Forum Post: Opposition "53%" anti-ows is Fake
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:04 a.m. EST by SolveEtCoagula
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theyre photoshopping
haha, just found this-
Well, the financial "elites" are uninterested in an honest debate.
Youll note how issues are usually framed in ALL major media in order to limit the terms of discourse.
sigh - thank you for the clarification
have to say this is pathetic - that someone would go to such lengths because they don't agree with something. Whatever happened to honest debate? Whatever happened to the idea that in order to grow into a better world we need to actually engage in this process instead of debase it? I think it's important to have debate, but when the opposing view is based on manipulations of facts we're not doing anything but chasing our tails.