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Forum Post: Organization 1

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:21 p.m. EST by ChangeSocialConstruct (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


Occupy Wall Street movement is being represented ineffectively in the media, which is not surprising considering who owns the media, however Occupy Wall Street movement is representing itself poorly as well. I have read a lot of the posts on this site for instance and have only now decided to post, and many of them contain excellent points and represent key ideas that can truly lead to a re-ordering of society, but they lack links and are at times incoherent. I realize this site might just be an opportunity for group members to talk among themselves, but I think the site is one more representation of a problem with the movement writ large; lack of clarity about who you are and what you want. I imagine that the lack of clarity within the movement is responsible for the inability to communicate a concise message briefly and clearly that could be taken seriously by voters and those in power. If those associated with this movement truly intend to influence the course of America in the future, then the people must create and deliver some guiding principles for the public at large. Furthermore, I think it is also necessary to create a coherent list of objectives. These objectives should be what the group wishes to achieve that can be tied to specific effects. This group would also do well to continue to leverage the power that is latent in social media. I believe that doing so would muster unbridled support for the right platform, support that will manifest in peaceful civic action that is meaningful and powerful. I mention the "right platform" because I have read comments on this board for instance containing ranting and ravings of angry folks using curse words and simply complaining. I would like to see the movement, whose grassroots start is impressive and strikes a chord with many like myself in the mainstream, become more organized and unified so that it can evolve into a lasting group with influence rather than be characterized as only angry citizens responding to high unemployment. I think that the group has really captured the attention of the world, but there has to be more to this than just being angry.



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[-] 1 points by notresponsible42 (64) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

There is a weird thing going on with this movement. No leaders. I wonder if this is on purpose or just a mess up - like "shit Danny I did really expect anyone to show up less stay for 6 weeks".

[-] 1 points by ChangeSocialConstruct (4) 13 years ago

Step 1: Guiding Principals

I would argue that the guiding principal of capitalism is profit and continuous growth of that profit. I think the system is misguided, but that profit is one of the best motivations for organizing labor and resources. If I were to form a working group and organized solicitation for developing guiding principles for Occupy Wall Street movement, I might begin with this concept of profit. I would try to focus the group on developing an alternative view of profit and the direction of flows in profit. The group needs to outline their own brand of professional ethics and establish a position on the precedence of stakeholders that would act as one of the groups guiding principles. Essentially, I would advocate the group to begin a dialogue in ideas which will serve as a lasting platform in the emerging social struggle to create a new construct for our lives. In an age when so much has changed, it seems natural that the people of this great republic would come together again to liberate themselves from inequality and ensure a fair and equitable distribution of life’s wealth.

In order to move from a site dedicated to people just talking, some governing board needs to be established and a recorder needs to be able to publish the group’s official thoughts. I do not have any clue who your leaders are, but they need to step up and unify this movement, in my humble opinion.

[-] 1 points by ChangeSocialConstruct (4) 13 years ago

Step 2: Objectives

I think the group has to establish widely agreed upon objectives. It must be careful to keep these objectives concise and measurable. The list of objectives should be flexible, but a starting point is essential. These objectives must be well thought out and moderate. I think it is natural to make villains of those who have power over our course, but simply pointing out the injustice does little good if not met in turn with specific courses of action that the group desires to be taken. The group must have end states; particular objectives that when met represent success.

[-] 1 points by ChangeSocialConstruct (4) 13 years ago

Step 3: Effects

I think the Occupy Wall Street movement needs desperately to identify the specific effects that would help accomplish their broad list of objectives. In example, if one objective was to meet a specific threshold for income disparity as measured by the Gini Coefficient, then this might be accomplished through several effects. One effect might be establishing a flexible and fair tax code in the US that leads to the target disparity.

[-] 1 points by ChangeSocialConstruct (4) 13 years ago


When the group takes these steps, then they can advocate for measures that are in their best interest, because they understand the ideas that drive them. If the group agreed to the objective and effect I have thus far used as an example, they could articulate support for allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire for those who make more than 250,000. They could provide justification for that position and then publicize their reasoning and provide supporting evidence. Taking these steps would bring main stream credibility and relevance, and create an estimated $115 Billion dollars income for the government from now to 2030. (NY TIMES)

It is my opinion that if the group can find capable leaders, they can achieve as much influence over the Presidential election as the Tea Party has over recent elections. If we understand the American psyche then we know that the masses operate off sound bites, and those sound bites are part of a strategic plan developed by those who have power over the way our society is organized. Countering that influence will not be easy, but it is possible if crafted with ingenuity and unity of mind.

I wish the group the best and hope the people that form this group will seek a course of greater organization. I believe every voice can and should have relevance and some measure of power over who we are and how we define and organize ourselves as a people in the future. This is true as much in the United States as it is around the world, where other groups of people have risen up and demanded a new order.