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Forum Post: OpenSource Constitution

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 2:52 a.m. EST by occupy99 (0) from Long Beach, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We the #99percent stand in #solidarity to demand transparency. With the advent of the internet and the growth and prosperity we have seen there is no longer a reason that we cant be the way we want. We understand that global issues with the environment cannot handle a massive influx of consumer ideals and in an effort to curb them demand prosperity and possibilities for all. Prosperity entails that all who are of the human race deserve medical care at no cost, because there is no value for a life, and that the care rendered is by a doctor of the patients choosing whom they will be able to see because a doctor who doesn't know you and your conditions is not one worth consulting. There also needs to be a free market which can be held accountable to the public through transparent ideals to avoid the ever growing wage gap that occurs when business is done in secret. Openness is the new ideal and transparency through the internet and through a tame media will ensure this. Possibilities to grow are essential. Education is of the upmost priority for an educated people creates an educated society and if you believe that an uneducated society is for the better than you are gravely mistaken and misunderstand our motives. An educated people will bring about peace between people, equality in thought, and the ability for all to participate on the same level.

(please repost edited versions, im only talking about the two ideals most important to me and that i have heard talked about most. EDIT as you see fit and put this to a vote, i believe we are ultimatley looking for transparency, how we go about that is what the issue becomes after. And in a day and age like today internet should be a right of the people so they can participate equally, but thats another issue i leave out on purpose)



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[-] 1 points by michaelfinko (71) 13 years ago

I've been proposing the Open Source philosophy as a way to run government for almost 2 years. Lot's of benefits. see www.ospoliticalframework.wordpress.com