Forum Post: Organize your movement here.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 1:37 a.m. EST by PatriotGains
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy will seem inadequate as an assembly because of lack of proper communications. Your group of founders need to make a committee off this site through elections. You need a set of organizers for the structure of your committee, Each nominee should be willing and capable of making proper assertions on building a stable organized Occupy Wall Street cabinet. Then you present an election through Polls you set up on this site which will be of the most vital changes everyone wants (organized per state groups, set the up by regions on the forum) and where everyone votes on a date named and they have to be polled by IP address so it does not have more than one vote per person, per issue. Then you take them and with an elected board they pick the top 10 of changes they want to see out of all this. Then organize a new vote on those top 10. To start with, build a better forum for the root of communications, to cut out the BS postings, and get to serious issues asap. This would reach ALL that can't be there but want to support this movement. This site is OCCUPY'S WHITE HOUSE. You are the founding fathers! Not only do you need to press the issues, you also need to express ideas for realistic solutions.
Good idea but wrong location. This site is only a 'de facto' Occupy site. I don't think there is an OFFICIAL site to speak of. This place is only for discussions apparently. However, one of our posters has set up a wiki site that could be used for this purpose. It's still in its infancy though, but could use the help of anyone interested. If you're familiar with using a wiki, you might want to check it out. It's open for anyone interested. Here's the link: