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Forum Post: Opposition "53%" anti-ows is Fake

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:04 a.m. EST by SolveEtCoagula (97)
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[-] 1 points by SolveEtCoagula (97) 13 years ago

Well, the financial "elites" are uninterested in an honest debate.

Youll note how issues are usually framed in ALL major media in order to limit the terms of discourse.

[-] 1 points by ThomasPaine333 (32) 13 years ago

sigh - thank you for the clarification

have to say this is pathetic - that someone would go to such lengths because they don't agree with something. Whatever happened to honest debate? Whatever happened to the idea that in order to grow into a better world we need to actually engage in this process instead of debase it? I think it's important to have debate, but when the opposing view is based on manipulations of facts we're not doing anything but chasing our tails.