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Forum Post: Operation Peaceful Vendetta & true democracy

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 6:19 a.m. EST by kazoo55 (195) from Rijs, FR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

  1. Stop protesting because it is only creating confusion. Neither the government nor congress hold the power to change anything or grant any of our wishes.
  1. Establish, organize, and educate the network of the people world wide. and set up secure voting sites for every region. independent of governments.

  2. Submit candidates anonymously of anyone you feel has your regions best interest at heart, (I.e. teachers, pastors, nurses, etc) no politicians! real public servants. Then vote in a group of representatives or we can have alternating bodies of citizens so that way the responsibility will not consume any ones' lives. this can mostly all be done online. no paid campaigns. instead, live community meetings.

  3. Call for and demand a Worldwide cease fire. arms down fists up! Let's get our brothers and sisters back home.

  4. Establish a worldwide democracy. Again independent of all governments and corporations. Connect the network.

  5. Demonstrate. once people realize that all of our complaints will fall on deaf ears we will ultimately come to the conclusion that we have to do something drastic to remove the power from the establishment a give it to the people. This demonstration will have to be a single isolated planned event. The billion man march which will culminate with the people of the world burning all currency. the only single act that will shut down the banks and end the corporatocracy and end social tyranny. then we are free to go public and take the reigns.

------------------------------------- >

Read the entire statement (from which above outline is taken) on http://www.radiokazoo.net/OPV/

No links, no spam, just what an American citizen want to share with you all.

On a personal note: I think OWS should use the internet to it's full potential to create real democracy, right here, right now, by means of installing regional secure voting sites, in order to collect the important issues and ideas and use the voting on them for developing guidelines for direct action. As it is, the current forum is great for people to vent their thoughts, but as a democratic tool it is not what it should be....

One Love - One World

Cheers to you all from Holland



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[-] 1 points by oceanweed (521) 13 years ago

push congress to end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message

[-] 1 points by trustthefungus (7) 13 years ago

Not that I don't think these are good ideas, some are just too drastic. Things get lost in abrupt, big changes. In any case, I think the essence of what you're proposing might be better utilized as principles for decision making or as an ideal to work towards.

One thing that I liked was the idea of voting for "real public servants." Teachers, pastors, nurses... are all people who I believe to typically have our best interests at heart. They say past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior? Perhaps our criteria for politicians should include a long history of serving the people at different capacities in addition to leadership and executive decision making.

[-] 1 points by Neruda9 (54) 13 years ago

But to implement #6, we would have to have the currency to burn. The 1% has it all and is just going to take more.