do not truck with Libertarians.
Does that mean that you do not do Libertarians at the truck stop???
It means that the organization in the links is a Libertarian organization.