Forum Post: Operation: Take Our Money Back
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:15 p.m. EST by NoBigBanks
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am a proud American who is tired of seeing our great country being strangled to death by the actions of the big banks and their executives. For too long, these bankers have used our money and their "fractional reserve" system to routinely screw the average citizen. They use OUR money, loan out up to nine times what is deposited, make risky and dangerous investments, get bailouts using more of our money, deny loans to small businesses, levy outrageous fees for overdrafts that are often caused by their own actions and policies, and continue to get rich beyond anyone's wildest dreams - just by screwing us, the average citizen.
As we all know, this mess has gotten so bad it is threatening to destroy our entire country, it's economy, and our way of life. People are standing up all over the country and voicing their frustration. We have had enough.
On Friday, October 28th, 2011, I will be protesting the actions of these banks by doing one simple thing. At 12pm I will walk into Bank of America (where I currently bank) and empty my account, requesting that it be closed as soon as possible. I will then be depositing my money at a local credit union instead.
If you currently bank at any of the large banks that are creating this mess (BofA, Chase, Citi, etc.), I encourage you to join me.
If enough of us do this, their system will collapse due to the nature of fractional reserve banking. They simply do not have the money they are investing - it does not exist. If we eliminate their bottom line, then the facade can go on no longer and they will be exposed, strangled, and lifeless.
Together we can stand up against the destroyers of our great nation and take back our economy!
Please join me.
Keep in mind, I encourage people to withdraw then deposit at a credit union - do NOT "stash" the money as it can have a negative effect on the dollar and our economy as a whole. We need to transfer the power away from the major banks and into the hands of credit unions.
Do you remember the Bank Runs in the great depression?
I am for OWS but I'm not sure about mass Bank Runs.
I guess since it wouldn't be everyone, so it wouldn't really screw over other people like the Bank Runs did back in the day. I don't know. I guess to make up for the loss in accounts, they'd probably just find a way to print more money.
I second this idea!!! A big bank boycott would send the 1% into a panic. Boycotts were MLK's most effective tool.
Way ahead of you. The grovelling as BoA begged me to stay was epic.