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Forum Post: ORANGE to show Support: The American FALL Revolution

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 11:30 a.m. EST by ghost1love (35)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I want to propose we make more ways for the rest of the 99% to be subtly subversive and show support for the occupations happening across the US. One way would be to adopt a color, a COLOR that gives deeper significance to the movement in N.America. I propose that color be ORANGE/NARANJO. This is not to say that there should be one color for all people, but that, following the historical and global cultural manifestation of choosing a representative color, all colors of all the revolutions will eventually UNITE and form the full rainbow humanity represents.

Heres why ORANGE:

Orange is a color that represents Autumn . Autumn represents CHANGE, changing the system. American FALL Revolution via Dr. Cornel West at the 9/27 general assembly.

Orange is a symbol for joy and giving birth. Orange also represents spiritual energy and healing, it is an empowering color for celebration.

GIVING BIRTH to the power of the 99%, giving birth to a new movement, CELEBRATE the unification of the 99%.

Spiritually, Orange represents joy which is considered the catalyst of acting on faith to receive God's blessings.

Orange for Acting on FAITH that the 99% can collectively determine their own destiny.

FAITH that the movement WILL end GREED and CORPORATE Personhood, FAITH that the movement will create a collective, participatory, inclusive way of life for all of humanity.

Orange is considered to be a "happy color," representing the aspect of joy which raises the spirits and invigorates the observer.

INVIGORATES all observers to become ACTIVE Participants in the Movement and OCCUPATIONS. HAPPY that our moment to SHINE is NOW.

The second chakra, which is orange, is located near the womb and is therefore associated with creativity.

CREATIVITY of the 99% to devise NEW ways of life, new MODES of DEMOCRATIC participation.

The WOMB as the site of BIRTH, CREATION, the power of the FEMININE to bring into being a more collectively responsible and connected world.

ORANGE: safety color, for SAFETY of NON-VIOLENT OCCUPIERS and PROTESTERS. SAFETY of all people to enjoy food, clothes, shelter, education, and healthcare, I.E. HUMAN RIGHTS.

Orange to take away the power of NYPDs orange 'kettling nets'.

Orange for the SUN to shine on the darkness of GREED and moneyOVERpeople.

Orange for the spiritual fire that will burn down the anti-human ways of BABYLON.

Orange in dreams is a sign of equalization/balance/temperance. Orange stands stoically b/t the raging initiations of red, and the themes awareness/realizations of yellow.

Orange is the fulcrum and our perception the teeter-totter. When we dream in oranges, we are asked to consider what is in-balance (or need of balance) in our lives.

Orange offers messages of harmony and contentment too - often achieved through a specific (sometimes lengthy) cycle of time.

Orange also asks us to build up our immunities, freshen up our routines and engage in practices that enhance our daily lives.



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[-] 1 points by batwings (4) from Detroit, MI 13 years ago

I've passed this on via social networks, the key element for this movement is that we need to spread messages quickly... we have the tools and we are more than capable of doing so.

[-] 1 points by ghost1love (35) 13 years ago

awesome! THIS is what i'm talking about, we have to work together on this. thanks batwings, PASS it on!!! midwest love

[-] 1 points by batwings (4) from Detroit, MI 13 years ago

Great idea!

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago

I agree, we need a symbol. A color may be a good idea, keep it symbol so we can't be so easily grouped. Plus if it is a color, political cartoonists can't easily use the symbol. It does need to stand out a little though. Maybe an orange Pin with just 99% on it? I feel it would be better if we could give a way to publicly show support for this movement without being there. Showing that the 99% aren't just crazy urban campers.

We are you neighbors, your students, your teachers, your brother, your sister. We are your children, we are your parents. We are your best friends, and we are your lovers. We are everywhere, and most importantly, we are you.

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago

This phase of the movement is about learning and teaching. About spreading out message. About figuring out a plan. And most of all, about showing that we are everywhere, and we will no longer be silent! We should make t-shirts (Nice ones, not just cheap ones you wear once) and pins and hats (Again nice ones). We need flags and ways to show we are part of the movement, both on the internetz and in the real world.

I will begin working on some.

[-] 1 points by ghost1love (35) 13 years ago

Word. You seem to KNOW what I'm saying, and have the concept of phases in the organization of chaos.

That being said, and after consideration, I would make it a symbol and a color. Colors are good because they allow people to be subversive in passive ways that cause people to think about the movement, without being able to concretely pindown an individuals purpose. I am mainly thinking about the people who have to go to work everyday, people on the inside who want OUT, civil employees, soldiers, etc.

Also a color shows solidarity but allows for a lot of variation, experimentation.

But I'm all for a symbol as well. I'm not sure just 99% alone is a good one tho. It gets sucked into statistical media warfare too easily. What about a QRcode with words and numbers making up the middle pixels, like 99% all surrounding a 1% in the middle? i dunno, just an idea.

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago

That is really cool, cooler if you can get it to still work as a QRcode with extra information on it. But it leaves out those that are poor and I can tell you that most of America doesn't know what a QR code is.

[-] 1 points by ghost1love (35) 13 years ago

True to getting info on it. But in defense I think that even if most people dont know it is called QRcode, they probably know it if they see it what it is. and of all technologies, cell phones are probably more ubiquitous than computers. Also for those who are still unfamiliar it will divest the symbolism of a 'bar code' from its capitalist/market-oriented meaning. But definitely open to other possibilities... did you see this http://owst.wordans.us/my/boutique ??

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago

I just feel those without smartphones will feel left out. We aren't all middle-class.

[-] 1 points by ghost1love (35) 13 years ago

word. i dont have a smart phone either... :)

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by readytogo (80) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Very strong argument for orange!

[-] 1 points by wizworks (9) from North Attleborough, MA 13 years ago

You got my vote!