Forum Post: Opportunity Abounds
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 8:37 p.m. EST by Daennera
from Griffith, IN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If you can't make it in this country right now, today, as it is; you can't make it anywhere. Do you understand that? Nowhere on this earth could you EVER be successful if you can't do it right here and right now. There are buckets of opportunity in this country right now. Opportunity to learns skills and trade them into money and then build a business. Real estate is dirt fucking cheap. You can negotiate for anything now. Get of your butts and go DO something! Anything! I mean that. Go do something that you never thought you would do in a field you never thought you would work in. You never know what may just come of it.
Danaera? Look at my view since the housing crisis I paid my payments all on time. Because of this my house has at least dropped 50 percent in value. Now who do I blame for this the idiot who made one bad loan choice and got no bail out ( not saying he should) or the bank who made a million bad decisions and got a bail out. If anyone is a victim it is me. I didn't go crying to the banks for my money back and why should I have to pay for there mistakes now eventually my taxes go up and I lose more money from this.
Then walk! It's your legal right to. It's in your mortgage papers! Yes it sucks, but sometimes you win sometimes you lose. I got a 1977 Silverado that I've got about 2K sunk into and I still can't get it running. It was a bad bet. It happens.
I have a merchant business and am trying to do my part buying merchandise here in the US. My customers keep asking for Goods Made in America. The problem I find is that I cannot find the manufacturers or distributors that carry or craft American made goods. I cannot even find a toaster manufactured here. Currently I am looking for wire bending and forming manufacturer. I you know a good one please let me know. Thanks.
What are you trying to form exactly? I have friends in manufacturing, especially steel fab.
You’re doing it all wrong; all you’re doing is being an convenience to Wall Street. As long as you’re on the fringes you will be tolerated. Hit them where it will be the best policy for change. Protest Washington or better yet protest at your states senators and congress person’s office. Show them your vote can remove them from their office.
You’re doing it all wrong; all you’re doing is being an convenience to Wall Street. As long as you’re on the fringes you will be tolerated. Hit them where it will be the best policy for change. Protest Washington or better yet protest at your states senators and congress person’s office. Show them your vote can remove them from their office.
I hope you meant inconvenience.........or I'm missing something......
RantCasey: I hope your job doesn't rely on too much counting.
Man I can't count I wanted to stick with just three. Lol.
"get a job hippy" posts are all pretty much the same
Automation brings wonders. A thresher can do the work of a score of serfs. I don't need them anymore. Why share? They did none of the work.
Conservatives conserve civilization. Liberals expand civilization. Socialists help people. Libertarians help themselves.
could not respond to
There are way more than three things wrong with this country, but I truly do believe that there are great opportunities out there right now. Heck, I know a guy that made a business out of being atheist. For a $1k non-refundable deposit, he would take care of your pets after the rapture should you no longer be available. He made 75K in two weeks! I thought that was brilliant.
Oh yes there are orpurtunities especially right now. With this large workforce and a great idea you could be rich quick. I'm mostly against the bailouts i lean left but I cross the line here and there.
So you're drunk?
I can't say if I lean left or right. I prefer Jefferson. "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."y
Pretty much do whatever you want as long as you aren't hurting people against their will. Homosexuality, ok. Child-free, great. Crying that you signed a mortgage you couldn't afford, I don't think so. You signed the papers, it was in front of you in black and white. Can't cry about it now.
lol that is awesome
Three things I am glad you are so optimistic about the US economy. Two I hope you don't have numbers to back that up because I hope there is somewhere better then this for job opportunity( actually china has a lot of jobs well slave labor) but OWS protesters are employed. 87 % are employed 7% full time school and part of the unemployed left includes retired and disabled people's. This protest is about why banks get bailed out because of bad business practice while the rest suffer. Now for some this protest is more then just that fundamental idea, but that is what OWS is actually about.
I believe the study that you are referring to that said 87% are employed was done asking visitors to an OWS website, not actually protesters.
Does employment add or take away validity of this protest anyway?? No it shouldn't. Who cares if all 100 percent are employed does that make it right. The message is where it is at. What does employment have to do with the validity of corporate bail outs?
25% of the respondents said they had visited an Occupation
Anyway, we on the website are the ones who are being addressed with the "Get a job, dirty hippie" posts, so it's valid to say that 87% of "us" are already employed
Yeah but he specifically said protesters. And in that study, only 70% say they are employed either part or full time. It also says 13% unemployment. Who knows about that other 17%. They are probably the ones sleeping in the park.
Show me but it was sumone who actually polled protesters at ows
Page 2 states the methodology at the top of the page and the 13% unemployment rate at the bottom.
Oh damn you are correct.
Then vote Independents into office who won't allow that. But the masses won't and I know that, and I will leverage that to my advantage.
Definetly democrats and republicans different names funded by the same corrupt money need to be removed from office
But for most people, the devil you know is the better than the devil you don't. The masses have no balls. So use it to your advantage.
oops. Data entry and paragraphing do not mix.
You can edit it smarty
Yeah! Everything's great! Everything's perfect! Everyone is actually happy and life is actually easy! All we have to do is just work hard enough, and all our dreams will come true!
I would rather not your dreams come true...that would be a nightmare for everyone else.
You're right. It would be a nightmare for everyone. Because I'm secretly a dictator just waiting to seize power and make everyone wear pink hot shorts.
I knew it. I'ms so glad that the "99%" don't really represent more than about .99% of America. I'd rather live in China if that were the case.
Hey! That's a great idea! Both China and Iran represent forms of unrestricted Capitalism! Maybe you should move there! They'd love you!
I thought that China and Iran were capitalistic societies. Since I don't want to get nuked whn Iran's nuke program goes out of contral, I'll move to China whenever you OWShitters take over America!
Sounds good. Why don't you start now?
Not There's a difference. Effort doesn't count. Results count.
Oh, I see. We just need rich! Just ... be rich! Don't try to be rich. rich! Then everyone's problems would be solved!
I'm glad you've got it all figured out. You should get off this forum and write a self-help book!
Yes you need to try to be rich. But just trying doesn't guarantee anything, and it should guarantee anything. As long as you accept that no matter how hard you try, you may never get ahead; it will free you up to actually get ahead.
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