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Forum Post: Operation Peaceful Vendetta. The Transition (part 5, final)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 6:38 a.m. EST by beyondmoney22 (233)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The Transition:

The transition to such a world and drastic change of the worldwide structure should be done peacefully, quickly, neatly and strategically to avoid as much collateral damage and minimize possible deaths to remote under-developed regions.

First off, all societies from small towns to entire countries would need to create secure electronic voting websites in which every person is able to securely log on and vote for everything from local to global concerns.

The local, state, and federal governments would be drastically downsized into alternating bodies of citizens who make sure that the voting is maintains the highest levels of accuracy and morality. This is a true democracy, of the people, by the people, and for the people.

regions will replace vacant corporate buildings or erect new food an hygiene co-ops, renewable sustainable energy plants, and begin building mag-lev train systems to transport everything from people to resources anywhere we want without the use of fossil feuls.

You see when you take money out of the system its like removing the wrench wedged, halting the wheels of progress. When the money veil is removed it will open everyones eyes to their true purpose and meaning of the individual life experience.

Another transition stage 1 task is education, improve the education improve the society. We have some serious catching up to do.

Calling all educators, scientists, scholars, and tradesmen and women now is the time you have been waiting for to truly expand the minds of those around you and teach the world, no holds bar, no censorship, I know deep down that is why you still work for next to nothing in hopes that one day things will change.

Along with that we will march the U.S. Patent office and release every patent ever created to the people to help creat the most advanced, renewable, and sustainable societies worldwide.

The military hardware will be de-commisioned and recycled from weapons of mass destruction to weapons of mass construction. Turned into heavy duty electric powered building and agricultural equiptment.

people in Larger cities and towns will have to spread out and begin to open up as much concrete free earth as possible in order to plant trees, vegitation and agriculture so we can start to rebuild our eco-system globally.

Personal Transportation: We will only make renewable energy vehicles by recycling and converting our current vehicles. With every oil powered vehicle recycled into fully electric trasportation the reduction in emissions alone will save the planet.

"Together we shall save our planet or together we shall perish in its wake. Save it we can, save it we must. And then shall we earn the eternal thanks of mankind, and as peacemakers, the eternal blessings of God." - President John F. Kennedy

This is the collective demands of the people of the world to the people of the world. We dont have to ask permission to take back what is rightfully ours. Lets just get it done. Less talking more action.



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