Forum Post: Organizers and protest leaders please read. Protest times and tactics.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 2:13 p.m. EST by realdeal
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What's the deal with the protest and marching times? Is that regulated by the government? Because I would think that the height of actions would be beginning and end of the work day when there is most traffic.
I mean are we not trying disrupt business as usually?
Holding marches in the middle of the day and concerts at night is nice and all, but at 7am Monday when wall street is trying to get to work is a lot better, or a 4pm Friday free concert when they want to get home.
As we all know that the American Government loves to play word games. So what is not considered a march? when you use the sidewalks, stay out of the streets and obey the traffic control signals? So if a thousand people decide to go for a walk around town all at once the government can't do anything about it?(of Crouse they can, but..)jaywalking ticket is better than trespassing.
As I said the American Government loves to play word games "CLEAN UP the PARK".