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Forum Post: Organizing Community Groups

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 3:04 p.m. EST by Chatham (0)
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At some point the focus of this group will probably need to move past the current Wall St. protests. What have people been thinking about in terms of setting up an ongoing network of activists and local groups? There are some good sites like groupspaces (http://groupspaces.com/c/welcome) for organizing (also meetup.com, but that charges a fee, and I think google groups has some kind of set up, but I haven't used it yet).

The problem with the sites is that groups can grow pretty big and have a lot of people that aren't so connected. It might be useful to have a larger area group for monthly (or something) planning and networking, then breaking up into smaller groups of 5 - 10 for doing work throughout the month.

Any thoughts?



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